
  • 网络Blind investment;haphazard investment
  1. 国内游资的流动能够增加资金市场的投机程度,造成投资者的盲目投资并且扰乱市场的正常运行秩序等,因此我国需对国内游资问题引起足够的重视。

    The flowing domestic hot money may increase speculation of capital market and haphazard investment of investors and also may disturb the normal market order .

  2. 一方面在资金充裕的情况下,采用EVA有助于管理层认识到资金是有成本的,从而减少盲目投资行为。

    Firstly , it can help to make the managements know that the funds have fund cost , thereby reduce the blindness investment behavior .

  3. 相对比美国的NASDAQ和英国的AIM,我国创业板从主板市场吸收的经验较少,投资者盲目投资现象比较严重。

    Compare to the NASDAQ in United States and AIM in the United Kingdom , our GEM absorbed from the motherboard market with less experience , the phenomenon of blind investment and more serious investors .

  4. 经济生活中盲目投资和不合理重复建设现象比较普遍。

    Blind investment and irrational , redundant construction are fairly common problems .

  5. 风险在于,这些资金可能会由于腐败和盲目投资而浪费掉。

    The risk is that funds get wasted through corruption and poorly thought-out investments .

  6. 无计划盲目投资

    Investing Without a Plan

  7. 这就导致许多企业在进行人力资本投资时,缺乏理论指导,盲目投资,无法取得理想的投资效果。

    Many enterprises are lack of theoretical guidance , so that the investment can not achieve desired effect .

  8. 只有这样,才能避免由于盲目投资而给企业造成投资损失,消除对国民经济发展带来的不利影响。

    Only so can investor avoid the loss of blind investment , and remove the harmful effect on national economy .

  9. 中国人担心在世界其它国家眼中,他们开始留下盲目投资的印象。

    The Chinese feared they were beginning to seem like dumb money in the eyes of the rest of the world .

  10. 在这样的背景下,钢铁行业出现了盲目投资、低水平扩张现象。

    Under such a background , there appeared such phenomenon in the iron & steel industry as blind investment and low-level expansion .

  11. 收紧土地供应“闸门”,对制止部分行业盲目投资和低水平扩张产生了釜底抽薪的效应。

    Tighten land supply " gate " to stop the blind investment and low-level expansion of some industries had a drastic effect .

  12. 为保证新建加油站的优质高效,避免盲目投资,强调了对拟建加油站在决策前进行可行性调研的重要性;

    Feasibility study of construction of gas stations is essential to avoid blind investment and guarantee efficiency and high quality of the project .

  13. 企业在进行多元化行为时,往往忽视自身的盈利能力分析,导致了盲目投资和经营绩效较差。

    Second the enterprise often ignore themselves ' profit ability analysis while enter in a new industry , which results in bad investment outcome .

  14. 它建议中国企业家不要盲目投资朝鲜,不要指望很快获得回报,不要对朝鲜政治说三道四。

    It advises Chinese businesses not to rush in blindly , not to expect quick returns and not to comment on North Korean politics .

  15. 一些经营业主认为开游戏厅能赚大钱,投入少,来钱快,盲目投资开设。

    Some business owners also believes that the game room to make big money , put less money fast , blind investment to open .

  16. 在微观方面,众多投资者都将滑雪旅游视为白金产业,盲目投资造成了对资源和环境的破坏。

    At the micro level , many investors take ski tourism as platinum industry , thus leading to blind investment of resources and environmental damage .

  17. 生产型增值税实施十多年来,在减少盲目投资、抑制通货膨胀以及增加财政收入方面都发挥了重大的作用。

    In the following more than 10 years , Production-based VAT played a significant role in reducing over-investment , curbing inflation and increasing government revenue .

  18. 要努力加强投资者教育。使投资者由短期炒作、盲目投资转向理性投资、价值投资。

    Efforts should be made to enhance investor education to change the investors from short-term speculation , blind investment to rational investment , value investment .

  19. 进入80年代,中国经济对外开放,经济体制开始由计划经济转向市场经济,但是各地各部门从自身利益出发,还存在盲目投资、重复建设的现象,这在中国汽车工业部门也不例外。

    In the 80s , China 's economy turned to be open and the economic system changed its direction from planned economy to market economy .

  20. 对投资环境的正确认识有助于减少盲目投资、合理配置资源。

    A proper understanding of investment environments will certainly help with the more efficient allocation of resources and will surely reduce the possibility of blind investment .

  21. 为了抑制高管过度自信带来现金流盲目投资所产生的负面效应,可以适度负债以减少高管自由决断使用的现金流。

    In order to inhibit negative effects of blind investment of cash flow , we can reduce the cash flow which managers can own by debt .

  22. 它对于减少散户的盲目投资,有助于投资者做出合理的市场预测,使投资理性化,而且还有助于规范上市公司的信息披露行为。

    This research is significant to either lessen small investors blindness investment and help them make reasonable forecast to markets and regulate the disclosure of listed companies .

  23. 没人想在还没有尝试的时候就盲目投资一段感情,但你又不能真的进行尝试,必须先买单。

    No one wants to buy into a relationship without trying it first , and you can 't really try it without , in effect buying it first .

  24. 然而,此行业也或多或少存在盲目投资的情况,甚至一些企业经济效益差。

    However , there is also more or less the situation of blind investment in this industry , and even worse some of the least economic efficiency of enterprises .

  25. 北京方面在2010年调整政策,对投机者施加压力,以求抑制房价和盲目投资。官员们担心,楼市过热可能给整体经济带来风险。

    Beijing shifted gears in 2010 , turning the screw on speculators to rein in house prices and reckless investment , which officials feared could put the economy at risk .

  26. 分红制度可以减少垄断企业集团内部大量的留存资金,对垄断企业的盲目投资和内部分利起到约束作用。

    The bonus system can reduce the amount of retained funds in monopoly enterprise group , plays a function of constrain to blind investment and internal interest of monopoly enterprise group .

  27. 我国的物流地产市场尚处于发展阶段,在发展过程中还存在一些问题:诸如盲目投资的出现,专业化缺乏,无相关配套政策等问题。

    Logistics real estate business is still in developing stage in China . In this stage there are some problems as blind investment and lack of specification and no related policies .

  28. 目前许多地方的生态工业政策呈现为系统线性演化特征,这造成地方政府过度干预生态工业发展,尤其在生态工业园建设中,盲目投资、激进行为导致了工作的低效和浪费。

    At present , the policies of ecological industry ( EI ) in many places show the system linear evolutional characteristics , which makes local government intervene to the development of EI excessively .

  29. 与此同时,就有必要对高速铁路的线路通过能力、控制效果和性能、经济效益和社会效益等进行大量的检测和论证,以免盲目投资。

    For avoiding unfocused investment , much more testing and evaluation is needed on the high-speed rail line capacity , control effectiveness and performance as well as economic and social benefits at the same time .

  30. 在这种迅猛发展的背后,盲目投资、低水平重复建设而导致生产能力过剩、市场无序竞争、浪费资源和污染环境的现象十分严重。阐述纺织十五规划及重复建设问题

    But the phenomenon of overcapacity , market disorder , resource waste , and environment pollution so on are very serious behind rapid development . Expound on the 10th Five-Year Program and the Redundant Projects Construction