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mánɡ chánɡ yán
  • Appendicitis;cecitis;typhlenteritis
盲肠炎 [máng cháng yán]
  • [appendictis;typhlitis] 盲肠的炎症

  1. 那种病不是令人闻之色变的H1N1新型流感,也不是支气管炎、盲肠炎或扁桃腺炎。

    That malady is not the dreaded H1N1 virus , nor bronchitis , appendicitis , or tonsillitis .

  2. 比如急性盲肠炎,或首次约会的除毛费

    Like a burst appendix or a first date bikini wax .

  3. 在同一个急诊的值班中,我两次没有发现病患得了盲肠炎。

    Twice in one emergency shift , I missed appendicitis .

  4. 我们欣慰地得知最终的诊断只是盲肠炎。

    We were relieved to hear that the final diagnosis was appendicitis .

  5. 盲肠炎大肠的盲端发炎。

    Inflammation of the cecum of the large intestine .

  6. 我小时候动过盲肠炎手术。

    When I was a child , I had an operation for appendicitis .

  7. 鸿渐只担心自己要生盲肠炎。

    Hung-chien was worried lest he get appendicitis .

  8. 刚吃完饭不要进行剧烈运动,否则容易引发盲肠炎。

    Do not exercise strenuously just after a meal , or you may get typhlitis .

  9. ④盲肠炎由阑尾发炎引起,如若不予处理可能致命。

    Appendicitis is caused by inflammation of the appendix and can be fatal if left untreated .

  10. 他得了急性盲肠炎。

    He suffered from acute appendicitis .

  11. 盲肠炎大肠的盲端发炎是的,我割了盲肠。

    Inflammation of the cecum of the large intestine . Yes , I got my appendix taken out .

  12. 5.返职亲爱的麦克,我写这封信是要告诉你我的盲肠炎已经痊愈。

    Dear Mike , I am writing to tell you that I have recovered from my recent appendicitis .