
  • 网络Website;Web;Http;seo;company websites
  1. APP在其公司网站上的一份声明中称,公司将根据国家林业局和云南省人民政府及相关部门的最终决定,依法处理云景林纸并购一案。

    APP said in a statement on its website that it will deal with the case according to the final decision of the SFA .

  2. 可以在LinkedIn(美国一家社交网站)、Facebook、公司网站,或是任何面试官照片可能出现的地方查找。

    This could be from LinkedIn , Facebook , the company website , or anywhere else your interviewer 's face might appear online .

  3. 为了满足广大汽车用户的需求,在汽车公司网站上,用ACCESS关系数据库建立了较完善的知识库。

    In order to meet the masses of automobile users ' demands , on websites of motor Company , Have set up more perfect knowledge base in ACCESS relation data base .

  4. 从公司网站获取JavaSE5.0。

    Get Java SE5.0 from the company Web site .

  5. 看看伊达玛丽亚(idamaria)的视频吧,你能够从中发现公司网站可以或者应该遵循的路线。

    Watch the IDA Maria video and you can see the way corporate websites could or should go .

  6. 最受欢迎的Twitter账户,不只是发布品牌公司网站或优惠券链接清单。

    The most popular Twitter accounts are those that do more than just post lists of links to brands ' websites or vouchers .

  7. 哈德逊建议道,你可以看看公司网站的FAQ(常见问题解答)、组织架构图和其它基本信息。

    Hudsonrecommends checking out the FAQs , the organization chart and other basics .

  8. FLAG在公司网站上发布的一则话中说已经用远程遥控机器人对埃及一端电缆割破进行了调查。

    FLAG , in a statement posted on the company Web site , said it has surveyed the cable cut off Egypt with remotely operated robots .

  9. 网络营销导向下的YT公司网站优化管理研究

    Study on Website Optimization and Management of YT Company Guided by Cyber Marketing

  10. 韩国通信委员会表示,从周二起,总统府青瓦台(BlueHouse)、国防部、国会以及私营公司网站被恶意软件产生的密集流量瘫痪。

    The South 's Communications Commission said that the websites of the presidential Blue House , defence ministry and national assembly as well as private companies were inundated by heavy traffic generated by software , beginning on Tuesday .

  11. 例如,如果在公司网站监视事务,会将每个HTTP添加到监视基础架构的提供者中,并按照200个URL的完整包进行计费。

    For example , when transaction are monitored on the business website , each HTTP request is added to the monitoring infrastructure provider and billed as a complete package of200 URLs .

  12. 根据可口可乐公司网站,这款冰制的可乐瓶子形状和玻璃材质的传统可乐瓶很相似,公司的logo则是直接嵌进到冰里的。

    This icy new drinking vessel is shaped like the traditional glass Coke bottle and has the company 's name etched into the ice , according to Coca Cola 's website .

  13. CISG的公司网站称,该公司创建于1998年,在全国拥有17个办事处和100万名客户。其交易名称为CNInsure。

    According to its website CISG , which trades under the name CN Insure , was set up in 1998 and has 17 offices nationwide and 1m customers .

  14. 像Nielsen公司网站上定期提供的图表就用简单直观的方法向访问者提供了各种数据。

    Sites like Nielsen use charts and diagrams on a regular basis to provide an easy way for people to take in the stats provided .

  15. 隶属达能集团(GroupDanone)的Karicare在公司网站上宣布,由于前所未有的旺盛需求,公司无法找到足够的高品质羊奶。

    The company , a unit of Group Danone , says on its website that due to ' unprecedented demand ' it cannot find enough high quality goats milk .

  16. 在该公司网站上线后不久,伦敦中心奥迪A4的租金为每小时10英镑(即15美元),或每天41英镑。

    Shortly after the site went live an Audi A4 in central London cost £ 10 ( $ 15 ) an hour or £ 41 a day .

  17. 隶属达能集团(GroupDanone)的Karicare在公司网站上宣布,由于“前所未有的旺盛需求”,公司无法找到足够的高品质羊奶。

    Even that might not be enough . The company , a unit of Group Danone , says on its website that due to ' unprecedented demand ' it cannot find enough high quality goats milk .

  18. 有消息称,甚至连剑桥公爵夫人(DuchessofCambridge)凯特•米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)的家人也被告知在他们公司网站上对奥运会信息做出轻微改动。这个网站销售派对用品。

    It emerged this week that even the family of Kate Middleton , Duchess of Cambridge , had been told to make minor changes to Olympic references on the website of their business , which sells party products .

  19. 在Web1.0世界中,内容通常只有经过业务实体的明确允许后才被发布到公司网站。

    In the Web1.0 world , content was typically published on a company 's Web site only after the business entity explicitly approved it .

  20. Blog是目前互联网上一种发展最迅速的信息发布形式,一种全新的自由发表的个人网络出版方式,企业界正在把blog引入企业内部网和公司网站,用于非正式的知识管理工具。

    Blog is a new rapid development form of information publishing on internet , at the same time , it is also a new kind of personal net publishing , Enterprises are using it as an informal knowledge management tool on the intranet and company site .

  21. 主页眉和页脚是根据IBM的公司网站标准定义的;当您使用Toot-O-Matic创建自己的教程时可能要更改这个区域。

    The masthead and footer were defined by IBM 's standards for corporate Web sites ; this is one of the areas you 'll probably want to change when you create your own tutorials with the Toot-O-Matic .

  22. 虽然BuzzFeed的公开政策,是让其网站上的内容流传到公司网站之外,但时报采用的是订阅模式,这种模式正为公司的营收提供日益增长的部分。

    While BuzzFeed has an overt policy of spreading its content outside of its own site , The Times uses a subscription model that provides a growing portion of the company 's revenue .

  23. 苹果公司网站上销售的iPhone5非合约机在美国起价为649美元,在海外的价格更高。在一些国家,运营商不负担手机的成本,且拥有同样功能的安卓手机售价更低,因此iPhone5的价格对许多消费者来说难以接受。

    The iPhone 5 without a wireless contract starts at $ 649 in the U.S. on , and can cost even more overseas . That 's out of reach for many customers in countries where carriers don 't help cover the cost of the phone and where Android phones with similar capabilities can cost less .

  24. 在Kitson专卖店以及公司网站上,第一批约35件“罗伯逊奇人”牌女式服装在三天内销售一空。店主弗拉舍·罗斯(FraserRoss)表示,他们立即又订购了约90件。

    At Kitson 's boutiques and on its Web site , the first shipment of ' Crazy Robertson ' women 's clothes -- about 35 items -- sold out in three days , and the store immediately ordered about 90 more pieces , according to owner Fraser Ross .

  25. 更多信息敬请查询浏览本公司网站。更多陶氏化学信息请登陆公司网站。

    More information about Dow can be found at the website .

  26. 如欲对科莱恩有更多的认识,请参阅公司网站。

    For more information about Clariant , please access the website .

  27. 有个员工在公司网站上发帖称自己辞职了。

    The employee submitted a message through the company web site .

  28. 一个自己做的公司网站和办公职员管理系统。

    Make its own corporate Web site and office staff management system .

  29. 证券公司网站信息服务的管理战略

    Strategic Management of Website 's Information Service of Stockbrokerage Companies

  30. 关于公司网站建设与实施的探索

    An Approach on the Construction and Implementation of Company 's Network Station