
máng cóng
  • Blind obedience;follow blindly;follow like sheep
盲从 [máng cóng]
  • [follow blindly;follow like sheep] 盲目地附合随从

盲从[máng cóng]
  1. 青少年不够成熟且好奇心强,容易盲从和模仿偶像的行为。

    Teengagers are immature and curious that they tend to follow blindly and emulate the behaviour of their idols .

  2. 在城市形象塑造的过程中,城市雕塑的建设切忌脱离实际,一味盲从。

    In the progress of city figure mold , the construction of City Sculpture is keep away from the realty , opposing follow blindly .

  3. 我们对任何事情都要问一个为什么,绝对不应盲从任何人。

    We must always go into the whys and wherefores of anything . On no account should we follow anyone like sheep .

  4. 青少年非常盲从,经常模仿他们的偶像的行为。

    Teenagers are very sequacious and they often emulate the behavior of their idols .

  5. 卡梅伦已誓言避免英美之间存在任何盲从关系,而美国对英国石油(BP)墨西哥湾漏油事件的攻击令两国关系紧张。

    The prime minister has vowed to avoid any slavish relationship between Britain and the US , and American attacks on British Petroleum over the Gulf oil spill have strained relations .

  6. ICU临床医生及护士等相关治疗者,应综合患者个体情况作出尽可能合理的处理而绝不能盲从。

    Clinical doctors , nurses and other related healers in ICUs should make reasonable decisions as much as possible according to individual situation of patients and could never follow guidelines blindly .

  7. 这些时日以来,人们经常可以在《黑客新闻》(HackerNews)看到对“反营销论”的盲从情绪。

    These days , the soft bigotry of anti-hucksterism can be seen every day on hackernews .

  8. 热爱和盲从是有区别的。

    And there 's a difference between devotion and blind submission .

  9. 对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。

    It is silly to is a slave to social convention .

  10. 合于逻辑的;盲从的;缺乏独创性的

    continuing in a sequential manner Slavishly unthinking and uncritical intellectually servile

  11. 盲从是小客户的一个致命的心理弱点。

    Blind obedience is a small , the psychological fatal weaknesses .

  12. 做你自己的事情,不要盲从大众。

    Do your own thing , don 't just follow the crowd .

  13. 盲从和狂热使他们陷入目前的困境。

    Blind faith and impetuosity have led them into their present difficulties .

  14. 他们会取悦长辈,但不盲从;

    they have pleased their elders , without seeming conformists ;

  15. 他非常注意观察,反对盲从。

    He is very observant and objects to blind obedience .

  16. 玛丽,那不是盲从。

    M : Mary , it 's not about the blind following .

  17. 但愿青年人不要盲从,一厢情愿地去写浪漫小说。

    Let no young people be misled and rush fatally into romance-writing .

  18. 做自己的事情,不要盲从他人。

    Do your own thing and don 't follow others .

  19. 我们决不应当盲从。

    By no means should we follow something blindly .

  20. 讽刺漫画家们再次视自己为引领着骑兵队冲向宗教盲从者们的先锋队。

    The satirists again saw themselves leading the cavalry charge against the bigots .

  21. 立足实践、不迷信盲从是决定因素;

    To foothold practice and not to follow like sheep is the decided factor ;

  22. 但是我们不该盲从。

    But we should not fall for that .

  23. 盲从与理性:农村信用社利率改革试点的现实思考

    On the Interest Rate Reform Experiment of RCC

  24. 也不要轻信、盲从书中所言;

    nor to believe and take for granted ;

  25. 不可原谅的遗憾与可悲的盲从&两位大师不同凡响的城市硬件观

    Unforgivable Regret and Tragic Enslavement & Oustanding Perspectives of Urban Hardware by Great Masters

  26. 但在这个充斥着盲从者的世界里,我们忘记了要做自己的领导者。

    But in this world of followers , we have forgotten to lead ourselves .

  27. 盲从多数人的意见向来不是她的作风。

    Accepting things as most other people saw them was never really her style .

  28. 赢得信任,而不是盲从。

    Earning credibility instead of demanding compliance .

  29. 我们不应该盲从于时尚杂志,而要创造出属于自己的风格。

    Don 't let the fashion magazines dictate your taste : Be your own stylist !

  30. 新课程中转变聋生课堂答题盲从行为的研究

    Research on Changing the Action of Sequacious Answering of Deaf Students in Class of New Curriculum