
  • 网络The Framing Effect
  1. 前人通过fMRI(功能核磁共振)实验讨论了投资问题中框架效应的产生机理,但其结论未必适用于突发事件情境。

    The mechanism of framing effect in the domain of investment problems has been explained with fMRI experiment , but the conclusions may not be suitable to paroxysmal events .

  2. 风险决策任务中时间距离对框架效应的影响

    Influences of Temporal Distance on the Framing Effect in Risky-choice Tasks

  3. 而Thorsteinson等(2009)在驾驶问题决策情景研究中发现卷入并不是框架效应的中介变量。

    In the driving problems research by Thorsteinson ( 2009 ), the conclusion found involved in decision-making situation was not intermediary variable of frame effect .

  4. 自尊类型对自我框架效应的产生及方向存在一定影响。

    SE type also impacts on self-framing effect and its direction .

  5. 风险决策中框架效应及确定效应的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Framing and Certain Effect in Risk Decision-Making

  6. 本研究旨在探讨行为和情绪的框架效应及与个性的关系。

    Many researches have proved the existence of the framing effect .

  7. 时间压力对风险决策中框架效应的影响

    Time Stress Affecting the the Framing Effect of Risk Decision-Making

  8. 框架效应对军校大学生决策判断的影响

    Influence of framing effect on risk decision-making of military undergraduates

  9. 这节课的第二个主题是框架效应。

    The second theme for this lecture is about framing .

  10. 风险决策中动态框架效应研究

    A study on dynamic framing effects in risky decision

  11. 整体多片式T梁的横截面框架效应分析

    An analysis of the cross sectional frame effect of monolithic multi-piece T beam

  12. 经营风险决策和框架效应机制研究

    Business Risky Decision-Making and Framing Effect Mechanism Model Research

  13. 框架效应下优秀运动员风险决策偏好研究

    Research into the Risk Decision Preference of Talent Athletes under the Framework Syndrome

  14. 框架效应便是其中一种典型的认知偏差。

    One of these cognitive bias is framing effects .

  15. 但是也有研究发现框架效应并不是一定会产生,关键是在什么条件下,对谁而言框架效应最容易产生。

    But other studies have found that frame effect and not necessarily produce .

  16. 由于加入了确定效应,是否会改变框架效应已有的研究结论。

    Whether change existing conclusion about framing effect under impact of certain effect .

  17. 揭示确定效应及框架效应对风险决策的影响方式。

    Open out the impact on decision-making caused by framing and certain effect .

  18. 框架效应对公平判断影响的实验研究

    An Experimental Research on Framing Effects on Justice Judgments

  19. 风险偏好与框架效应对大学生职业决策的影响

    Effects of risk preference and framing effect on College Students ' career decision-making

  20. 磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺的动框架效应及其角速率前馈控制方法研究

    Moving-gimbal Effects and Angular Rate Feedforward Control in Magnetically Suspended Rotor System of CMG

  21. 对行为承受者的知觉决定了框架效应的作用方向。

    The perception of the action recipient determines the direction of the framing effect .

  22. 最后,他研究了框架效应及其在理性人模型中的应用。

    Finally , he studied the effect of framework and its application on the rational people model .

  23. 时间框架效应下知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突研究

    Research on the Conflicts between Task Design and Execution in Knowledge Worker Team under Temporal Framing Effect

  24. 结果发现,在生命问题和财产问题中均没有发现框架效应的存在。

    The results indicated there was no framing effect both in the life problem and in the property problem .

  25. 结果显示,大学生群体与企业员工的风险决策行为存在差异,大学生存在框架效应;

    The results indicated , judging of undergraduates differentiate from employee in enterprise , framing effect exist in students group ;

  26. 总之,到目前为止,卷入与框架效应的关系还没有定论性研究。

    In short , so far , the relationship between involvement and the framing effect has not yet been determined .

  27. 我认为这可以为第二个主题,即框架效应,开个好头。

    I thought this would be a good lead in to the second theme of this lecture , which is framing .

  28. 关于框架效应的解释有很多种理论,各种理论都各有其说服力和局限性。

    There are many theories of explaining framing effect , and all kinds of them have their advantages and disadvantages respectively .

  29. 提示在对时间框架效应进行研究时,应该考虑具体的情境和时间水平。

    These findings remind that specific conditions and time levels should be considered in the researches focusing on the time framing effects .

  30. 例如,来自肯高迪亚大学的研究者发现,当外表吸引力被发现时,男性对于框架效应往往会做出更强烈的反应。

    For example , researchers from Concordia University discovered men responded more strongly to the framing effect when physical attractiveness was described .