
  1. 专利代理机构包括:(一)办理涉外专利事务的专利代理机构;

    Patent agencies include : ( 1 ) those that handle foreign patent-related affairs ;

  2. 我国加入世贸组织后,发生的较大的涉外专利纠纷已多达20多起。

    When we join WTO , the greater patent dispute concerning foreign affairs that occurs already has been reached more than 20 forms .

  3. 申请成立办理涉外专利事务的专利代理机构,应当依照《中华人民共和国专利法》的有关规定办理。

    Patent agencies applying to handle foreign-related patent affairs must go through procedures as stipulated in the Patent Law of the People 's Republic of China .

  4. 各国在处理涉外的专利权合同关系和侵权关系时,应突破地域性理论的窠臼,建立适宜的法律适用规则以解决存在的法律冲突。

    While dealing with foreign-related patent rights relations of contract and tort , it is necessary to make breakthrough in the regional theory and constitute appropriate regulations for application of law so as to solve the conflicts of law .