
  • 网络General Defenses;Excusatio
  1. 环境污染损害赔偿的免责事由探讨

    Probing into Impunity Reasons for Damage Compensation of Environmental Pollution

  2. 我国互联网著作权侵权免责事由研究

    A Study of Internet Copyright Infringement Liability Exception in china

  3. 当免责事由消除时,也要发出通知。

    Notice shall also be given when the ground of relief ceases .

  4. 三是确定共同危险行为人的免责事由。

    Third , ascertain the grounds for exemption to the danger doer .

  5. 期间还要考虑对免责事由的适用。

    Also consider without prejudice to during the apply .

  6. 本部分还对免责事由进行了论述。

    This part also discusses the grouds for exemption .

  7. 高度危险作业免责事由法学界存在较大的争议。

    High-risk operations exoneration matter in law scholars is still quite a controversial subject .

  8. 第四章是共同危险行为的免责事由和责任承担。

    Chapter 4 is about the exemptions and liability undertaking of concurrent dangerous act .

  9. 道路交通事故的免责事由

    Exemption From the Liability for Road Traffic Accident

  10. 免责事由包括:法定事由、免责条款、法律有特别规定。

    Disclaimer : the legal reason including , disclaimer , specially stipulated by law .

  11. 在买卖合同中,风险应被限定为标的物因法定免责事由毁损、灭失的不利状态。

    The system of risk responsibility of the business contract has important position in the contract law .

  12. 本部分主要包括教育机构未尽安全保障义务的归责原则、责任形式、免责事由以及责仟构成。

    This part mainly includes imputation principle , form of liability , exclusive subject and responsibility constitute .

  13. 之后阐述了该责任的免责事由及拒绝承诺时应履行的附随义务。

    Then it expounds the exemptions from law liability and the collateral obligation when rejecting to commit .

  14. 又阐述了保荐人违约责任的构成要件、归责原则和免责事由。

    And describes the composition of the sponsor elements of breach of contract , liability principles and exemptions .

  15. 第三部分,机动车交通事故损害赔偿中的过失相抵与免责事由。

    The third part , counterbalance of negligence and grounds for exemption in traffic accident damages of motor vehicle .

  16. 其实在理论上,将受害人同意作为免责事由一般没有争议。

    Actually , in theory , the victim is agreed to be as one of the reasons of defence .

  17. 文章在系统阐述新闻侵权特征、类型基础上,对新闻侵权行为的常见表现形式进行了归纳、总结,指出并分析了新闻侵权案件中的多项免责事由。

    After analyzing the characteristics , types , this article also summarizes the grounds for exemption of press tort .

  18. 作为法律事实的法律事实事件与作为免责事由的不可抗力或意外事件并无实质区别。

    The legal fact events as legal facts are in essence not different from the inevitable or accidental incidents .

  19. 追偿情形不同于法定免责事由,保险人不能以此抗辩受害人。

    The situation of Recover is different from the statutory exemptions ; Insurers cannot use this defense the victim .

  20. 美国、英国、加拿大、马来西亚、印度等国家都将其作为独立的免责事由而存在。

    United States , Britain , Canada , Malaysia , India and other countries as an independent exemptions exist .

  21. 为体现法律的公平性,还当设定出演人的合理免责事由。

    To embody the equality of law , we should set up the exemptions from the liability for the performer .

  22. 在第三章,本文具体讨论了网络运营商的侵权责任构成要件以及网络运营商的免责事由,该章节是从相反的两个方面划定网络运营商承担法律责任的界限。

    In the third chapter , this article discusses the tort liability of network operators and network operators Elements of exemptions .

  23. 在符合抗辩和免责事由时,出卖人可免于承担瑕疵担保责任。

    If the seller subject to the defenses and exemptions , it may be exempted from the responsibility of commitment Warranty .

  24. 道路交通事故中的民事赔偿责任的立法需要明确归责原则、免责事由,以及过失相抵等问题。

    The civil liability legislation in road traffic accidents needs to be clear in attribution principle , disclaimer subject and fault offset .

  25. 当然将这类被迫行为明文规定为免责事由后,要将其适用范围明确化、具体化。

    Course , such duress is expressly provided for the exemption subject matter and makes the scope of application clearly and concretely .

  26. 而各国侵权责任的免责事由的规定是与该国侵权行为法所选择的规范模式相适应的。

    Rules about exemption excuses of tort liability in many countries are adapted to the modes of their tort laws have adopted .

  27. 本章列举了众多学者对归责基础和免责事由的不同观点,并进行了深入的分析论述。

    This part lists different viewpoints of scholars on the basis of liability and causes of exemptions and conducted in-depth analysis of exposition .

  28. 在我国的一些单行法中,关于免责事由的规定存在明显的不合理、不公平的现象,从而损害了受害人的利益。

    Rules on exemption excuses in some single laws have resulted in shapely unreasonable and unfair phenomena , thus harmed the benefit of victims .

  29. 其次,重构了野生动物致害的责任认定,这其中包括确定了责任的归责原则、构成要件、免责事由。

    Secondly , the reconstruction of a wild animal virulence of Responsibility , including the determination of the principles of Liability , Components , exemptions .

  30. 本文重点在于对第三人侵权责任的分析。具体阐述了第三人概念与范围、资产评估师侵权责任的归则原则、构成要件及免责事由。

    This chapter focuses on the analysis of 3rd parties ' with the elaboration of concept , scope , principle , formation and exempt content .