
  1. 本项研究应用全球化转型理论(transformationalistglobalizationwave)建立起在新全球化时代,新兴跨国公司和投资多样化之间的联系。

    The study has applied the transformationalist wave to establish a link between emerging multinational companies and investment diversification in the new globalization era .

  2. 中国外汇储备投资多样化研究

    Study on the Investment Diversification of Chinese Foreign Exchange Reserve

  3. 与投资多样化一样,经济多极化可带来稳定与机会。但是,要促进更具共享性和可持续性的增长,我们应考虑采用不同方式提供援助。

    Economic multipolarity offers stability and opportunity , just like a diversified portfolio of investments .

  4. 这种局面降低了投资者目前的兴趣,因为他们还没有从允诺的投资多样化中获益。

    This has slowed down the immediate interest as investors have not benefited from the promised diversification yet .

  5. 因此,为了提高回报率,主权财富基金必须继续从债权向股权转变,实现投资多样化但出于政治考量,安全性仍然是第一位。

    Thus SWFs must continue diversifying from debt to equity to boost return , though safety remains paramount given the political stakes .

  6. 以上这些琐细无厘头的计算,反映了中国外汇储备规模之巨大,但同时也说明了中国在投资多样化时所面对的巨大困难。

    These frivolous calculations illustrate the vast scale of China 's reserves but also the great difficulty it faces in persifying them .

  7. 但是随着美元对人民币的汇率持续走低,导致持有美元产生的利润低于人民币,中央银行希望投资多样化。

    But as the greenback continues to decline against the Chinese currency , making investments less valuable in yuan terms , central bankers are keen to diversify their investments .

  8. 针对社会主义市场经济体制下,投资渠道多样化、投资主体多元化。

    Focusing on diverse investment channels and pluralistic investment subjects in socialist market economic system .

  9. 投资行业多样化;

    Diversification of investment trade ;

  10. 今天这堂课的内容是投资组合多样化,以及辅助性金融机构,特别是共同基金。

    Today 's lecture is about portfolio diversification and about supporting financial institutions , notably mutual funds .

  11. (十一)银行应设法保持其股权资本投资的多样化。

    11 . The Bank shall seek to maintain reasonable diversification in its investments in equity capital .

  12. 重叠策略就是要揭开一个投资组合多样化的表面,找出真正暴露于风险面前的东西。

    Overlay strategies probe beneath the apparent diversification of a portfolio to establish what the real exposure is to risk .

  13. 在经济改革的新形势下,我国高职院校财务管理也出现了一些新的趋势:教育投资主体多样化;财务管理体制自主化;

    Under the new situation of economical reform , there are some new trends on financial management in higher vocational college .

  14. 这一尖锐的矛盾引发了人们对国家办学体制的强烈的变革愿望,进而促使了办学体制走向多渠道投资、多样化办学的改革方向。

    This sharp contradiction have motivated people to transform the public school system and reform school system into channel investment and variation .

  15. 近几个月来,中国已表明,愿意推动其在巴西投资的多样化,而不仅仅局限于资源业与农业。

    In recent months , China has indicated it is prepared to diversify its investments into Brazil beyond the resources and agriculture sectors .

  16. 它们可以为成熟的投资者提供机遇,“将其投资组合多样化,分散投资于可能带来出色回报的互不相关的资产类别”。

    They can offer sophisticated investors the opportunity to " diversify their portfolios in a non-correlated asset class offering potential for superior returns " .

  17. 房地产经常被宣传为实现投资组合多样化的手段,但是地产业的某些部分显然比其他部分更具多样性。

    Property is often billed as a way of diversifying investment portfolios , but some parts of the industry are clearly more diversified than others .

  18. 他们大多寻求通过艺术品使投资渠道多样化,提升自己的公众形象,对自己的文化和周围的世界有更多了解。

    They mostly seek to diversify investment options , raise their public profile and learn more about their culture and the world around them through art .

  19. 这种变动表明,尽管各公司努力使养老金计划投资渠道多样化,但其如今仍与股市命运紧密相连。

    The gyrations highlight the fact that pension finances remain firmly tied to the fortunes of stock markets , in spite of companies ' efforts to diversify .

  20. 过去几十年里,中国富了。将资金困在国内可能造成资产泡沫,也不利于投资的多样化。

    In the past few decades , China has become wealthy . But keeping capital bottled inside the country risks asset bubbles and offers little means of diversification .

  21. 你的投资组合多样化这种方式意味着,你的一些投资有潜力提供更大的回报,而其他的主要部分确保是安全的。

    Diversifying your portfolio in this way means that some of your investments have the potential to provide strong returns while others ensure that part of your principal is secure .

  22. 毕竟,这些工具的有效作用是让投资者能够实现投资组合多样化,同时不必向活跃的基金经理支付过高费用,就能投资于多个不同的投资类别。

    After all , what these instruments effectively do is allow investors to diversify their portfolios and gain access to a host of different investment classes , without having to pay excessive fees to active managers .

  23. 多风险资产会受到波动和跳跃风险作用,它们往往具有高度相关性,形成系统风险,因此由投资组合多样化所带来的收益相应会受到影响。

    Rsk assets are characterized by volatility and jumps , moreover , these risk factors tend to be perfectly correlated across assets leading to systemic risk , the benefit from portfolio diversification implies by traditional models can been reduced .

  24. 中国既需要对这些资金的投资进行多样化调整,以减少对美国国债的依赖,也有意利用这些资金的影响力,为其日益膨胀的外交雄心服务。

    China has both the need to diversify the way it invests those funds , reducing their reliance on US Treasuries , and also an interest in leveraging the influence the money brings to its own rising diplomatic ambitions .

  25. 企业化的经营管理将有助于电影系统的资本结构、产权结构和所有制结构的调整,使电影的投资主体多样化,电影生产市场化。

    Management and administration that run an enterprise on a commercial help film capital structure , property right structure and adjustment of ownership composition of system , making the investment subject of the film diversified , the film produces marketization .

  26. 流动商的资金来源渠道和投资方向多样化,上市方式也灵活多变,远距离流动强度增大,平均滞留时间较长,并出现常住化趋势,在地域空间上呈现大分散、小集中的分布格局。

    At the same time , the mobile traders manifest diversified sources and orientations of invest , flexible travelling market patterns , increasingly raising long distance mobility , gradually extending average detention time , permanent residence trend and general dispersion and local concentration in spatial patterns .

  27. 伴随金融创新,房地产投资方式日趋多样化,且REITs已成为间接投资的主要工具。

    In financial innovation , ways of global real estate investment are more diversified and REITs become major tools for indirect investment .

  28. 投资行业虽然多样化,但以资源开发型和加工型为主,第三产业则以贸易型投资为主;

    Diverse invested industries while major in resource exploitation .

  29. 我们的投资组合是多样化和稳健的。

    Our investment portfolio is diversified and stable .

  30. 需要投资方式的多样化;

    Taking varieties of way in investment ;