
  1. 底层大空间剪力墙结构中框支柱弹塑性稳定性试验研究及理论分析

    Stability investigation and theory analysis for frame columns in shear wall structures with large space ground floor

  2. 高层建筑框支柱、转换梁及剪力墙偏轴的结构设计

    Structure Design of Highrise Buildings with Un-coincidence Axis Among Wall , Transfer Girder and Wall Supporting Column

  3. 不管施工顺序如何,在转换梁中施加预应力都能有效降低转换梁上部框架梁、柱和框支柱的内力。

    Regardless of what the construction sequence is , applying prestress in transfer beam can reduce the internal force of frame beams and columns and frame-supporting columns .

  4. 钢管混凝土框支柱与钢筋混凝土框支梁的节点设计,是钢管混凝土柱在框支剪力墙结构应用的关键。

    Designing of joint between CFST column and reinforced concrete ( RC ) transforming beam is the critical problem of the application of CFST column in frame-supported shear wall structure .

  5. 结果表明,薄弱连接板、转换厚板和框支柱等都能满足大震不屈服的性能目标。

    The pushover analysis results by SAP2000 show that the key members such as the transfer plate , weak-linking slab and frame-supporting columns did not yield with respect to the performance point .

  6. 框支柱顶的转角对转换梁侧向约束的计算结果影响较大,在转换梁的计算中,应考虑柱顶转角的影响。

    Frame-supporting column top angle has great influence on calculation result of lateral restraint of transfer beam . When calculating transfer beam , the influence of column top angle should be taken into account .

  7. 根据局部有限元分析结果,转换层附近框支柱、剪力墙变形较大而集中,主应力也出现非常明显的集中,是抗震薄弱环节。

    The results of the analysis of finite element method indicate that the supporting Column and shear wall nearby transfer story is an unsubstantial position to seismic design because of its serious concentrations of deformation and major principle stress .

  8. 论述了异形柱结构与短肢剪力墙这两种结构形式的受力特点,各自的结构计算、构造要求,以及轴压比控制,短肢剪力墙的设置高度及框支柱等问题。

    This article discusses the stress feature of special-shaped column structure and short shearing wall , and their structure calculation , request for structure , control of axial-pressure ratio , height setting in short shearing wall , frame-supporting column , etc.

  9. 因此,抗震设计时要对转换层框支柱格外加强,还应采取措施减小中上部楼层的层间位移。3、分析转换层位置对土-结构共同作用体系地震反应的影响。

    So , when designing , columns should be particularly strengthened , and some measures should be taken to decrease the story drift in middle-upper part of structure . 3 、 The influence on the location of transfer story on SSI seismic responses was analyzed .

  10. 在实际工程中,由于上部短肢墙数量较多,在进行结构平面布置时,不可避免会出现短肢墙与框支柱完全分离,短肢墙由转换梁完全承担的情况。

    In the practical project , it is inevitable that short-leg shear wall is completely depart from frame pillars , and short-leg shear wall directly support on the transfer beam when arrange for the structure layout because the number of short-leg shearwall is so many .

  11. 结合&实际工程,进行了两榀框架梁式转换层结构1/5缩尺模型在水平低周反复荷载下的抗震性能试验,其中一榀的转换梁和与其相连的框支柱采用了钢骨混凝土结构。

    Based on the practical project , two scaled models of frame girder transfer floor , one is common reinforced concrete structure ( RCTB model ) and the other is steel reinforced concrete structure ( SRCTB model ), are tested subjected to vertical loading and horizontal reversed cyclic loading .