
  • 网络Investment plan;UCITS;PPIP;Public-Private Investment Program
  1. 与房地产信托投资计划、房地产抵押支持证券(MBS)以及房地产股票相比,REITs具有自己的独特优势。

    Compared with real estate trust investment plan , MBS and real estate stocks , REITs have their own unique advantages .

  2. 而Petrobras最近却宣布将其5年投资计划的规模增加55%,达到1744亿美元。

    Petrobras recently announced a55 % increase in its five-year investment plan to $ 174.4 billion .

  3. 上周,美国当选总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)按时公布了他的美国复苏和再投资计划。

    Last week , President-elect Barack Obama duly unveiled his American Recovery and reinvestment plan .

  4. 中国政府控股的一家高科技集团终止了成为美国数据存储集团——西部数据(WesternDigital)最大股东的38亿美元投资计划。此前美国当局指明要调查这笔投资。

    A Chinese state-controlled technology group has terminated a $ 3.8bn plan to become the largest shareholder in data storage group Western Digital , after the investment was flagged for an investigation by US authorities .

  5. 同样是在这种背景下,美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)周一公布了“公/私合作投资计划”。

    This is also the background for the " public / private partnership investment programme " announced on Monday by the US Treasury Secretary , Tim Geithner .

  6. 近期,美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)宣布了一个公私合作投资计划,旨在购买银行持有的高达1万亿美元的有毒资产。

    Earlier this week US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced a public-private investment program aimed at buying up to $ 1000bn of toxic assets held by banks .

  7. 在英国,财政部在全面支出审核前所做的研究,及兰德公司(randcorporation)的评估均显示,这类社会投资计划可以生成回报。

    In the UK , Treasury studies ahead of the comprehensive spending review , along with assessments by the RAND Corporation , have shown such social investment schemes can generate returns .

  8. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)表示,确实有40%的企业推迟了投资计划,因为它们担心,如果美国跌下财政悬崖,一场严重衰退就将来临。

    Indeed , Morgan Stanley says that 40 per cent of companies are delaying investment because they fear that a big recession will loom if America hurtles off that ledge .

  9. 过去一年中,中国公司对澳大利亚的几项投资计划都遭到澳大利亚投资评审委员会(InvestmentReviewBoard)的拒绝,这个委员会专门监督海外收购计划。

    In the past year several proposed investments by Chinese companies in Australia have been rejected by the country 's Investment Review Board , which oversees foreign acquisitions . This has led to complaints from China that the system is unfair and not transparent .

  10. 实物期权的概念由MIT的StewartMyers教授在1977年提出,实物期权赋予投资者在未来以一定价格取得或出售一项实物资产或投资计划的权利。

    Professor Stewart Myers said that real option endow investors the rights of acquire or sell a real asset or invest plan by certain price in future .

  11. 据CEO马云表示,阿里巴巴宣布了一项100亿元(15.4亿美元)的农村投资计划,该公司正在考虑通过更多举措来改善农民的居住条件。

    The company , which announced a 10 billion yuan ( $ 1.54 billion ) rural investment plan , is considering more steps to improve the living conditions of farmers , said Jack Ma , chairman of the group .

  12. 他说,值此国际资本市场持续动荡之际,Petrobras要坚持其投资计划,必须找到融资渠道才行。

    He said that Petrobras needs to find financing during a period of turmoil in international capital markets to stick with its investment program .

  13. 更近一些,对于成功中国企业进行全球扩张的政治担忧,给中国电信设备制造商华为(Huawei)和国有企业中海油(CNOOC)的投资计划蒙上了阴影。

    More recently , political fears about the international expansion of successful Chinese companies have overshadowed the investment plans of Huawei , the telecoms equipment-maker , and state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation .

  14. 但是,在资料不全、无投资计划,或无文档记录情况下要调整软件应用程序的嵌入式配置,那么您应该考虑采用RIA应用程序诊断方法。

    Yet , in all cases where there is no knowledge , no investment plan , or no documented way to alter the embedded configuration of software applications , you should consider the RIA application-agnostic approach .

  15. 中国最大券商之一中信证券(CiticSecurities)昨日正式承认,它已取消对贝尔斯登(BearStearns)的10亿美元投资计划。此前,JP摩根(JPMORGAN)收购了这家陷于困境的华尔街投行。

    Citic Securities , one of China 's largest brokerages , yesterday formally acknowledged it had pulled out of a planned $ 1bn investment in Bear Stearns following JP Morgan 's purchase of the troubled Wall Street firm .

