
xī là wén huà
  • Greek culture;Hellenism
  1. 随着希腊文化的影响,引入了希腊和美索不达米亚的天文学和占星术。

    With the influence of Hellenism , Greek and Mesopotamian astronomy and astrology were introduced .

  2. 希腊文化是欧洲文化的源头,而希腊神话作为希腊文化的最大成就,在西方历史,甚至整个人类历史上都有着至尊的地位。

    Hellenism is the origin of European culture , and Greek myth , which plays an imperial role in the western history , even in the whole human history , is regarded as the greatest achievement of Hellenism .

  3. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。

    Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia .

  4. 论古希腊文化高度开放性的成因

    The reason why the ancient Greek culture was so highly open

  5. 古希腊文化多元化特征源流探微

    On the Origin of Multi - Characteristic of Ancient Greece Culture

  6. 古代希腊文化繁荣原因述论

    The Account of the Cause for the Prosperous Culture in Antique Greece

  7. 罗马文化是在希腊文化的基础上发展来的。

    Roman culture develops on the basis of Greek culture .

  8. 古希腊文化特色分析

    An Analysis of the Cultural Characteristics of Ancient Greek

  9. 论古希腊文化的人本主义

    A Study of the Humanism in Ancient Greek Culture

  10. 希腊文化与现代社会有紧密的联系。

    The Greeks had close connection with modern society .

  11. 东方文化对古希腊文化的影响

    On Influence of Oriental Culture on Ancient Greek One

  12. 尼采有三大爱好:古希腊文化、哲学和音乐。

    Nietzsche has three hobbies : Ancient Greek culture , philosophy and music .

  13. 阿喀琉斯在希腊文化中的隐喻意义

    Achilles ' Metaphorical Meaning in Greek Culture

  14. 古希腊文化的生态环境论析&兼与中国文化比较

    On Ecological Environment of Ancient Greece Culture

  15. 我们得益於希腊文化之处甚多。

    We owe much to Greek culture .

  16. 这与希腊文化中对蓄奴的辩护,有异曲同工之妙。

    This is uncannily parallel by the way to the rationalization for slaves in Greek culture .

  17. 诸多因由都为希腊文化的复兴铺平道路。

    Many causes , however , combined to prepare the way for a revival of Greek .

  18. 消费文化的形成,与构成西方文化的基督教文化和古希腊文化有着紧密的联系。

    The forming of consumption culture has close link with Christian culture and ancient Greek culture .

  19. 比如当初罗马发兵侵略朱迪亚,确实留下了不少希腊文化的痕迹。

    Indeed , part of what Rome 's military power imposed on Judea was Hellenic culture .

  20. 文艺复兴史诗的希腊文化源流

    Greek Sources in Renaissance Epic

  21. 这两个特点共同构成了希腊文化的总的特点&和谐之美。

    The two features together constitute general characteristics of Greek culture , that is , harmonious beauty .

  22. 古希腊文化中词汇记忆的载体运用&由希腊神话故事启发的单词记忆方法(英文)

    Carriers Used in Memorizing Vocabulary of Classical Literature & Mnemonic Methods Enlightened by Words from Greek Mythology ;

  23. 如果没有希腊文化,基督教的产生是不可想像的。

    If there were no Greek culture , the emergence of the Christian religion could not be imagined .

  24. 中国儒家文化、犹太文化、古希腊文化是世界的元典文化。

    The Confucian school culture , Judaist culture and Greek culture are the classical culture in the world .

  25. 这是罗马人所普遍继承的古代希腊文化遗产的一部份。

    This cultural inheritance was part of the general succession of the Roman world over that of classical Greece .

  26. 近、现代欧洲伟大的思想家与艺术家们也都十分注重从古希腊文化中汲取营养。

    Great thinkers and artists in modern Europe also make their efforts to absorb the soul from Greco-Roman culture .

  27. 在哲学领域,一种具有希腊文化色彩的阿拉伯逍遥派哲学便出现在穆斯林的学术体系中。

    In philosophy , an Arab Peripatetic school characteristic of the Greek culture came in the Muslim academic system .

  28. 古代希腊文化高度繁荣,研究其文化繁荣的原因具有重要的启迪作用。

    There is more important enlightening significance for us to study the cause for the Antique Greece Prosperous culture .

  29. 作为希腊文化主流的雅典文化在古典时代的世界史上,散发出夺目的光彩,其文化的成就涉及到哲学、史学、艺术等等。

    Greek culture , involving philosophy , history , arts and so on , stands gloriously in the old age .

  30. 黑格尔深受古希腊文化和德国古典美学时期社会环境的影响,其悲剧理论充分体现出古希腊文化的特点和德国古典美学时期的时代精神。

    His tragedy theory fully manifests the characteristics of ancient Greek culture and the spirit of German classical aesthetics period .