
miǎn zé tiáo kuǎn
  • Disclaimer;escape clause;exception clause;exoneration clause
  1. 要确定你的合约有免责条款。

    Make sure your agreement has an escape clause .

  2. 免责条款是保险合同的基本条款。

    Exception clause is one of basic forms in insurance contract .

  3. 他说一些免责条款将被制定出来,例如嘉年华会。

    A few exceptions would be made , he said , such as for carnivals .

  4. 这些权限、补救方法和免责条款因SLA而异。

    These rights , remedies , and exceptions vary from one SLA to another .

  5. 之后阐述了免责条款的分类。

    Then , the author illuminates the classification of exemption clause .

  6. 论格式合同免责条款的法律规制

    Thesis about the Working Rule of Exception Clause in Format Contract

  7. 论合同中的缔约责任和免责条款及其法律关系

    Signatory obligation , exception clauses and the legal relation between them

  8. 规制免责条款法律制度的探讨

    A Probe into the Normalization of Relief Clauses of the Law

  9. 格式免责条款法律效力比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Validity of Standard Form Exemption Terms

  10. 免责条款可能不利于您对投标的考虑。

    Exceptions may be detrimental to the consideration of your bid .

  11. 免责条款在保险合同中的认定问题研究

    Research on the Cognizance Issues of Exclusion Clauses in the Insurance Contract

  12. 论手术同意书格式免责条款的解释原则

    On the Interpretation Rule of Exemption Clauses of Operation Approval

  13. 环境教育法的法律责任的设定、行政法律责任、免责条款。

    Environmental Education Act set the legal liability , administrative liability exemption clause .

  14. 免责条款此文章之所有内容应被视作虚构。

    Disclaimer : all the statement of this post is consider as fictional .

  15. 论商品房预售合同中的免责条款

    Exemption Clause in Advance Sales of Commercial Housing Contract

  16. 论海上拖航合同中的免责条款

    On the Exemption Clauses in Contract of Sea Towage

  17. 更根本上讲,华尔街把具体规则解读为免责条款。

    More fundamentally , Wall Street interprets detailed rules as a shield from liability .

  18. 这些离岸地区可能允许控股股东用免责条款来削弱外部投资者。

    These offshore regimes may permit controlling shareholders to dilute outside investors with impunity .

  19. 那斯达克保证条款/保证免责条款。

    Nasdaq 's warranties / disclaimer of warranties .

  20. 第四部分对免责条款规制问题进行分析和探讨。

    The fourth part analyses and discusses on the control of the exclusion clause .

  21. 但应禁止免责条款在格式合同中的滥用。

    But the abuse of the exemption clause should be forbidden in the standard contract .

  22. 但也有免责条款,例如香港为基地的恒大地产集团有限公司。

    But there are exceptions , such as Hong Kong-based Evergrande Real Estate Group Limited .

  23. 试论航海过失免责条款之存废

    Abolish ornot : Exception of Nautical Fault

  24. 四是免责条款对责任旨在限制或免除。

    Fourth , the aim of enacting exemption clause is to exempt or limit liability .

  25. 第一部分是对保险人免责条款明确说明义务的规定及其理论依据进行阐述。

    In the first part , it analyses the insurer explanation obligations and its theoretical basis .

  26. 第三部分,对保险合同免责条款进行法律规制的必要性。

    The third part , the necessity of legal regulation to exemption clauses in insurance contract .

  27. 受害人的同意与受害人故意、自甘冒险、免责条款之间既存在相同点,也有不同之处。

    The consent is different from the intent of victim , assumption of risk and exemption clauses .

  28. 三是免责条款所免除或限制的是未来的责任;

    Third , the liability that exemption clause exempts or limits is the liability in the future ;

  29. 质量每次是排在第一位的,当然免责条款和其他倾向是无差别的。

    There are exceptions , of course , and these tend to be where products are undifferentiated .

  30. 论合同中的免责条款

    Exclusion Clause in the Contract