
  • 网络leverage ratio;Gearing;gearing ratio
  1. 从非正式的角度来说,美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)对最高杠杆比率心中有数。

    Unofficially , Tim Geithner , the US Treasury secretary , has a maximum leverage ratio in mind .

  2. 同时,负责金融稳定的瑞士央行(SwissNationalBank)建议引进美国式的杠杆比率,即股本相对于资产的比率,作为额外缓冲机制。

    Separately , the Swiss National Bank , responsible for financial stability , has recommended the introduction of US-style leverage ratio , measuring equity relative to assets , as an extra buffer .

  3. 不过,在政策制定者承诺降低杠杆比率、扩大金融机构股本基础之时,维持TDI似乎有悖于常理。

    Yet maintaining TDI seems perverse at a time when policymakers are committed to reducing leverage and boosting the equity base of financial entities .

  4. RAC比率反映银行的杠杆比率(资产在股本中所占比率),并在更大程度上计入资产的风险权重。

    The RAC ratio reflects banks ' leverage asset volumes as a proportion of equity and factors in greater risk-weightings on assets .

  5. 把银行体系的杠杆比率恢复到上世纪90年代中期的水平,将需要大规模的资本结构重组:按照IMF的说法,美国将需要5000亿美元,欧元区需求7250亿美元,英国需要2500亿美元。

    Bringing banking systems back to the leverage ratios of the mid-1990s will require massive recapitalisation : $ 500bn in the US , $ 725bn in the euro area and $ 250bn in the UK , says the IMF .

  6. 高盛投资银行(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(J.P.Morgan)等投资银行将无法故技重施,继续利用杠杆比率来刺激产生收入的交易,最终,它们将沦为银行业巨头的猎物。

    Investment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley won 't be able to use the levels of leverage they once did to boost revenue-generating trading operations , making them prey for the megabanks .

  7. Och-Ziff一直重点关注风险管理,包括最大限度地降低杠杆比率。

    Och-Ziff has always been focused on risk management , including the minimal use of leverage .

  8. 这样一来,负责监督全球银行业监管的巴塞尔委员会,就能如期公布新规“巴塞尔协议iii”的基础大纲,而无需解决争执得最厉害的有关银行资本、流动性和杠杆比率等的意见分歧。

    That would allow the committee , which oversees global banking regulation , to publish a basic foundation for the New Basel III rules on time , without resolving disagreements on many of its most contentious proposals on capital , liquidity and leverage .

  9. 杠杆比率偏高会令Navis感到不安,但该公司预计将在收购对象的经营上投入大量时间。

    Navis feels uncomfortable taking on much leverage , but expects to spend lots of time with its acquisitions .

  10. 英国、法国和日本的数家大银行曾向投资于伯纳德·马多夫(BernardMadoff)的多个支线基金放贷巨额资金,从而帮助投资者以三至四倍的杠杆比率,加码押注于这位涉嫌欺诈者。

    Big banks from the UK , France and Japan helped investors treble or quadruple their bets on Bernard Madoff by lending billions of dollars to feeder funds , which placed their money with the alleged fraudster .

  11. IMF断定,要将杠杆比率降至17比1(或普通股本占总资产的6%),美国、欧元区和英国分别需要5000亿美元、7250亿美元和2500亿美元的额外股本。

    The IMF concludes that the extra equity needed to reduce leverage to 17 to 1 ( or common equity to 6 per cent of total assets ) would be $ 500bn in the US , $ 725bn in the eurozone and $ 250bn in the UK .

  12. 所有这些都意味着银行将缩减信贷,以降低自身的杠杆比率。

    All this means reductions in credit to reduce bank leverage .

  13. 4,利用杠杆比率限制来遏制融资周期。

    Fourth , impose leverage limits to counter the funding cycle .

  14. 上述种种举措将削弱银行的盈利能力,并降低它们的杠杆比率。

    All these will cut the profitability and leverage of banks .

  15. 要是我动用物业套现贷款,增加杠杆比率的话,恐怕能赚得更多。

    Particularly if I tapped into the home-equity loan and leveraged up .

  16. 杠杆比率、资产价格泡沫和银行信贷风险

    Leverage Ratio , Asset Price Bubble and Banks'Credit Risk

  17. 降低杠杆比率,意味着投资回报率下降。

    Lower leverage levels meant lower returns on investments .

  18. 全球经济所需要的是降低杠杆比率。

    What the world economy needs is reduced leverage .

  19. 在多数情况下,高杠杆比率信托已基本上全部进行投资了。

    In most cases , highly-geared trusts are already close to fully invested .

  20. 而杠杆比率对于券商绩效的影响不太显著。

    But the leverage ratio for securities ' performance effect is not significant .

  21. 12%的杠杆比率是业内最低的。

    Gearing is a sector-low 12 per cent .

  22. 冰岛的银行杠杆比率都很高,相对于国内经济而言资产规模较大。

    The Icelandic banks were highly leveraged and large relative to the domestic economy .

  23. 在这种情况下,你必须采取不一样的做法,导致你的杠杆比率过高。

    That has to be managed differently , so you have excess leverage ratios .

  24. 银行典型的杠杆比率约为10:1。

    Banks are typically leveraged about 10-to-1 .

  25. 其二,基于高杠杆比率的高回报率,可能是一种幻觉。

    The second is that high returns based on high leverage may be a mirage .

  26. 杠杆比率将实质性降低。

    Leverage would be materially reduced .

  27. 以资产衡量的规模(即资本乘以杠杆比率)更贴金答案。

    Size measured by assets that is , capital times leverage gets closer to the answer .

  28. 这涉及三个问题:第一,银行和投资经纪商的杠杆比率过高。

    There were three issues : first , excessive leverage in the banks and investment dealers .

  29. 对冲基金等杠杆比率较高的投资者的沉重抛盘,也加剧了市场的跌势。

    Falls had been aggravated by heavy selling by highly leveraged investors such as hedge funds .

  30. 高杠杆比率投资信托同时承担着无法为债务融资的风险。

    Highly-geared investment trusts also run the risk of not being able to refinance their debt .