
  • 网络corporate control;control of the firm;control;Corporate control rights
  1. 行业集中度与公司控制权市场效率

    Microconcentration and the Efficiency of the Market for Corporate Control

  2. 公司控制权以及公司权力的配置和权力体系的构建是现代企业理论研究的重要内容。

    Corporate control power is an important topic of modern enterprise theory .

  3. 如果委托投票能够改变公司控制权(委托争议),所有争议相关人都必须作为参与人在SEC注册或面临刑事处罚。

    If a proxy vote could change control of a company ( a proxy contest ), all persons involved in the contest must register with the SEC as participants or face criminal penalties .

  4. 其本质是获取公司控制权的工具。

    Its essence is the tool of gaining the company domination .

  5. 公司控制权对会计盈余稳健性影响的实证研究

    The Link Between Earnings Conservatism and the Control Power of Corporation

  6. 上市公司控制权配置现状与治理效率研究

    Study on the alignment of Control Right and the Governance Efficiency

  7. 公司控制权理论是现代公司治理理论的重要组成部分。

    Corporate controlling rights theory is an important part of corporate governance .

  8. 资本结构对我国上市公司控制权溢价的影响

    The Effect of Capital Structure on Chinese Listed Companies ' Control Benefits

  9. 公司控制权配置依赖于所有权结构。

    The allocation of control rights depends on ownership structure .

  10. 基于公司控制权的会计规则制定问题研究

    A Research on the Accounting-Rule-Setting Based on the Corporation Control

  11. 国有控股公司控制权配置研究

    Research on the Assignment to the Control Right of the Holding Company

  12. 公司控制权市场与证券市场效率

    Market for Corporate Control and Effeciency of Stock Market

  13. 中国上市公司控制权变更型资产重组研究

    A Study of Business Reengineering of China Public Company in Dominance Right change

  14. 公司控制权市场及其发展的影响因素研究

    Research on the Market for Corporate Control and Influencing Factors of Its Development

  15. 我国的公司控制权市场未能发挥相应的公司治理效应。

    The domestic corporate control market does not exert the corporate governance effect .

  16. 核心是防止公司控制权的转移。

    The core of anti-takeover is transferring the ownership of the target company .

  17. 公司控制权市场生态系统及其平衡机制的研究框架

    Research Frame on Ecosystem of Market for Corporate Control and Its Balance Mechanisms

  18. 我国民营上市公司控制权特征的统计分析

    Statistics Analysis on the Characteristics of Control Rights in Chinese Private Listed Companies

  19. 上市公司控制权转移中大股东掠夺行为研究

    Research on the Predatory Behavior of Major Shareholders in Listed Companies Control Transferring

  20. 中国上市公司控制权配置问题研究

    Research on Controlling Rights Allocation of Chinese Listed Companies

  21. 上市公司控制权结构与现金股利政策偏好的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Control Structure and Political Preference of Cash Dividends of Listed Companies

  22. 中国上市公司控制权并购绩效实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Performance of Listing Companies Whose Controlling Stockholders Have Changed

  23. 发展公司控制权市场;

    Develop thecontrol power market of the company ;

  24. 公司控制权的经济学与社会学分析

    Economic and Sociological Analysis of Corporate Control Rights

  25. 因此必须建立一个有效的、规范的公司控制权市场。

    So it is necessary to establish a standard , efficient enterprise control right market .

  26. 浅论公司控制权的权力本质观

    On the Essence of Corporate Control Power

  27. 公司控制权释义主要论述了三方面的内容。

    Corporate controlling rights consists three aspects .

  28. 研究发现,上市公司控制权和现金流权的分离程度越高,财务绩效越差;

    The separation of cash flow right and control right destroy firms ' financial performance .

  29. 公司控制权是公司治理理论和公司实践的核心问题。

    The company domination is the core question of the theory of company governs and practices .

  30. 论公司控制权结构与盈余管理

    Corporate governance structure and earnings management