
  • 网络Public Administration
  1. 最后,要坚持与当代中国公共行政管理实际相结合。

    Finally , we should insist on contemporary Chinese practice of public administration .

  2. 略论公共行政管理的改革与创新

    On the Reform and Innovation of Public Administration

  3. 那么我国公共行政管理机关能否通过导入ISO9000质量管理体系标准来提高质量呢?

    Is it possible that Chinese public administrative offices improve the quality by adopting ISO9000 system ?

  4. 创新农村基层公共行政管理激励机制

    On Public Administrative Management Incentive Mechanism in Rural Grass-root Units

  5. 论公共行政管理的伦理基础&一个公共伦理分析视角

    On the Ethical Foundation for Public Administration & A Perspective of Public Ethics

  6. 黄士衡的公共行政管理思想与实践

    Huang Shi-heng 's Thoughts and Practice of Public Administration

  7. 公共行政管理的网络化探索

    Probing into the Net work of Public Administration

  8. 行政伦理是公共行政管理的主导思想和灵魂。

    Administrative ethics is the guiding ideology and soul of the public administration management .

  9. 行政伦理对于公共行政管理的公正,廉洁、效起着至关重要的作用。

    Administrative ethics has important effect to justice honesty and efficient of public administration .

  10. 公共行政管理的伦理基础

    The Ethics Foundation of Public Administrative Management

  11. 朱拉隆功大学政治学学士,公共行政管理专业。

    Bachelor of Art in Political Science , Chulalongkorn University , Emphasis : Public Administration .

  12. 案例教学已成为公共行政管理专业教育的重要方法。

    The teaching of case has become an important method of education about public administration profession .

  13. 本课程为公共行政管理和规划基础课程中两个模组中的第二单元。

    Second of two modules facilitating a basic understanding of computing in planning and public management .

  14. 共同享有公共行政管理和市民权利的三成员之一(尤指在古罗马)。

    One of a group of three sharing public administration or civil authority especially in ancient Rome .

  15. 如何预防、控制、应对危机成为考验政府执政能力的重要课题,也是公共行政管理研究的热点问题。

    Being part of public administration management , crisis management research is the hotspot of current affairs .

  16. 行政合同已成为现代各国公共行政管理的重要手段之一。

    Administrative contract has become one of important measures in the scope of public administration in modern country .

  17. 它构成20世纪西方各国的公共行政管理以及官僚体制的基石。

    And it was a footstone of public administration and bureaucracy to the western countries in the 20th century .

  18. 公民在理论上被认为是国家的主人,在实践中是公共行政管理的相对人。

    The citizen is considered theoretically the master of the state , but practically is the opposition of the administration .

  19. 当代公共行政管理,不仅关注专业技术和绩效,也重视管理服务的道德追求。

    Public administration at present pays attention to . not only the professional technique and performance but also the moral pursuit .

  20. 电子政务是公共行政管理改革和衡量国家竞争力水平的显著标志之一,我国近些年也非常重视电子政务工程的建设。

    E-government is one of the outstanding / remarkable symbols which measure our country 's public administration reform and competitive power .

  21. 将策划学理论引入公共行政管理,推进政府形象建设具有重要意义。

    It is important to introduce planning theory into the field of public administration and thus facilitate the construction of government image .

  22. 行政公产是行政主体履行公共行政管理,给付公共福利的物之手段。

    The administrative public belongings is one of the means for the administrative subject to carry out public administration and distribute public welfare .

  23. 本文将耗散结构理论与生命周期理论相结合,建立了一个公共行政管理系统维持成本的耗散结构模型;

    In this paper , the authors develop a dissipative structure model on electronic government cost with theory of lifecycle and dissipative structure first .

  24. 对学校及周边地区的治安管理具有公共行政管理、文化形态管理、社会治安管理等性质。

    The public safety administration for these areas has such nature as public administrative management , cultural ideological management and social public safety management .

  25. 公务员具有双重身份,与政府存在着委托与被委托关系,承担着公共行政管理的职能。

    The civil service has a dual identity , there is entrusted with the fiduciary relationship , assume the functions of public administration and government .

  26. 扩权强县改革的推行,是对经济发展新形势和公共行政管理改革现实需求的应时之举,是统筹城乡经济发展的有效途径。

    The reform of Enhancing Jurisdiction and Strengthening County is an assumptive action to the needs of the economic development and the public administration management .

  27. 构建学习型政府着眼于公共行政管理制度的改革和创新,赋予其“学习型”的新内涵。

    The reform and innovation of public administration system are highlighted in such Rind of government so that " study " will agin new connotations .

  28. 制度创新是克服公共行政管理效率递减的有效途径,对此,本文从五个方面作了分析。

    System innovation is an efficient way to overcome the efficiency degression of public administration , of which this paper makes an analysis from five aspects .

  29. 然后,主要是在德国大学,一种风格的教学出现了专门处理数据的详细介绍,因为它涉及公共行政管理。

    Then , mainly in German universities , a style of instruction emerged which dealt specifically with detailed presentation of data as it related to public administration .

  30. 最不发达国家面临种种限制,例如管理和技术能力低下,财政资源短缺,公共行政管理薄弱,有形基础设施不足。

    LDCs were plagued by such constraints as poor managerial and technical capacity , shortage of financial resources , weak public administration and deficiency in physical infrastructure .