
  1. 第一、二章提供了公共供应和财政联邦主义的理论分析。

    The first two chapters provided the theories of public provision and fiscal federalism .

  2. 本文的目的在于扩展这一领域的既有理论,从而将公共供应问题整合到财政联邦主义的框架之中,并为后续的经验研究和公共决策厘清思路。

    It is designed to clear the way for further empirical studies and public decision-makings .

  3. 公用水供应官员和消费者都需要共同保护安全的饮用水的公共供应。

    Both public water supply officials and consumers need to protect the public supply of safe drinking water .

  4. 城市中心区公共停车供应策略与规划研究

    Research on Public Parking Supply Strategy and Planning in City Heartland

  5. 中国公共住宅供应体系及其完善的框架思路

    Tentative study on public housing supply system of China

  6. 市场机制在浙江资源类公共物品供应中的运用

    The Application of Market Mechanism in the Supply of Resources as Public Goods in Zhejiang Province

  7. 财政分权、公共品供应与地方投融资体制改革

    Fiscal Decentralization , Supplying Public Goods and Reform and Perfect the System of Local Investment and Financing

  8. 这需要监管者维持逐利和公共服务供应之间的平衡。

    This requires the regulator to maintain the balance between profit-seeking and provision of a public service .

  9. 中国基本公共服务供应的短缺和不均等是构建和谐社会的主要障碍之一。

    The insufficient provision and inequality of the public services are the main obstacles to build the harmonious society .

  10. 如发生外在性现象,政府可决定介入并调控这些外部效应,或执行公共货物供应规定。

    When externalities occur , government may decide to step in and regulate these spillovers , or engage in public-good provision itself .

  11. 第二部门为理论基本构建部门,重点阐述了城市公共物品供应理论和西方政府规制的相关理论,为后文的研讨打下理论基本。

    The second part is the theory basis construction , which contains Urban public goods supply theory and western Government rules and regulations theory .

  12. 许多乡镇开始减少农村公共品供应,变相增加对农民的税费征收。

    Many rural townships began to reduce the supply of public goods , a form of increasing the taxes and fees levied on farmers .

  13. 为了应付债务问题,许多乡村组织开始减少农村公共品供应,并增加了对农民的税费征收。

    In order to resolve the problem , many rural organizations begin to reduce common commodity supply , and increase the taxes levy towards peasants .

  14. 这说明选举强化了村委会的问责,但削弱了地方财政能力,因此可能损害超出村庄范围的公共品供应。

    Those findings suggest that elections have enhanced the accountability of the village committee , but weakened local fiscal sharing and the state 's grip .

  15. 经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐:在公共卫生供应规划中,最好应提供经长效杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐。

    Insecticide-treated mosquito nets ( ITNs ): Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets ( LLINs ) are the preferred form of insecticide treated nets for public health distribution programmes .

  16. 面对人民生活水平提高与公共服务供应不足之间的矛盾,由政府包办环卫作业的模式有必要进行改革。

    Therefore , the sanitation operation model arranged by the government should be changed to fill in the gap between improved living standards and inadequate supply of public services .

  17. 本文首先通过对欧美、新加坡、香港及国内已经建立廉租住房制度的各大城市公共住房供应对象界定方法进行分析比较,总结出界定廉租对象的经验教训。

    Firstly , this article carried through some analyses and comparisons of public housing systems among Europe , America , Singapore , Hong Kong and internal country , and summarized the experiences and lessons of public housing .

  18. 我国公共提供应采用相应的法律调整模式与法人制度进行分类改革。

    The feasible method of reforms in public provision in China should be based on the characteristics of the goods provided by governments and state-owned enterprises , adopting corresponding legal regulation pattern and corporate entity institution to carry out classified reforms .

  19. 公共工程项目供应链管理理论研究

    The Research on the Theory of Supply Chain Management in Public Construction Project

  20. 公共服务业供应模式及其与城市管治的关系&以广州为例

    The models of supplying in public service industry and its relationship with urban governance : a case study of Guangzhou city

  21. 调查述明了调查方法、测量方式和样本构成,然后对公共精神产品供应状况的整体状况进行分析,最后得出结论,以及进一步的思考和探讨。

    The methods of investigation , investigation and measurement methods and composition of sample , then the public spirit product supply situation overall situation analysis and discussion .

  22. 它的公共交通系统的供应和三维结构完善而先进。

    Both the provision and three-dimensional structure of its public transport system are quite developed and sophisticated .

  23. 就像斯堪的纳维亚人一样,我们将指望政府确保公共交通、燃油供应和邮政等各项必要服务照常运行。

    Like Scandinavians , we should expect our government to ensure that essential services such as public transport , fuel deliveries and post continue to function .

  24. 例如,在社区主导的“全面卫生设施”方法中,当地驱动的创新(主要是改变行为)可以取代把重点放在标准公共厕所的补贴供应。

    For example , in community-led approaches to'total sanitation ' , locally-driven innovations ( primarily changes in behaviour ) can replace a focus on the subsidised provision of standard latrines .

  25. 这些措施包括加强监测和报告制度,实现病例管理标准化,加强卫生教育和公共卫生,同时进行公共用水供应的氯化消毒。

    These include strengthening the surveillance and reporting system , standardizing case management and promoting health education and hygiene , with the chlorination of public water supplies .

  26. 通过对公共物品与私人物品生产、供应方式的差异角度进行的分析,得出了较之私人物品供应,公共物品供应一般效率较低的结论,从而肯定了建立公共管理体制的必要性与必然性。

    Based on analyzing the difference in the production and supply patterns between public and private goods , the author comes to the conclusion that public goods supply is generally inefficient compared with private goods , and thus it is necessary to build up a public administration system .

  27. 公共服务外包是指在公共服务的供应过程中引入市场竞争机制,由私人企业而不是政府生产公共物品和服务。

    Contracting out of government services is that the mechanism of market competing intervenes in the provision of public services , public goods and services are produced by private sector not by government .

  28. 环境生态属于纯粹的公共物品,由于其外部性的存在,市场机制对这类公共物品的供应往往不足且效率低下,存在市场失灵的问题。

    The environment ecology are pure public goods . Because of its externalities , the market mechanism in the prosess of supplying such public goods are often inadequate and inefficient . It lead to market failure .

  29. 对上海未来公共交通的发展趋势作了简要叙述,优化的公共交通线网、新型的公交车辆、先进的计算机管理网络和科学的车辆维修制度将大大提高城市公共交通的供应水平和服务质量。

    Optimized public transport networks , new type vehicles , advanced computer management net and scientific vehicle maintenance system will greatly improve the transit service quality in Shanghai .

  30. 城市公共停车设施的规划建设效果受到多方面因素的影响,只有从投资者和使用者双方的角度出发,全盘考虑经济、交通、社会和环境综合效益,才能使公共停车设施供应效果达到最佳。

    The layout and construction of urban public parking is limited by many factors . Only thinking both from investors and users and considering completely the integrated benefit of economy , traffic , society and environment , can the best effect of public parking be obtained .