
kuànɡ jià xié yì
  • framework agreement
  1. WTO的框架协议谈判现状分析

    The Present Analysis of Framework Agreement Negotiation of WTO

  2. CEPA是全面且现代化的自由贸易框架协议。

    The CEPA is a comprehensive and modern free trade framework agreement .

  3. WTO中的电子商务框架协议之构建

    The Constraction of Frame on E - commerce in WTO

  4. 根据框架协议,双方将成立合资企业,在中国生产梅赛德斯&奔驰E级和C级轿车。

    The agreement formed a joint venture between the parties to produce Mercedes-Benz E-Class and C-Class models locally in China .

  5. 它与已有的世界贸易组织(WTO)框架协议一同构成了规范、管理转基因产品国际贸易的两大国际协议。

    The protocol and existing World Trade Organization become two international agreements which regulate and management GM products together .

  6. 随后介绍和分析了规范、管理转基因产品国际贸易已有的世界贸易组织(WTO)框架协议。

    Secondly , discuss and analyze the WTO frame agreement which regulate and manager the international trade of GM products .

  7. 随着2004年7月6日《中国与海合会国家经济、贸易、投资和技术合作框架协议》的签署,中-海的FTA谈判也正式启动。

    As the subscription of the GCC-China FTA negotiation was formally startup .

  8. 有效的国际行动应该包括在wto对烟草管制的框架协议下通过专门的走私协议。

    Effective international action should be facilitated by the inclusion of a specific protocol on smuggling in the proposed WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .

  9. 约30位贸易部长出席了瑞士达沃斯召开的世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum),他们指示手下官员加速达成框架协议的谈判进程特别是在农业领域。

    Meeting at the world economic forum in Davos , Switzerland , about 30 ministers instructed their officials to step up talks to reach a framework deal , especially on agriculture .

  10. 在此基础之上,本文参照目前公认比较权威的网络安全框架协议&SPINS(SecurityProtocolsforSensorNetwork),提出了一种基于层次型拓扑结构的无线传感器网络安全通信协议的设计方案。

    Base on the knowledge , a solution is proposed for securing hierarchical wireless sensor network referring to SPINS ( Security Protocols for Sensor Network ) which is widely accepted at present .

  11. 对外管理职能则是在WTO框架协议内,发挥政府的宏观调控职能,实现对民族产业的保护。

    The administering function is not only for the best use of financial capital , but also for the protection of national industry according to the regulations of WTO .

  12. 本文从电子商务的发展状况出发,主要针对电子商务的出现给WTO规则带来的影响进行了系统分析,并就电子商务框架协议的建立提出设想和建议。

    Proceeding from the actual conditions of e-commerce development , the thesis analyzed its impact on the WTO rules and then put forward the suggestion to set up e-commerce framework .

  13. 在政策上,除WTO框架协议中所承诺的某些产业有一个过渡期外,在国有产权转让的对象上、转让的方式上仍有诸多限制和障碍。

    Policy of China imposes many barriers and restrictions on the transaction of state-owned assets except that certain industries have a transitional period acknowledge in the frame of WTO contact .

  14. 无线传感器网络SPINS安全框架协议的研究

    Research on the WSN Security Framework Protocol SPINS

  15. 根据联合国(un)各种框架协议和《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol),中国已为解决该问题制定了一个“行动计划”。

    In line with various United Nations frameworks and the Kyoto Protocol , China has formulated an " action plan " for addressing the issue .

  16. 323协议是ITU-T制定的基于分组交换网的多媒体通信系统标准,它是一个框架协议,与之配套使用的还有H。

    323 protocol , Packet-based multimedia communications systems , was mapped out by ITU-T.

  17. 英国官员认为,该框架协议将发挥作用,因为它将得到g20层面的政治支持。

    UK officials think the framework will work as it will have the political force of the G20 behind it .

