
  • 网络motive;investment motivation
  1. 我国经济制度变迁对企业投资动机的影响&基于调查问卷的比较分析

    An Investigation into the Influence of China 's Economic Institutional Changes on Investment Motivation of Enterprises & Comparative Analysis on Polls

  2. 外商对华直接投资呈现出于不同的投资动机,经历了不同的发展阶段,并表现出不同的阶段性特点,而在新形势下,外商对华直接投资又产生了一些新的动态变化。

    FDI presented different investment motivation , experienced different stages of development and showed different periodic features . In this new situation , FDI arises some new dynamic changes .

  3. 本文运用需求资源的理论观点,分析了跨国医药企业在中国设立RD机构的投资动机。

    The paper analyzes the motivation of foreign-founded R & D institute in China with the need-resource theory .

  4. 结果表明,FDI的投资动机会影响技术溢出效应的发生.对于出口导向型FDI,技术溢出效应可以同时通过竞争和模仿途径发生;

    The results indicate that as for local-oriented FDI , technology spillovers could be generated through both competition and imitation .

  5. 同时结合跨国公司RD投资动机,从中发现一些规律性的东西,从而为中国制定吸引跨国公司RD投资的区位政策提供依据。

    At the same time , combining the motives of multinational corporations R D investment , to discover their regularity , accordingly provide the grounds for china to institute location policy that is to attracting the multinational corporations R D investment .

  6. 第六章呼应第四章部分规律的理论分析,通过对长江三角洲地区47家跨国公司RD机构调研数据的统计分析,验证了在华RD机构的投资动机、职能与外溢途径等一般规律。

    Chapter 6 is parallel with Chapter 4 . By Statistical Analyzing the date of 47 TNCs ' RD centers in Yangtze River Delta , validate the general rule , such as its motive , function and spillover channel .

  7. 区位因素和投资动机对跨国直接投资决策的影响

    How Location Factors and Investment Motives Impact on FDI Decision

  8. 我国企业对外直接投资动机及优势

    Inducement and advantage on foreign investment of Chinese enterprises

  9. 不同规模企业兼顾投资动机的现金持有决策动态规划模型

    Cash Holding Decision Dynamic Programming Model with Investment Motive Considered of Firms with Different Scale

  10. 因此该地区主要的投资动机是市场寻求、效率寻求和资源寻求。

    Market seeking , resource seeking , efficiency seeking are the main motivations of eastern area .

  11. 我国居民家庭子女教育投资动机的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of the Motives of Investment in Children 's Education in the Households of Our Country

  12. 第五章日本和亚洲四小龙对外直接投资动机和策略的比较分析。

    Chapter 5 : Comparative Analysis of the Motives and Strategies of Japan & Four Dragon 's ODI .

  13. 投资动机,购买房屋不应混为一谈的必要性提供了住房,住房;

    The investment motive for purchasing homes should not be conflated with the necessity of shelter that housing provides ;

  14. 此商机与20年保证期加上与建筑物业主签定的合同,可刺激长期投资动机。

    The business opportunities associated with the securement of20-year plus contracts with building owners provides incentives for long term investments .

  15. 这种冒险的投资动机源于乡镇政府迎合上级政府的财政考核。

    The intention of investing in risky projects originates in township governments ' catering to financial check from governments of high-level .

  16. 在访谈的过程中,论证企业管理者存在投机与投资动机行为,即存在企业经营风险。警惕企业要提高这方面的认识。

    The article will demonstrate the speculative and investment motivational behavior of managers and alert companies to raise awareness in this regard .

  17. 第二节对日本和四小龙对外直接投资动机、特点和策略进行了比较分析。

    In the second sector , the motives of Japan & Four Dragon 's ODI are generalized into four types through a comparative analysis .

  18. 外商在华直接投资动机与区位因素分析&对秦皇岛市外商直接投资的实证研究

    An Analysis of Motives and Location Factors of Foreign Direct Investment in China & An Empirical Study of Foreign Direct Investment in Qinhuangdao City

  19. 第三,从投资动机和投资类型两个角度,具体分析中国对东盟直接投资的贸易效应。

    From the point of motivation and types of the investment , this paper analyzes the trade effect which caused by Chinese direct investment to ASEAN .

  20. 《圣地亚哥原则》由20多条得到普遍接受的原则与做法构成,列出了信息披露、投资动机、企业治理和风险管理方面的目标。

    The Santiago guidelines consist of two dozen generally accepted principles and practices that list objectives of public disclosure , investment motives , corporate governance and risk management .

  21. 对台湾的对外直接投资动机与行为进行研究,无疑对现有的为数不多的以发展中国家(地区)为研究对象的对外投资理论是一大补充。

    Research on the motives and behavior of Taiwan 's FDI will be a useful supplement to the few foreign investment theories that take developing countries as the object of study .

  22. 在德国和瑞士这样的国家,居家用房产的供求关系始终居于首位,对于这两个国家的个人来说,投资动机从来不是决定性因素。

    Supply and demand for property as a place to live is all-important in markets such as Germany and Switzerland , where the investment motive has never been an important factor for private individuals .

  23. 而政府的公共教育支出与私人的教育支出有着不同的人力资本投资动机,决定公共教育支出在人力资本形成中发挥的作用不同于私人教育支出。

    However , the motivation of government expenditure on public education and private education expenditure is different , which decides public expenditure on education in formation of human capital play a different role from private expenditure .

  24. 世界经济发展格局中各区域的比较优势,尤其是生产要素获取以及生产要素有效利用可能性状况,决定了日本对外直接投资动机的区域差异。

    The comparative advantage of the location in global economic development pattern , especially the obtaining of production factors and the utilization of production factors effectively , decided the location difference of Japan 's FDI motivation .

  25. 所得出的基本结论是,将投资动机和合作技巧两个重要因素结合起来可以影响背景文化因素,中欧管理文化之间的某些相似性是中欧合资企业组织协同的原因;

    This article concludes that putting the two important factors of investment motives and cooperative skills together can have an effect on the cultural background . The similarities are the exact reason for the organization to achieve synergy in Sino-European JVs .

  26. 根据委托代理理论,当企业主要行为主体的投资动机存在差异,治理特点不同的企业,那么其行为主体之间的制衡关系也会存在差异,这将影响企业决策的形成,甚至导致投资行为扭曲。

    According to agency theory , there are different invest motivations between the main actors of companies , and the balanced relationships exist between companies having different corporate governance characteristics which affect the business decisions , even lead to investment behavior distortions .

  27. 日本对北美和欧洲直接投资动机主要在于市场、技术、信息以及规避贸易摩擦,而对亚洲直接投资的基本动机是追求低生产成本。

    The motivation of Japan 's FDI to North American and Europe is the use of their market , information and technology , and also including trade friction avoidance , and the motivation of Japan 's FDI to China is based on the following two points .

  28. 同时,本文还采用方差分析和T检验,验证了各外商投资动机和区位因素的相对重要性是否因外资企业开业时间、投资规模、投资来源、投资产业、企业经济类型以及是否出口而存在差异。

    In the meantime , using ANOVA and test , this paper also examines whether there is a different relative importance of motives and location factors of foreign investors or not because of starting time , investment size , capital sources , and sectoral ownership and export pattern .

  29. 一德国贷方受制屈服于非正当(投资)动机。谁将步其后尘?

    A German lender succumbs to perverse incentives . Who 's next ?

  30. 国外直接投资的动机是什么?

    What are the motivations for direct foreign investment ?