
  • 网络Company Warrant
  1. 因此投资者在通过证券公司参与权证交易前,须了解其开户证券公司是否具备业务资格。

    Therefore , the investors shall know whether the securities companies with their accounts have the business qualifications prior to participating in the warrant tradingtransaction through such securities companies .

  2. 经本公司审核同意,权证发行人可将履约担保标的证券或现金委托本公司保管。

    Upon the consent of the company , the warrant-issuer may entrust the company to keep the subject-matter securities or cashes which are adopted for guaranteeing the performance .

  3. 大型企业必须挑选灵活且具有创业精神的合作伙伴&克拉克表示,可口可乐甚至在自己的一些合作公司中持有认股权证或股权。

    Large companies will surely have to seek out nimble , entrepreneurial partners & Clark said Coke even takes warrants or equity stakes in some of its partner companies .

  4. 分离交易的可转换公司债券作为普通可转换公司债券的创新金融工具,是公司债券和认股权证的组合产品,具有较好的融资优势及投资价值。

    As the innovation of financial tools , bonds with warrants is the combination products with company bond and warrant , and it has better financing advantage and investment value than former financial tools .