  18. SPINS安全框架协议研究

    Research of Secure Frame Protocol Based-on SPINS

  19. 欧盟委员会官员预计,目前正在谈判的中欧投资协定(EU-ChinaInvestmentAgreement)框架协议将会出现更多此类的妥协。

    Commission officials expect more of these sort of compromises to feature in the framework of a trade accord called the EU-China Investment Agreement , currently under negotiation .

  20. 根据2008年伊拉克政府与时任美国总统乔治∙W∙布什达成的《战略框架协议》,所有美国驻军应于2011年年底前全部撤离伊拉克。

    In the2008 Strategic Framework Agreement reached between the Iraqi government and then President George W.Bush , all U.S.military forces were to be withdrawn from the nation by the end of2011 .

  21. WTO农业框架协议的实质是要实行国际农产品贸易自由化,加入WTO对我国农业的影响集中体现在农产品的国际竞争力上。

    The essential of agricultural agreement under WTO framework is carrying out the freedom trade of international agricultural produce , so the influence of entering into WTO on Chinese agriculture lies in the international competitiveness of agricultural produce .

  22. WTO新一轮谈判于2004年8月1日达成框架协议,农业谈判在国内支持、出口竞争、市场准入等方面取得了一定的进展,是后续谈判的基础。

    A framework has been agreed in the new round negotiation of WTO on 1st August 2004 , and some progress has been made in the three agricultural negotiation pillars of domestic support , export competitions , and market access .

  23. 两岸自由贸易协定“经济合作框架协议”(ecfa)的签署,也一再遭到拖延。

    Signing of the cross-strait economic co-operation framework agreement , a free trade pact , has suffered repeated delays .

  24. 在分析无线传感器网络面临的安全威胁的基础上,对SPINS安全框架协议和基于EBS的组合最优组密钥算法进行了详细介绍。

    In this thesis , we aim at giving a detailed introduction to SPINS security frame protocol and exclusion basis systems by analyzing the security threats to WSN .

  25. 持有秋明bp50%股权的aar表示,将在斯德哥尔摩的一家仲裁法庭对英国石油提起诉讼,以废除关于借调英国石油员工到该合资企业的框架协议。

    AAR , which holds 50 per cent of TNK-BP , said it would take action against BP in a Stockholm arbitration court to annul a framework agreement on the secondment of BP employees to the venture .

  26. 具体给出若干层功能模块来表达系统结构。研究VMI系统开发与实施中的关键问题,包括合作框架协议、计算机技术等。

    Idiographic provide the skit functional modules to express the system 's structures : Researching the key problems during the VMI system 's exploitation and its actualizing , including the cooperative frame agreement and machining process etc.

  27. 当前,视频会议标准协议主要是ITU-T发布的H.320和H.323框架协议,这两种协议曾经为视频会议领域的标准化作出了巨大的贡献,推动了视频会议技术的发展。

    Standard protocols for videoconference mainly are H.320 and H.323 framework protocols published by ITU-T , these two protocols contributed to the standardization of videoconference and the development of videoconference technology .

  28. 本案的中心问题是fortescue在2004年8月至11月间发布的一系列公告,其内容涉及与上述中国企业的“框架协议”。

    The case centres on a string of announcements by Fortescue between August and November 2004 that related to " framework agreements " with the Chinese companies .

  29. 上周五,浙江省政府、波音公司和中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC)签署了一份框架协议。

    The Zhejiang Provincial Government , the Boeing Company , and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China , Ltd. ( COMAC ) signed a framework agreement last Friday .

  30. 其中,IPSec是IETF制定的一个IP层安全框架协议,属于网络层VPN技术,它通过在IP层上实现加密和认证等多种安全技术,极大地提高了TCP/IP协议的.安全性。

    IPSec , developed by the IETF , is an IP-layer security framework protocol , part of the network layer VPN technology . It achieve a variety of encryption and authentication security technologies through the IP layer , which greatly improved the TCP / IP protocol security .