- 网络blind signature;blind signature scheme;partially blind signature

ID-based Blind Signature Schemes Design
ID-based ( t , n ) threshold blind signature scheme
The Public-key Cryptosystem of Blind Signature Based on Conic Curve over Z_n and the Applications in Electronic Election
Blind Signature Based on DSA and a Modification of DSA
An Improved Fair E-cash Scheme Based on RSA Blind Signature
New group blind signature scheme is based on a modification of DSA .
Untraceable Blind Signature Scheme Based on The RSA Cryptosystem
The security of our system is based on random oracle model and restrictive assumption of blind signature .
In this paper , we propose two ID-based blind signatures based on SDH assumption from bilinear pairings .
Furthermore , we propose a new untraceable blind signature scheme based on RSA public key cryptosystem .
It is pointed out that the optimal type blind digital signature scheme is improved by the elliptic curve with detailed analysis on its completeness , un-forgeability , security and blindness .
We proposed an electronic voting protocol by using RSA blind signature and publicly verifiable secret sharing scheme .
Combination of blind signature and Kerberos system
In this paper , two new blind signature schemes based on DSA and a modification of DSA are presented .
Considering the importance of blind signatures in the e-cash .
As a kind of new digital signature schemes , proxy blind signature is first proposed by Lin et al . in 2000 .
A dishonest PKG could forge a valid partially blind signature .
The Certificate Authority ( CA ) as the trustee third party is introduced , and an efficient fair electronic cash system is established based on the elliptic curve blind digital signature .
The dissertation constructs zero-knowledge proof and Brands ' restrictive blind signature based on elliptic curve cryptosystem , and then applies these schems to electronic payment system based on elliptic curve cryptosystem .
An ID-based blind signature scheme , which based on the bilinear property of Weil pairing defined on elliptic curve , is proposed .
Strong ( t , N ) key-insulated blind signature scheme is proposed , which is stronger security than forward-secure blind signature scheme , and the signing procedure is more efficient and computational cost of verification is smaller .
Compared with RSA blind signature over finite field , the conic analog over Z_n greatly shortened the length of secret-key and resisted small private exponent attack .
Brands ' restrictive blind signature scheme is the theory basis of off line electronic cash protocol , which can assure the anonymity of honest users and detect the double spending activities afterwards .
A new blind signature scheme based on Lucas sequences is presented , the security of which is based on computing factoring problem .
The concept of off line electronic cash is briefly discussed , and a new electronic cash scheme based on RSA blind signature and quadratic residuosity is proposed .
Moreover , using the padding technique and hash function , a provably secure message recovery blind signature scheme , against adaptive chosen-message attack in random oracle model and generic group model , was proposed .
In an e-cash system , a user Alice obtains signing check from different banks ( this is a process of getting blind signatures ), and then she gives these checks to Bob .
Secondly , it brings forth related technologies in electronic voting , such as a private-key system or public-key system and its typical algorithms , digital signature , blind signature , bit commitment , Java security model and J2EE platform .
In this paper , the authors introduce three random numbers and the Hash function to the weak blind scheme in order to solve the problem of signature traceable in some known blind signature schemes .
A fair electronic cash protocol based on trustee is presented by using RSA blind signature technique in this paper , the identity of multi-spender will be revealed by trustee with very high probability .