
  1. 比较现实的方案是先建立一个关于竞争规则原则的框架性协议,在时机成熟时,可进行WTO竞争规则专项立法。

    A more realistic solution is to establish a framework agreement concerned with competition rules first , and then go on to conduct specialized legislation on WTO competition rules when time is appropriate .

  2. 中日双方错过了在去年秋季就该争端达成框架性协议的最后期限。

    The two sides last year missed an autumn deadline to reach a framework agreement on the dispute .

  3. 事实上,要在明年1月布什卸任前,就这场长达7年的谈判达成框架性协议,这次会议将是最后的机会之一。

    Such a gathering would in effect be one of the very last chances to agree an outline deal in the seven-year-old talks before Mr Bush leaves office in January .

  4. 由此,在夏季结束前达成框架性协议已经不太可能,而这是在年底前达成具体协议的必要步骤。

    The collapse makes it unlikely that an outline deal can be agreed before the summer , a step necessary to complete a detailed agreement by the end of the year .

  5. 1999年9月9日在第22界万国邮联全体会议上,通过了邮联《北京邮政战略》框架性协议,首次以万国邮联大会决议的形式提出普遍服务的概念。

    On September 9 , 1999 , the " Beijing postal service enterprises Strategy " frame agreement was passed in 22nd ten thousand countries UPU plenary session . , for the first time the concept of " the universal service " was proposed in the assemblies resolution form .