  16. createresearch首席执行官艾敏拉詹(aminrajan)担心,在中国和日本仿效其它亚洲国家,接受欧洲可转让证券集合投资计划(ucits)基金在国内市场发售之前,西方基金公司可能会进展缓慢。

    Amin Rajan , chief executive of create research , fears slow progress for western houses until China and Japan follow the lead of some other Asian states in accepting European UCITS funds in their domestic markets .

  17. 中海油上市子公司的年度预测是反映中国国有控股石油公司产量和投资计划的首个风向标,这些公司还包括中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)和中石化(Sinopec)。

    The annual forecast by Cnooc 's listed unit serves as the first indication of output and investment plans by China 's state-controlled oil producers , which also include China National Petroleum Corp and Sinopec .

  18. 韩国时报的首席三星观察员金荣柱表示,李健熙回国后将处理一系列问题,其中包括:与苹果(Apple)的专利权纠纷,公司未来的投资计划,以及如何减少公司对手机业务的依赖性等。

    Among the issues Lee is expected to address on his return , according to the Korea Times ' chief Samsung watcher , Kim Yoo-Chul , are the ongoing patent disputes with Apple ( AAPL ) , Samsung 's future investments and how to reduce the company 's reliance on its mobile business .

  19. 这家拥有86年历史的汽车制造商正处于关键时期。该公司正在执行一项110亿美元的五年期投资计划,希望藉此强化中国市场销售轿车和运动型多用途车(SUV)的产品线。

    This strategy comes at a pivotal time for the 86-year-old car maker , which is in the midst of an $ 11 billion five-year plan to introduce new cars and sport-utility vehicles and build sales in China .

  20. 但在马瑟尔布鲁克以南50公里的辛格尔顿(Singleton),许多煤矿扩张项目的投资计划已被搁置,各大公司都在寻求降低成本,当地工会官员也表示就业岗位减少了好几十个。

    But in Singleton , 50km southeast of Muswellbrook , spending on coal mine expansion projects has been put on hold and the big companies are looking to hold down costs with local union officials reporting job losses in the dozens .

  21. 雪佛龙(Chevron)去年表示,将考虑大幅扩建西澳大利亚近海的高更(Gorgon)天然气项目,此前这家美国石油集团及其合作伙伴批准了一项430亿澳元的初期投资计划。

    Chevron last year said it would consider a big expansion of its Gorgon natural gas project off the Western Australian coast , after the US oil group and its partners approved a A $ 43bn initial spending programme .

  22. 美国下一项鼓励银行放贷的干涉性策略应该是公私合营投资计划(PPIP),其目的是剥离银行资产负债表上的有毒成分。

    The next interventionist US strategy to encourage bank lending is due to be the public-private investment partnership , set up to remove toxic elements from banks ' balance sheets .

  23. 余义表示,过去几年,台湾的零售销售稳步增长,离岸基金销售表现强劲,可转让证券集合投资计划(ucits)基金的认购情况也相当不错。

    Over the years , retail sales have been growing steadily in Taiwan , offshore fund sales have been strong , and there has been a good take up of UCITS funds , according to Mr EU .

  24. Codelco未来5年有一个150亿美元投资计划,旨在保证将未来3年产量保持在175万吨左右的当前水平,并在7年内增至200万吨。

    Codelco has a $ 15bn investment plan for the next five years designed to guarantee output at current levels of about 1.75m tonnes for the next three years and to boost it to 2m tonnes within seven years .

  25. 官方称为公/私投资计划的盖特纳-萨默斯(geithner-summers)计划,通过以远高于市价的价格从商业银行手中购买问题资产,暗藏着把多达数千亿美元的纳税人资金向这些银行转移的企图。

    The geithner-summers plan , officially called the public / private investment programme , is a thinly veiled attempt to transfer up to hundreds of billions of dollars of US taxpayer funds to the commercial banks , by buying toxic assets from the banks at far above their market value .

  26. 决定公司的经营方针和投资计划

    To decide on the company 's operational policies and investment plans

  27. 罢工严重打乱了投资计划。

    The strike has sent the plans for investment seriously awry .

  28. 从长城汽车零部件生产投资计划来看,到2018年时其新能源汽车产量将达到50万辆。

    Great Wall 's component investment implies 500000 units by 2018 .

  29. 服务与投资计划将涵盖所有服务行业。

    Services and investment packages will cover all service sectors .

  30. 在股票投资计划里,“时间”也是极为重要的一环。

    In stock investment plan , time is very important .