
  1. 公司注销后遗漏债权债务处置相关问题研究

    On the Disposal of Missing Claims and Debts After Cancellation of Company

  2. 论公司注销后股东对债权人的民事责任

    Research on the Shareholder 's Civil Liability for the Creditors in the Liquidation of Company

  3. 相反,受一些复杂的贬值规则的影响,所得税迫使公司注销许多年的投资。

    By contrast , the income tax forces firms to write off investment over many years under complex depreciation rules .

  4. 公司注销产生的会计审计,聘用律师和税务师的费用。

    The expenditures on accounting , auditing , and the employment of lawyers and tax agents during the cancellation of the company .

  5. 公司注销作为公司解散、清算的后续步骤,是对公司主体法人资格消灭的确认。

    The cancellation of company , as subsequent step of dismission and liquidation , is the confirmation of loss of company 's main corporation qualification .

  6. 现有理论通说认为债权申报期限是除斥期间、公司注销后股东不再承担责任。

    The current theory claims that consequential existing debt is the deadline scheduled period , and shareholders no longer bear any responsibilities after the cancellation of the company .

  7. 最后,本章讨论了公司注销后未清偿债权的处理问题。

    Thirdly , the review should belong to the scope of substantive review . Finally , this chapter discusses the issues on the treatment of outstanding claims after cancellation of a company .

  8. 证券公司注销投资者信用证券账户时,应当按照规定向本公司报备被注销的信用证券账户号码。

    A securities company shall , when canceling the credit securities accounts of investors , report the numbers of the cancelled credit securities accounts to the company for recording in accordance with the regulations .

  9. 该公司已注销了三万英镑的呆帐。

    The company had write off 30.000p in bad debt .

  10. 公司的注销与清算责任

    Responsibility of Clearing Account and Canceling In Company

  11. 我们将对您公司进行注销税务登记检查。

    We 'll go to your company to check on the cancellation of tax registration .

  12. 由发行公司买回注销或再出售的股票;已发行但还没有注销;无投票权且无股息收入。

    Stock that has been bought back by the issuing corporation and is available for retirement or resale ; it is issued but not outstanding ; it cannot vote and pays no dividends .

  13. 公司在注销其法人格之前必须进行清算,以了结公司存续期间的法律关系。对法院强制执行的性质的不同理解,在法院撤回委托时,其损失的赔偿将会产生不同的法律后果。

    Liquidation is an important procedure in cleaning up a disbanded company 's credit , debt and residual properties when a company withdraws from the market . Different comprehension of compulsory execution will cause different legal compensation when the law court withdraws the commission .

  14. 今年早些时候,在facebook上共识别出数千名疑似目标,促使该公司冻结或注销其账号。

    Earlier this year several thousand likely matches were identified on Facebook , prompting the company to suspend or remove the accounts .

  15. 非公司企业法人注销登记制度的缺陷与完善

    The Valuation on Minor Shares of Non - Listed Companies Defect and Perfection of Registration Cancellation System of Unincorporated Business Entity

  16. 第三种情形是发生公司股东在注销时承诺偿债的情形,则也应当予以承认,但是股东只需要在其分得的剩余财产范围内清偿,超过部分可以不予清偿,以平衡股东和债权人的利益。

    In the event that the shareholders promise to pay for debt after write-off , it should also be recognized , but the shareholders only need to pay off within the realm of their distributed share of the remaining property , the part in excess may not be settled .

  17. 如果你将债券卖回给公司,公司会注销它们,那笔交易的信息是内部信息?

    If you sell bonds back to a company , which then retires them , is knowledge of that trade inside information ?

  18. 另一种情况是公司经过合法清算注销后,仍有债权人主张债权。

    Another circumstance is that there are still claims on the rights by the creditors after the cancellation of a company through legal settlement process .

  19. 公司解散、公司清算和公司注销是三个互相联系而又有区别的公司终止前必经的三个法律程序,其中公司清算是最重要的程序。

    Company dismissal , company liquidation and company cancellation are three inevitable legal procedures before company termination , which connect each other and also distinguish each other . Among other things , the company liquidation is most important .

  20. 公司解散的,应当依法办理公司注销登记

    " When a company dissolves , the company shall cancel its registration in accordance with the law . "

  21. 证券公司退出制度是指证券公司因为各种原因注销法人资格,永远退出市场的一系列制度。

    The exit-market system of securities companies is a series of procedures for revoking the securities companies ' licenses for any causes .

  22. 公司法人营业执照被吊销后,至公司注销前,是公司法人资格延续的特殊阶段。

    It is a special period for the corporate body to extend after the business license of the corporate body is revoked and before the company is cancelled .

  23. 由公司登记机关吊销营业执照。公司登记机关核准注销登记后,应当收缴分公司的《营业执照》。

    Shall have its business license canceled by the company registration authority . After having approved the cancellation of registration , the company registration authority shall withdraw the branch 's Business License .

  24. 公司没有财产,自然没有了信用的基础,公司信用因公司清算后注销而消灭。

    Certainly , there will be no credit basis without property . The company basis will die out because of nullification after its liquidation .