
  • 网络investment grade;BBB
  1. 有些州的市政债利率更高。举例而言,纽约州发行的市政债目前平均收益率为3.23%,其在标普的投资等级为AA级。

    Some states are even more generous : The average bond issued by New York state , for example , now yields 3.23 % . New York is rated double-A by S & P.

  2. 但是投资等级也能涵盖众多过失。

    But ratings can cover a multitude of sins .

  3. 专家已经使用“垃圾”来形容希腊的投资等级。

    Experts are using the word " junk " to describe that nation 's investment rating .

  4. 在考虑产能柔性的基础上,对企业信息化建设进行了技术经济分析,研究了在不同产能柔性水平下企业信息化建设的效益,确定了在一定产能柔性水平下的企业信息化建设的最佳投资等级。

    Then , conducts the economical analysis of the enterprise informatization based on the volume flexibility , studies the value of enterprise informatization under the different volume flexibility levels , determines the most appropriate investment of enterprise information under certain volume flexibility .

  5. 众所周知,IKB通过拼命攫取资产来迎合自身的(投资)等级标准。

    By all accounts IKB gobbled up assets that met its rating criteria .

  6. 首席财政官AndrewFastow面临需要找到方法隐藏损失,保护高的股价和投资-等级,而且维持借来的钱流动在的挑战。

    Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow was challenged to find ways to hide the losses , protect the high stock price and investment-grade rating , and keep the borrowed money flowing in .

  7. 重庆市投资环境等级因素分析研究

    Researching Chongqing 's Investment Surroundings by Analyzing for the Factors of Rank

  8. 评价模型确定了指标评价和量化的标准以及评价整体产权式酒店投资环境的等级标准。

    Evaluation model identified indicators evaluation and quantified standards , the grading standards of overall property hotel investment environment evaluation .

  9. 然而,私人银行家表示,那些为海湾国家商人家族和皇室成员理财的机构的避险情绪有所加重,它们已将资金转移到瑞士和英国等安全国家,并投资于高等级债券等海外流动性资产。

    Nonetheless , those investing the wealth of Gulf merchant families and royals have become more risk averse , and shifted capital into havens such as Switzerland and the UK and liquid offshore assets such as high-grade bonds , private bankers said .

  10. 其他的考虑还有变现的需要,而投资期也决定投资者承担风险的胃口,因此影响他选择投资的资产等级。

    Other considerations such as liquidity needs and time horizon also determine an in-vestor 's appetite to assume risks and , accord-ingly , his choice of asset class to invest in .