
  1. 这个博物馆的参观指南免费供应。

    A guidebook to the museum is available free of charge .

  2. 你尝一点这是免费供应的。

    You try some . - it 's on the house .

  3. 啤酒免费供应:免费供应的啤酒能提高海盗们喝酒方面的满意度。

    Free Beer : Improve pirate drinking satisfaction with complimentary beer .

  4. 你知道这些酒是免费供应的吗?

    Do you know these drinks are on the house ?

  5. 为了向我儿子致意,免费供应各位豆腐甜点。

    In honour of my son , free tofu dessert for everybody !

  6. 我免费供应汤给救世军。

    He served soup at the Salvation Army for nothing .

  7. 别指望有许多免费供应的食物。

    Don 't expect a lot of free grub .

  8. 这个房间每夜收费十五镑,早餐免费供应。

    The room costs fifteen pounds a night , with breakfast thrown in .

  9. 免费供应一包包的镇静药。

    Packets of the soothing medicine were available free .

  10. 各式鸡尾酒于傍晚时候免费供应。

    Cocktails will be served in the early evening .

  11. 飞机上的食品是免费供应的。

    The food on board is free of charge .

  12. 这是免费供应的。

    It would be on the house .

  13. 免费供应开水。

    We provide not water for free .

  14. 免费供应扎啤,葡萄酒,鸡尾酒,汽酒。

    Free flow draft beers , house wines , cocktails , and Prosecco ( sparkling wine )

  15. 这就是说,如果某些产品是免费供应,消费者的需求就可能是无限制的。

    That is , consumers would have unlimited demand for certain products if they 're given away free .

  16. 到木材堆置场去,那里有许多废木头免费供应。

    Go down to the timber yard ; there 's plenty of scrap wood there for the asking .

  17. 根据议会的法案,消防队用于灭火的水全部免费供应。

    All water used by the fire-brigade for fire extinction purpose is supplied free by an act of Congress .

  18. 他说,在旅程中咖啡是免费供应的。他的队友都喝了很多。

    During the trip , he said , coffee was freely available , and his team drank too much of it .

  19. 福克兰岛民从开始干活之日起就可以住在一栋公司所有的房子里,一日三餐吃着公司免费供应的羊肉。

    A falklander can spend his working life in a company-owned house eating free company-supplied mutton at three meals a day .

  20. 与一家生产厂商签署了一份谅解备忘录,保证到2010年底之前在全世界免费供应麻风病多种药物治疗。

    A memorandum of understanding was signed with a manufacturer guaranteeing free supply of multi-drug therapy for leprosy worldwide up to the end of2010 .

  21. 草原上有丰盛的牧草,河流里有清彻的河水,有了这些大自然免费供应的物质,马儿就能扬起尾巴,驰骋在旷野中。

    There is flourishing pasture on the grassland and clear water in the river , by which horse can gallop freely on the vast field .

  22. 我总是喝一杯啤酒就够了,但是放在桌上的那些免费供应的香喷喷的小肉丸子和其它点心我可真爱吃。

    One beer is always enough for me , but I love those little spicy meat balls and other snacks they put on the table free .

  23. 日本昨天下令其海军燃料补给船驶离印度洋,从而结束了长达6年向美国领导的阿富汗军事行动免费供应石油的行动。

    Japan yesterday ordered its naval refuelling vessels to leave the Indian Ocean , ending six years of operations to supply free oil for US-led military operations in Afghanistan .

  24. 不过,没什么人把这项禁令当回事——很多餐厅免费供应鹅肝,还有些餐厅在非法销售它——现在又可以合法供应了。

    Though the ban was widely ignored - foie gras was served for free in many restaurants and sold illegally in others - it 's now legal to serve it .

  25. 他们补充说,如果中断药物供应,或者患者用于购买药物的钱用光,那么(鸡尾酒)疗法的效果就会下降,因此药物应该免费供应。

    They add that if the supply of drugs is interrupted , or the patient runs out of money to pay for them , the treatment is less effective so drugs should be made available for free .

  26. 削减开支的一个结果就是取消了给7岁至11岁儿童免费供应牛奶的政策,这导致工党对其发动了猛烈的攻击,媒体抗议运动也将她戏称为玛格利特撒切尔,牛奶掠夺者。

    One of these resulted in the withdrawal of free school milk for children aged between seven and 11 which led to bitter attacks from Labour and a press campaign which dubbed her Margaret Thatcher , milk snatcher .

  27. 想知道免费运输供应点请点击这里。

    Click here for ways to get free shipping supplies !

  28. 他煽动取消学校的免费牛奶供应。

    He instigated the ending of free school milk .

  29. 中高档宾馆节能型免费热水供应系统的探讨

    Discussion of Free Charge Heat Source for Water Heating System in High Level Hotels

  30. 这个宾馆的基础设施堪称一流,还有免费早餐供应。

    The fundamental facilities of the hotel can be considered excellent , including the breakfast supply in free of charge .