
  • 网络Tourism E-Commerce;Tourism E-business
  1. 吉林省旅游电子商务发展现状、问题及对策研究

    Jilin Province Development of Tourism E-business , Problems and Countermeasures

  2. 旅游电子商务发展的关键问题

    Key issues on how to promote tourism e-business development

  3. 对一个基于Agent的旅游电子商务过程进行了实例分析。

    It introduces an Agent-based tourism e-commerce process by a real example .

  4. 我国加入WTO和旅游电子商务的发展,直接给大湘西地区旅行社带来了冲击。

    The entry into WTO and the development of tourist electronic business directly exert compact on Daxiangxi travel agency .

  5. 该方案已应用于一个基于J2EE的旅游电子商务系统,成功地开发了系统的多语言版本,很好地解决了系统的国际化问题。

    This solution has been applied to internationalize a J2EE based travel e-business system successfully .

  6. 中国旅游电子商务的SWOT分析及战略选择

    The SWOT Analysis and the Strategic Choices on Chinese Tourism Electronic Commerce

  7. 对旅游电子商务的协商过程进行了环境描述,提出了一个基于Agent的旅游电子商务协商框架,并对框架进行形式化阐述,研究了旅游电子商务的协商协议。

    On travel e-commerce environment , described the consultation process was proposed Agent-based travel e-commerce a consultation framework , and the framework for formal elaboration of a tourism e-commerce negotiation protocol . 3 .

  8. 在对我国旅游电子商务进行SWOT分析的基础上,提出我国旅游电子商务发展的战略选择。

    Basing on the SWOT analysis to tourism electronic commerce of our country , this paper proposes the strategic choices on tourism electronic commerce in our country .

  9. 二是结合消费者生命周期理论,构建了旅游电子商务下的旅游消费者生命周期模型,并分析出B2C旅游网站在消费者生命周期各个阶段提供服务。

    Secondly , I established the lifecycle model of tourists in the condition of tourism E-business and analyzed the services of B2C tourism website using the theory of customers ' lifecycle .

  10. 论文针对XX旅行网这一旅游电子商务企业的实际情况,分析了XX旅行网网络营销策略制定和实施的现状,提出了XX旅行网网络营销策略的新方案。

    The article point out the new project of Net Marketing on XX Travel Commerce . com on the base of analysis the actually situation of XX Travel . com and marketing strategy .

  11. 旅游电子商务在云南省得到了快速的发展。

    The tourism e-commerce has a rapid development in Yunnan Province .

  12. 旅游电子商务网站正朝着大型化、国际化进军。

    Tourism e-commerce websites are stepping into large scale and internationalization .

  13. 厦门市旅游电子商务发展现状及对策分析

    On E - commerce Situation of Xiamen Tourism and Its Strategy

  14. 旅游电子商务系统中个性化信息服务功能的设计研究

    The Research of Designing Personalized Services Function of the Touring E-commerce

  15. 网上支付在旅游电子商务中的应用研究

    A Study on the Using of Internet Payment in Tourism E-business

  16. 我国旅游电子商务的发展及其关键制约因素分析

    The Development of China 's Travel E-Business and Its Constraints

  17. 网络环境下苏州旅游电子商务的发展

    Development of E-commerce of Suzhou 's Tourism under Network Environment

  18. 这两点也是跟目前已经存在的旅游电子商务模式相比更为新颖的特色所在。

    These are new characteristic compared with tourism e-commerce mode at present .

  19. 旅游电子商务的需求和机理分析

    Analysis of the Demands and Functions of E-business of Tourism

  20. 湖南旅游电子商务发展的理性分析

    A Rational Analysis of the Development of the Tourist E-commerce in Hunan

  21. 基于价值创造的旅游电子商务模糊综合评判

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Traveling E-commerce Based on Value Creation

  22. 论旅游电子商务的定位与发展趋势

    On the Position and Development of E-business in Tourist Trade

  23. 旅游电子商务与我国旅游业的发展

    Tourism electronic commerce and thd development of Chinese Tourism

  24. 高职高专《旅游电子商务》课程理论和实践体系构建研究

    The Theory and Practice System Research of College " Travel E-commerce " Courses

  25. 乡村旅游电子商务发展与网络系统构建

    On e - commerce development and its network system construction of rural tourism

  26. 新商业模式下的旅游电子商务

    The electronic commerce of tourism in new commercial mode

  27. 我国星级酒店业旅游电子商务实施绩效测度体系实证研究

    The Empirical Research on Performance Measure System of Star-Hotel Electronic Commence in China

  28. 然而新疆旅游电子商务发展处于初级阶段,比较落后,在应用中存在很多问题,急需发展。

    However , the development of electronic tourism is at an early stage .

  29. 论中国旅游电子商务的发展

    On the development of China E-business of tourism

  30. 河南省旅游电子商务现状与发展策略初探

    Research on the Present Status and Developing Strategy of Tourism E-commerce in Henan Province