
  1. 近年来涉农贷款不断增加,但仍不能满足农户经济和农村经济发展的需要。

    In recent years , agriculture-related loans have increased gradually , but it still can not meet the household economy and rural economic development .

  2. 三是引入外部合作,建立涉农贷款担保、风险担保分散和补偿机制,推进农村信用体系建设。

    Third , the introduction of external cooperation , the establishment of agriculture-related loan guarantees , risk guarantees and compensation mechanisms scattered , rural credit system .

  3. 自治区各大金融机构也纷纷加大对农村牧区的支持力度,各项涉农贷款额度不断激增,农村牧区金融取得了可喜的成就,经济增长态势亦明显加快。

    All financial institutions in Inner Mongolia start to provide more supports for the rural areas . Agricultural loans increase sharply and the finance in rural areas has made great achievements as the economy grows more quickly .

  4. 加强农村金融服务,涉农贷款余额从2007年末的6.12万亿元增加到2012年末的17.63万亿元。

    We provided more rural financial services , and the outstanding balance of bank loans to agriculture , rural areas and farmers increased from 6.12 trillion yuan at the end of 2007 to 17.63 trillion yuan at the end of 2012 .

  5. 抓紧出台对涉农贷款定向实行税收减免和费用补贴、政策性金融对农业中长期信贷支持、农民专业合作社开展信用合作试点的具体办法。

    Step involves the introduction of specific measures for the following three aspects , namely , agriculture-related loans to targeted tax breaks and cost of subsidies , financial policy and long-term credit support for agriculture and rural credit cooperatives to carry out co-pilot .