
  • 网络Greek music;music of Greece
  1. 《古希腊音乐文献》研究

    The Tentative Study on Documents of Ancient Greek Music

  2. 古老的先进与现代的落后&楚国音乐与古希腊音乐的比较和反思

    Ancient Advance and Contemporary Backwardness & The Comparison and Introspection of the Chu Music and the Ancient Greek Music

  3. 论古希腊音乐思想的理与情

    On the Science and Emotion of the Acient Greece Music Thought

  4. 古希腊音乐中任何递减音阶。

    Any of the descending diatonic scales in the music of classical greece .

  5. 古希腊音乐素描

    The Description of the Music of Ancient Greece

  6. 因此,对古希腊音乐文化的正本清源就成为西方音乐史研究的一项重要任务。

    Therefore , reforms radically to the ancient Greece music culture become an important task to Western music history research .

  7. 古希腊音乐在音乐理论方面的遗产非常丰富,它对后来西方音乐的发展起了很深远的影响,奠定西方音乐传统的许多概念都直接来源于古希腊的音乐思想与理论。

    The ancient Greece music has a fruitful inheritance in the field of music theory , it has got a very far-reaching influence in the development of west music .

  8. 通过这种多方位,整体式的研究和分析,逐步展现古希腊音乐理论的本来面目,挖掘出其深刻的内涵及理论发展脉络。

    By this much bearing and overall analysis , the article displays the nature of ancient Greece music theory step by step , excavating out the deep connotation and theory of development .

  9. 这种新风格被目为最动人的音乐,古希腊音乐之苏醒:真的,照一般通俗解释,荷马世界是原始世界,

    The new style was looked upon as the reawakening of the most effective music , ancient Greek music : indeed , in accordance with the universal and popular conception of the Homeric as the primitive world ,

  10. 本文由文献研究概述、文献中反映的问题和文献中反映出的古希腊音乐概貌三部分组成。

    This paper consists of generalization of the study in Documents of Ancient Greek Music , the detailed statements of Documents of Ancient Greek Music and the general picture of ancient Greek music reflected by Documents of Ancient Greek Music .

  11. 对文献中记录的古希腊人从事的音乐社会实践的史实进行了系统的总结,概括出古希腊音乐在社会与日常生活中所占据的地位和意义。

    It has systematically generalized the historical facts recorded in the book that the ancient Greek had had the music social practice , and provided the position and significance of ancient Greek music in the ordinary life and among the society .

  12. 从而使我们能对古希腊音乐理论的发展与成就做出一个相对准确的判断,并且能够更加清晰明确地认识到现代西方音乐对古希腊音乐理论的继承与发展。

    Enable us to make a relatively accurate judgement on the development of ancient Greece music theory and accomplishment thereby , and build a more clear and definite acknowledge on how western modern music inherited from ancient Greece music theory and then develops .

  13. 因此,通过对古希腊时期音乐教育思想与内容的思考,再来看当今音乐教育的现状,我们能获得颇多的感慨和启示。

    For this reason , we could draw more inspiration from thinking about the ideology and substance of music education in ancient Greek .

  14. 庆祝晚会在富有希腊特色的音乐和舞蹈中开始,晚会结束后,圣火就将熄灭,五环旗也将缓缓落下。

    Greek music and dance kicked off an evening of celebration before the flame was extinguished and the flag lowered .

  15. 古希腊和古罗马音乐概述

    A Brief Survey of the Music of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

  16. 试述古希腊时期柏拉图的音乐教育思想

    Music Educational Ideas of Plato of Ancient Greece

  17. 对于古希腊的了解,我只是在几年前拜读过《尼采悲惨的降临》这本著作,所以我想古希腊的音乐应该伴有唱诗班的吟颂。

    As my knowledge of Greek Antiquity is confined to reading Nietzsche 's'Birth of Tragedy'some years ago , I would have imagined that Ancient Greek music would have been accompanied by chorus chants .