
  1. 条约上把财政赤字的上限设为GDP的百分之三,把公共债务总额的上限设为GDP的百分之六十。而一些经济学家认为,这只能限制经济发展而不能起到稳定物价的作用。

    Some economists believe capping budget deficits at3 percent of GDP and total public debt at60 percent of GDP acts more as a straitjacket for the economy rather than as an anchor for price stability .

  2. 看看日本的财政状况——长期财政赤字,公共债务总额高达国内生产总值(GDP)的230%——他们认为等到他们退休的时候,或许根本就拿不到养老金。

    Having taken a look at Japan 's finances - chronic fiscal deficits and gross public debt at 230 per cent of output - they have concluded there may be no payout at all when they retire .

  3. 并且经济衰退和多年的赤字财政政策使得美国的公共债务总额不断累积。

    And the economic recession and years of deficit fiscal policy makes the United States total public debt has accumulated .

  4. 公共债务总额位居全球第四的意大利,很可能因规模太大而无法被救助:意大利人自己必须采取恢复财政信誉所需的果断举措。

    Italy , with the fourth-largest public debt in the world , is probably too big to save : Italians themselves must make the decisive moves needed to restore fiscal credibility .

  5. 意大利公共债务总额高达1.9万亿欧元,是全球最大的债务国,而且直到今年夏季之前,该国债券市场的流动性在全球还名列前茅。

    At 1.9 trillion euros , the Italian debt market is one of the largest and , up until this summer , one of the most liquid debt markets in the world .