
  • 网络Box Computing
  1. 称为框计算

    We call it Box Computing .

  2. 他正豪赌其所谓的“框计算”,该技术会让百度搜索框变为一个面向各种应用与服务的窗口。

    He is making a big bet on what he calls " box computing ", which turns Baidu 's search box into a window to all kinds of applications and services .

  3. 算法使用自适应聚类分割法解决大幅面图像中复杂背景下的小目标分割问题,选取椭圆近似法代替常用的最小外接矩形和边界框法计算区域的尺寸和体态特征。

    The ellipse-fitting method is utilized to approximate the scale and the shape of the considered region instead of the widely used approaches of the minimum enclosing rectangle and the bounding box .

  4. 密肋壁板轻框结构空间计算模型研究

    Computational model of multi-rib wall-pannel light-weighted frame structure

  5. 根据实测E级钢材料的拉伸试验,和弯曲疲劳实验得到的数据,以及大秦线载荷谱对车钩和钩尾框进行疲劳寿命计算。

    Use the experiment data of grade E steel and the Da-Qin line load spectrum , the fatigue life of coupler and yoke is computed .

  6. 钢竹组合模板的新型钢框结构设计及计算方法研究

    Structural Design and Calculation Approach of Steel-Bamboo Formwork with Steel Frame

  7. 框支剪力墙计算的拉格朗日乘子法

    The Calculation of Column Supported Shear-wall Structures Using Lagrangian Multiplier

  8. 考虑剪力墙基础转动的框剪结构修正计算

    Correct Calculation of Frame shear Wall Structure in Consideration of Rotation of Shear Wall Foundation

  9. 地震作用下沿高变刚度框剪结构的计算方法

    The Computation Method for Earthquake Excited Frame Shear Wall Structure with Variable Rigidity along Height

  10. 部分关于应用程序的伸缩性的问题可以从创建限定框过滤器时需要计算的词汇量找到答案。

    For scaling , some of the question is answered by how many terms need to be enumerated when the bounding-box filter is created .

  11. 第四章:新型钢框模板理论设计计算方法。

    On the Frame Matrix - steel , s. The forth chapter : the study on how to design and calculate the new mode theoretically .

  12. 框剪结构近似计算中风荷载简化形式的探讨毕业设计中的专题研究实践

    An Exploration of the Simplification of Wind Loads in the Approximate Calculation of Frame-shear Force Structure & Research and Practice of Special Subject in Graduation Project

  13. 提出密肋壁板轻框结构的等效计算方法,建立了三维薄壁杆元空间计算模型。

    An equivalent calculating method of multi ribbed wall slab with light weight outer frame structure was proposed , in which a computational model with 3 D thin bar element was employed .

  14. 同时,税务部门有较系统的抽样框、日新月异的计算设备、高素质的税务干部以及其他专业统计的抽样调查实践经验可借鉴,这些都为抽样调查技术在税务管理中的应用提供了现实可能性

    Meanwhile , tax departments have systematic sampling frame , modern equipment , qualified tax collectors and practical sampling experience , which provide the feasibility of using sampling technology in the tax management

  15. 依照《人民防空地下室设计规范》对门框墙构件设计计算时,其内力采用悬臂梁结构计算模型,但是门框墙结构从结构受力特性上分析更接近于四边约束的板式结构。

    When designing the doorframe wall of civil air defense according to the Code for Design of Civil Air Defense Basement , the internal forces are computed based on the cantilever beam model .

  16. 那将会是一个“魔框”,这就是框计算

    that should be a magic box . That is called Box Computing .