
  • 网络competitive barrier
  1. 解释了饭店行业市场壁垒的概念,对结构性进入壁垒、竞争壁垒和退出壁垒进行了分析,并探讨了市场壁垒对行业竞争的影响及对策。

    This paper explains the concept of market barrier in Chinese restaurant industry , analyzes on the structural entering barrier , competitive barrier and withdrawing barrier , and probes into the influences of and the countermeasures for the market barrier on the industrial competition .

  2. 随着我国加入WTO,在失去了关税等竞争壁垒之后,国内企业将面临着国际国内的竞争。

    After china joined WTO , their no customs barrier anymore , our domestic enterprises have to meet both abroad and native competition .

  3. 哪里消除了竞争壁垒,哪里的贸易和国民经济就会繁荣。

    Trade and the national economy thrive where barriers to competition are dismantled .

  4. 第二,淘宝创建或者整合了互补的服务,并用这套生态系统筑起竞争壁垒。

    Second , Taobao set up or integrated services that complemented each other and used this ecosystem to create a bar to competition .

  5. 只要有权力做到,政府及其下属机构就必须减少竞争壁垒,提高伦敦的吸引力。

    Government and its agencies must , wherever they have the power , keep the barriers to competition low and the attractions of London high .

  6. 这一次的承诺包括劳动力市场改革,比如采取措施让更多女性加入劳动大军,以及移除产品市场的竞争壁垒。

    The commitments include labour market reforms , including measures to get more women into the workforce and removing barriers to competition in product markets .

  7. 深圳报业集团采取强强联合的战略,对深圳报业资源进行了全面的整合,在深圳报业市场以寡头垄断之势构筑了竞争壁垒。

    Shenzhen Special Zone Daily group takes the strategy of uniting with powerful counterparts , carries on an all-round integration on Shenzhen newspaper resources and builds a competition barrier in Shenzhen market against other competitors .

  8. 欧洲赤字国家的就业市场尤其应该提高灵活性,以利于创造就业,同时必须清除产品市场上阻碍竞争的壁垒。

    Labour markets in the deficit countries of Europe especially must become more flexible to support job creation , and barriers to competition in product markets must be removed .

  9. 周三,新闻网站政治人(Politico)发表了这三名官员合写的一篇文章,其中将中国新推出的政策定性为反竞争的贸易壁垒。

    The three officials co-wrote a piece published Wednesday on the news website Politico that branded the new Chinese regulations anticompetitive trade barriers .

  10. 周三,新闻网站“政治人”(Politico)发表了这三名官员合写的一篇文章,其中将中国新推出的政策定性为“反竞争的贸易壁垒”。

    The three officials co-wrote a piece published Wednesday on the news website Politico that branded the new Chinese regulations " anticompetitive trade barriers . "

  11. 过度竞争、进入壁垒与流通组织优化

    Excessive Competition , Entering Carrier and Circulating Organization Optimization

  12. 而软件商业领域竞争的人为壁垒与自然壁垒又使得软件业的领先企业维持着高额的利润水平。

    Further , the artificial barriers and the nature barriers keep the high profit level of software .

  13. 从经济方面来讲,平行进口涉及到垄断与自由竞争、贸易壁垒与贸易自由化问题;

    From the economic angle , parallel import is related to monopoly , free competition as well as trade barrier and trade liberalism .

  14. 资本的大量积累使其稀缺性逐渐减少,资本不再成为竞争的主要壁垒,企业更多寻求新知识带来的利润。

    Capital accumulation has diminished its scarcity gradually , and capital itself is no longer the main barrier of competition . Enterprises are seeking for profits brought by new intelligence .

  15. 但是,江山市的木材工业面临着受资源约束、遇到国际化竞争和绿色壁垒的局面,再加上产品科技含量低,研发能力滞后,企业规模小、现代化程度低等问题的存在,因而缺乏综合竞争力。

    However , Jiangshan wood industry is faced with resource constraints , international competition and the green barrier . Combined with low-tech products , research and development capabilities lag , small scale , low degree of modernization and other problems , and thus Jiangshan wood industry lacks of competitiveness .

  16. 中国纺织品服装企业必须正确应对国际竞争中的贸易壁垒。

    The textile enterprises in China must rightly face trade barriers in international competition .

  17. 广告竞争与市场进入壁垒

    Advertising Competition and Barrier to Entry

  18. 公用事业经营权的竞争是拆除市场壁垒的重要措施,但厂网分离并不是万用良方。

    Competition of managing right of public enters is an important method to get the rid of market barriers .

  19. 我国染料工业发展面临的新形势是:染料进口逐年增多,价格上涨;国际同行间的竞争加剧、绿色壁垒不断升级;

    At the same time , the industry also faces new situations : increasing import and prices , stronger competition among international players , higher " green " barriers and energy shortage .

  20. 中国服装产业的比较优势在劳动力成本、产品附加值、原材料、发展中国家竞争、非关税壁垒等方面都遭遇困境,大连的服装产业集群也是问题众多。

    The garments industry of China is losing its advantages on the aspect of labor force cost , plus value of product , material , the competition from other developing countries and non-tariff barriers .

  21. 当今国际竞争的重点已转向标准的竞争,标准壁垒成为最重要的贸易壁垒之一。

    Nowadays , the emphasis of current international competition has shifted to the standard competition , and the standard barriers have become one of the most important trade barriers .

  22. 产业竞争力表现为各国同一产业的市场竞争力,而市场竞争的两个手段是价格竞争和非价格竞争,分析绿色壁垒影响产业竞争力的两个概念就应该是成本与差异化。

    IIC appears as the market competitiveness on the same industry , whereas two ways of the market competition are priced competition and non-priced competition . Two concept of the influence of GTB on IIC should be cost and differentiation .

  23. 因此,在技术竞争中处于劣势的企业可以通过构建技术标准战略,通过先期获得广泛应用,以市场手段获得法定标准的地位,构建竞争壁垒,营造持续竞争优势。

    So , the enterprise owning behind technology may establish technology standard strategy , gain broad application in market , obtain the status of legal technology standard by marketing method , construct competition bulwark , build sustained competition advantage .