
wú xiàn zé rèn
  • unlimited liability
  1. 不好的地方是每一位合伙人因此而承担无限责任。

    The main disadvantages is the unlimited liability of each partner .

  2. 在法定的有限范围内对一人股东适用无限责任;

    Unlimited liability to the exclusive shareholder in legal circumstance ;

  3. Facebook仍可以选择保持其私有无限责任制性质,这也将允许现有的股东通过私人二级市场来获取流动性。

    Facebook has the option to remain private indefinitely , allowing existing shareholders to generate liquidity via the private secondary markets .

  4. 合营可以是无限责任也可以是有限责任。

    A partnership may have unlimited liability as well as limited liability .

  5. 无限责任是公司的基本责任形式。

    Unlimited liabilities are the basic form of liabilities in a company .

  6. 一人公司股东无限责任之研究

    A Study on the Unlimited Duty of One-man Company

  7. 吉澳渔民信用及建屋无限责任合作社

    " Kat O Fishermen 's Credit and Housing Co-operative Society , Unlimited "

  8. 中国民事领域无限责任的法律限制

    Legal Restriction of Unlimited Responsibility in Chinese Civil Field

  9. 高流湾及塔门渔民信用无限责任合作社

    " Kolauwan and Tap Mun fishermen 's credit co-operative society , unlimited "

  10. 但这总比无限责任好。

    But this is better than unlimited liability .

  11. 有限责任无限责任公司比有限责任公司的风险高。

    limited liability Unlimited liability companies are at higher risk than limited liability companies .

  12. 有限责任公司的无限责任&《公司法》第12条及简评

    Unlimited Liabilities of the Limited Corporations : Comment on Article 12 of Corporate Law

  13. 青龙头手钓艇渔民信用无限责任合作社

    " Tsing Lung Tau Hand Liner Fishermen 's Credit Co-operative Society , Unlimited "

  14. 滘西机动小钓艇渔民信用无限责任合作社

    " Kau Sai Mechanised Small Long Liner Fishermen 's Credit Co-operative Society , Unlimited "

  15. 还是交了吧,个人独资企业是承担无限责任的。

    Still was handed in , the individual is solely invested the business assumes infinite responsibility .

  16. 长洲西湾机动罟仔渔民信用无限责任合作社

    " Cheung Chau Sai Wan mechanised purse seiner fishermen 's credit co-operative society , unlimited "

  17. 无限责任就是指每个合伙人负担全部的债务,法律责任由企业承担。

    Unlimited liability means that each partner is responsible for all debts and legal responsibilities in ?

  18. 独资企业投资者对企业债务负无限责任。

    The investor of the personal-fund enterprise shall assume unlimited liability for the debts of the enterprise .

  19. 通?匣镏破笠档奈侍馐?合伙人具有无限责任。

    The problem with partnerships , generally , has been that they don 't have limited liability .

  20. 沙头角小钓及刺网艇渔民信用无限责任合作社

    " Sha Tau Kok Small Long Liner and Gill Net Fishermen 's Credit Co-operative Society , Unlimited "

  21. 此外,普通合伙人就企业债务和义务仍承担无限责任。

    In addition , the general partners retain unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership .

  22. 因隐名合伙人不出名,出名营业人作为其外部责任主体,对外承担无限责任。

    Because of the dormant character of dormant partners , public operators are the body of external responsibility .

  23. 无限责任合作社社员,不得为其它无限责任合作社社员。

    A member of a cooperative of unlimited liability may not be a member of another cooperative of unlimited liability .

  24. 筲箕湾(石庙)机动小钓艇渔民信用无限责任合作社

    " Shau Kei Wan ( Shek Miu ) Mechanized Small Long Liner Fishermen 's Credit Co-operative Society , Unlimited "

  25. 于此,就有必要通过否认公司法人人格,将股东从有限责任的眷顾中抽出,追究其对债务承担无限责任。

    So it is necessary to deny the independent personality of corporation , and enforce the shareholder to take the unlimited duty .

  26. 由此间接证明无限责任制比有限责任制更有利于防范审计合谋。

    It indirectly prove that the infinite responsibility system is more advantageous than the limited responsibility system to restrict the auditing collusion .

  27. 资本是稀缺资源,无限责任制度有利于企业盈利的生产性积累;

    Since capital was a kind of rare resource , unlimited liability was favorable to the corporation 's productive accumulation of profits .

  28. 基底细胞癌不创建一个独立的法律实体和投资者中广为债务负无限责任。

    A BCC does not create a separate legal entity and the investors have unlimited liability for the debts of the BCC .

  29. 非法人团体承担无限责任是出于交易安全和国家监管的双重需要而由法律再次拟制的结果。

    It is a result of the second design by law based on considerations about secure transaction and inspection from the state .

  30. 有二个以上合伙人,并且都是依法承担无限责任者;

    There are two or more partners , all of whom are capable of assuming unlimited liability in accordance with the law ;