
  • 网络Institution;Public institutions;public body;public agencies
  1. 在英格兰和威尔士,环境署作为一个公共机构,负责保护和改善土地环境。

    The environment agency is the leading public body for protecting and improving the environment in England and wales .

  2. 接着着重分析构成出口补贴的三个要素:政府或公共机构的财政资助;

    Further , it focuses on the three elements : a financial contribution made by a government or any public body ;

  3. 作为一个公共机构,国会在公众民意调查中得分很低。

    Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls .

  4. 不过,人口学家们指出,“单身”趋势将对美国的公共机构产生深远的影响

    Demographers , however , point out that the'single " trend will have a profound effect on American institutions .

  5. n.制度;(社会或宗教等)公共机构学院和大学是教育机构。

    institution Colleges and universities are educational institutions .

  6. 目前,ERP应用的范围已相当广泛,包括工业、金融业、电信业、公共机构等,其中,推广到流程制造业后就被称为流程工业ERP。

    At present , ERP application has been already quite widespread , including industry , financial industry , telecommunications industry , public entity and so on .

  7. 相比之下,日本养老基金、大学及其它公共机构的兴趣仍不高,尽管其中很多机构已经开始关注联合国的负责任的投资原则(unprinciplesforresponsibleinvestment)。

    In contrast , interest among pension funds , universities and other public bodies in Japan has remained small , although many are paying attention to the UN principles for responsible investment .

  8. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)公共机构与非盈利机构管理教授萨德•卡拉布里亚表示,虽然非盈利这个词包含有其他意思,但ALS协会在冰桶挑战善款支出上无需承担任何法律义务。

    Though the term implies otherwise , as a non-profit , ALSA is under no legal obligation to spend its ice bucket windfall , says Thad Calabrese , a professor of public and non-profit management at New York University .

  9. 有些公共机构,比如英国央行(boe),已开始在其参与的衍生品交易中提供担保品。

    Some public entities , such as the Bank of England , have started posting collateral in their own derivatives deals too .

  10. 世界发达国家(G8)和印度会发现几乎在当前糟糕的情况下是不可能改变其建立的公共机构。

    The developed countries of the world ( G8 ) and India will find it near impossible to change their established public institutions thus the current malaise .

  11. 例如,《联邦咨询委员会法》(FederalAdvisoryCommitteeAct)对任何试图咨询政府之外团体的公共机构施加了繁琐的要求,规定它们必须通过正式批准并满足政治平衡的各种标准。

    The Federal Advisory Committee Act , for example , places onerous requirements on any public agency seeking to consult a group outside the government , requiring that they are formally approved and meet various criteria for political balance .

  12. 它的基本实现形式包括:运营维护协议(O&M)、管理协议、租赁购买、BOO/BOT、特许经营、非公共机构拥有等。

    Its way includes : Operate and Maintain ( O & M ), The Agreement of Management , Lease Buying , BOO / BOT , Franchise , non - public organization etc.

  13. 世界银行尼泊尔局局长SusanGoldmark说,尼泊尔取得进展的原因之一是其公共机构在动荡期间继续运转。

    One explanation for the country 's progress is that the public sector apparatus continued to function amid turmoil , says World Bank Nepal country director Susan Goldmark .

  14. 丰田首先将面向德国、丹麦和英国的具备环保意识的企业、商界领袖及公共机构销售Mirai汽车。

    Toyota will begin by offering Mirai models to environmentally conscious companies , business leaders and public bodies in Germany , Denmark and the UK .

  15. 公共机构绩效审计评价标准研究

    The Research on the Standard of Performance Auditing of Public Institution

  16. 另一个领域是公共机构的领导与改革管理。

    Another is leadership and change management in public sector organisations .

  17. 我也到公共机构演讲。

    I am also a speaker in the corporate sector .

  18. 社会公共机构借以行使职责的方法和活动的机制。

    A system of means and activities whereby a social institution functions .

  19. 区域经济以企业、家庭、区域政府(公共机构)为主体。

    The regional economy consists of enterprises , households and local governments .

  20. 物流政策是社会公共机构对全社会物流活动的公开介入和干预。

    Logistics policies imply public intervention with social logistics activities .

  21. 俄罗斯法上公共机构的财产责任问题

    Property liability of public institution in the Russian law

  22. 批评分公共机构已变得很时髦。

    It has become fashionable to criticize public institutions .

  23. 设立专门的从事理赔勘探的公共机构。

    3 , a special engaged in the exploration of public institutions claim .

  24. 公共机构由政府教育部财政支持,私立高等教育机构部分由政府财政支持。

    The private higher education institutions could be partially financed by the State .

  25. 公共机构建筑能耗指标的多因素影响评价

    Multi-Factors Evaluation on Building Energy Consumption of Public Institution

  26. 能够照顾孤儿的一个公共机构。

    A public institution for the care of orphans .

  27. 他亦为多个大学学术和公共机构的荣誉顾问。

    George is also an honorary advisor to several public and tertiary institutions .

  28. 试论我国公共机构的权力配置

    On the Power Allocation in the Public Institutions

  29. 公共机构养老发展分析

    Analysis on the development of public old-age institution

  30. 马古富力总统对此表示,该国将针对行政事务和公共机构采取法律措施。

    Magufuli has said would impose discipline on the civil service and public institutions .