
  • 网络investment trap
  1. 你应该根据你的需要和避免投资陷阱进行选择。

    You should select according to your needs and avoid investment traps .

  2. 但众多的企业仅看到特许经营的优越性,而忽略了其中潜在的风险和投资陷阱。

    But many enterprise only realize its superiority , ignore risk and trap in it .

  3. 十大投资陷阱

    Top 10 Investment Traps

  4. 中国股市目前还存在价值投资陷阱,投资者信心丧失、投资者损失惨重等若干重大问题。

    Serious problems still exist in the Chinese stock market such as value investment pitfalls , loss of investors ' confidence , and heavy financial loss of investors .

  5. 围绕中航工业制造所的问题突显出英国政府与中国迅速扩大贸易投资合作的潜在陷阱,中国最近投资了英国的一些敏感行业,例如核电和电信。

    The questions over Bamtri underline the potential pitfalls of the UK government 's rapid expansion of trade and investment with China , which has recently invested in sensitive British industries such as nuclear power and telecoms .

  6. 下面谈谈情绪会如何影响投资决策,并介绍四种可帮你绕过各种“投资陷阱”的策略。

    Here 's how emotions affect investing , plus four strategies that should help you sidestep the pitfalls .