
  • 网络leverage finance;leveraged finance;leveraged financing;leverage financing;leveraged loan
  1. 随着首次公开发行(ipo)和杠杆融资业务的滑坡,各银行也在对投行业务部门的员工人数进行内部调整。

    Banks are also re-allocating staffing levels within investment banking , following the downturn in initial public offerings and leveraged finance business .

  2. 只有5000亿美元属于投资级以下级别,或杠杆融资。

    Just $ 500bn was sub-investment grade , or leveraged finance .

  3. 管理层收购(Managementbuy-outs,MBO)是目标公司的管理层通过杠杆融资完成对目标公司的收购。

    Management Buy-outs , ( MBO ) is the management of target ( company ) pass through the leveraged financing complete buying out the company .

  4. 论杠杆融资在全球的发展及其特点

    The development and characters of the leveraged financing in the world

  5. 这个泡沫主要体现在为了拥有高风险资产而进行的杠杆融资上。

    This bubble is primarily leverage financing for owning risky assets .

  6. 杠杆融资的特点及风险管理

    An Elementary Introduction to Financial Lever Characteristic and Risk Management Summary

  7. 您对外汇保证金交易的高杠杆融资有什么感受?

    What is your view about high leverage in Forex trading ?

  8. 杠杆融资企业的技术创新采用决策研究

    Study of Levered Firm 's Adoption Decision of Innovative Technology

  9. 公司债券的销售和杠杆融资(风险)正破记录。

    Sales of corporate bonds and leveraged ( high-risk ) loans are breaking records .

  10. 杠杆融资具有与人们所熟悉的传统的融资方式不同的融资理念。

    Lever financing has a financial ideas different from the well-known traditional financing way .

  11. 促进杠杆融资的发展;

    Stimulating the development of levered financing ;

  12. 杠杆融资业务银行家也将受到冲击。

    Leveraged finance bankers will also suffer .

  13. 但杠杆融资的真正关键在于它极大地保障了下行风险。

    But the real key of leveraged financing is that it seriously protects down-side risk .

  14. 一旦把杠杆融资包括在内,则私人股本基金可筹集的资金数量达到了数万亿。

    The amount of capital available to private equity funds runs into thousands of billions once leverage is included .

  15. 凭借杠杆融资,规模最大的5只(对冲)基金投资总额估计高达1000亿美元左右。

    Thanks to leverage , the estimated gross investments of the five largest funds amount to around $ 100bn .

  16. 同时还论述了与并购支付相关的两个主要问题&目标公司价值评估和企业并购融资,尤其对杠杆融资进行了重点介绍。

    Other two subjects & the value of estimation to target enterprise and the finance especially the lever finance between them are analyzed .

  17. 即使在所谓的私募股权“黄金时代”,150亿美元+杠杆融资也非常罕见。

    Even during the so-called " golden era " of private equity , $ 15 billion + in leveraged financing was an extreme rarity .

  18. 包括杠杆融资在内,预计国际私人股本公司已经为亚洲地区准备了总额超过1000亿美元的资金。

    International private equity firms are estimated to have a combined war chest for the region , including leverage , of more than $ 100bn .

  19. 如果你的企业健康地生存了下来,目前正是尽可能利用杠杆融资和收购资产的时机,但要对冲下行风险。

    If your company is a healthy survivor , this is a good time to maximise leverage and to acquire assets , but hedge the downside .

  20. 对冲基金的杠杆融资放大了次债市场的风险,同时造成了商业银行的很多坏账。

    Hedge funds ' leverage financing enlarged the risk in the subprime RMBS market and brought about simultaneously a lot of bad loans to commercial banks .

  21. 对中国而言,私人股本投资,特别是金额超过数亿美元或是涉及杠杆融资的大型交易,总体上仍属于新鲜事物。

    Private equity investments in general , especially large deals exceeding several hundred millions of dollars or incorporating leveraged finance , are still new to China .

  22. 计算杠杆融资项目的净现值,如仍按全权益融资项目的方法计算,其结果会有所不同,直接影响投资决策的正确性。

    The result will be different to calculate NPV of levered projects with methods for all-equity projects , and it will directly influence the correctness of investment decision .

  23. 它的不利因素是,你每天都要按市价进行结算,而你投资组合中的杠杆融资银行则可以推迟记录损失,除非损失太大以致无法隐瞒。

    The disadvantage is that you are marked-to-market every day , whereas a leveraged bank in your portfolio can delay marking down losses until the losses are too large to hide .

  24. 如果欧洲银行平均说来对消费市场泡沫的风险敞口较小,它们对公司杠杆融资和东欧等新兴市场的风险敞口就更大,他表示。

    If the European banks were , on average , less exposed to the consumer bubble , they will have greater exposure to corporate leverage and to emerging markets such as eastern Europe , he says .

  25. 杠杆融资是近来欧美贷款市场中新兴融资产品,它随着越来越多的商业银行、投资银行的参与而得到快速发展。

    At present lever financing is a new and developing financial product in the credit market of USA An Europe . It has obtained rapid developments along with the participation of more and more Commercial Banks and Investment Banks .

  26. 这意味着,加上财政部这个卖方,我们在基准市场上的买卖双方分别有一个非商业性的参与者,它们还会对处于风险谱系下方其它工具的杠杆融资造成影响。

    This means that with the Treasury as seller , we have two non-commercial players on different sides of the bid / offer in benchmark markets that also influence the levered financing of other instruments further down the risk spectrum .

  27. 这种借钱的能力,又称杠杆融资,被看成是投资信托相对于类似的储蓄工具拥有的一种优势,因为它可以更好地使前者利用投资机会,如单位信托基金。

    This ability to borrow money , or gear up , is seen as an advantage that investment trusts have over similar savings vehicles , such as unit trusts , as it can allow them to take greater advantage of investment opportunities .

  28. 量子基金虽只有60亿美元的资产,但由于其在需要时可通过杠杆融资等手段取得相当于几百亿甚至上千亿资金的投资效应,因而成为国际金融市场上一股举足轻重的力量。

    Although the assets of the Quantum Fund is only 6 billion , but because it can obtain tens or even hundreds of billions of capital by leverage financing and other means , it would play an important role in the international financial market .

  29. 假定未来随机出现的技术创新会造成现有新技术价值的下降,给出新技术价值估计和采用决策模型,进而分析杠杆融资时新技术的投资(采用)决策。

    Assuming that future technology innovation with random occurrence lead decline of the value of current new technology , this paper gives the valuation and adoption decision models of new technology . Further analysis on adoption decision of new technology under leveraged-financing is conducted .

  30. CLO把主要用于为杠杆收购融资的企业贷款打包成单一可投资工具。

    CLOs bundle corporate loans taken out primarily to fund leveraged buyouts into a single investable package .