
  • 网络competition principle
  1. WTO规则有一些基本原则,包括非歧视原则、透明度原则、自由贸易原则、公平竞争原则和权利与义务平衡原则等。

    WTO rules are comprised by Non-Discrimination principle , Transparency principle , Free Trade principle , Fair Competition principle and the Balance of Right and Obligation principle .

  2. 文章将此决策原则下的互联决策行为与在竞争原则下的互联决策行为做了比较。

    Furthermore , the paper compares IBPs policy decision behavior of interconnection under different decision principles ( cost principle and competition principle ) .

  3. WTO公平竞争原则在倾销与反倾销领域中的影响适用

    The Principle of Fair Competition in Dumping and Anti-dumping

  4. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)近期已要求财政部(treasury)调查,期货交易所拥有结算所是否有违竞争原则。

    The US Department of justice has recently asked the Treasury to look at whether ownership of clearing houses by futures exchanges is anti-competitive .

  5. 根据WTO规则确立的非歧视原则、市场开放原则和公平竞争原则,我国应该通过完善法律体系,创立并维护一个中外主体公平竞争的市场环境。

    According to the principles of non-discrimination , market opening and fair-competition , China should , through perfecting her legal system , establish and maintain a desirable market environment for both domestic and foreign subjects to conduct fair competition .

  6. 运动攻击性行为的存在不但违背了fairplay的公平竞争原则,而且容易引发赛场暴力事件,造成运动者的身体与心理的伤害,影响了竞技运动事业的正常发展。

    Campaign not only against the existence of sexual assault " fair play " in the principle of fair competition , and easily trigger violence and resulting movement of the physical and psychological damage , affecting normal development of the cause of athletic movement .

  7. WTO体制的基本原则主要有非歧视原则,关税减让原则、取消数量限制原则、促进公平竞争原则、对发展中国家予以照顾原则、透明度原则和允许例外与实施保障措施原则。

    Basic principles of WTO system are as follows : non-discrimination , reduction of tariff , abolition of quotas , promotion of fair competition , making allowances for the developing countries , transparency , permission of exception and exercise of securing measures .

  8. 现代经济学的原则之一是价值竞争原则。

    One of the principles of modern economics is the principle of competition for values .

  9. 网络经济的竞争原则

    Competitive Principle of Net Economy Networking COMPETITION

  10. 促进竞争原则是当代电信法中的一项基本原则。

    The principle of competition promotion is one of the basic principles of contemporary telecommunications law .

  11. 公平竞争原则;

    Principle of fair competition ;

  12. 利率管制从本质上是与市场经济的竞争原则相违背的。

    To completely establish the market based economic system in our country objectively requires interest rate liberalization .

  13. 世贸组织运行的基本原则是无歧视待遇原则、透明度原则、公平竞争原则、自由贸易发展原则。

    The fundamental principles of WTO are : no discrimination , be transparent , equal competition , free development of trade .

  14. 它是国际贸易中违背公平竞争原则、破坏正常贸易秩序的行为。

    It is a behavior that is in breach of the fair competitive principle and the normal tradable order in international trade .

  15. 在网络经济中,企业必须顺应环境的变化,采取全新的竞争原则和竞争策略,方有可能在激烈的竞争中取胜。

    In net economy , the business must use the new competitive principle and competitive tactics to win victory with change of situation .

  16. 第三章分析贯穿在《苔丝》中的自然选择原则,包括:适应原则,适者生存、不适者淘汰的生存竞争原则和遗传原则。

    Chapter Three analyzes the principle of natural selection running through Tess including the principle of adaptation , struggling for existence and heredity .

  17. 首先充分遵循公平竞争原则、效率原则、服务导向原则和患者自主选择原则。

    First full compliance with the principle of fair competition , the principle of efficiency , service-oriented principles and patients to choose principle .

  18. 竞业禁止的理论依据主要是法学上的诚实信用、忠实义务原则和合理限制竞争原则以及经济学上的代理成本理论和限制权利负面效应原则。

    The prohibition of business strife theoretical basis are economic " agency costs " theories and legal obligations from the principle of good faith .

  19. 我们支持自由市场竞争原则,并将其作为商业行为的基础,我们遵循适用的竞争法律法规。

    We support the principle of free market competition as a basis for conducting our business , and we observe applicable competition laws and regulations .

  20. 第二部分,商业贿赂民事责任的理论基础。一个制度的建立,理论作为基石是必不可少的,商业贿赂的民事责任制度的理论基础为公平竞争原则和诚实信用原则。

    The second part is about theoretical basis for the commercial bribery civil liability system , which are the principle of fair competition and good faith .

  21. 进场费符合市场的交易原则和竞争原则,可以看作超市品牌的价格。

    The slotting fee accords with the trade principle and competition principle of market , and we can regard it as the price of supermarket brand .

  22. 一个科学、合理,体现了公平、激励、竞争原则的薪酬体系,对企业人力资源的实现至关重要。

    A scientific and rational compensation system with principles of equity , encouragement and competition , is crucial for human resources strategy development of an enterprise .

  23. 我国《政府采购法》的基本原则是:公开透明原则、公平竞争原则、公正原则和诚实信用原则。

    The fundamental principles of China 's " Government Procurement Law " are Public Transparency , Fair Competition , Fair and Just , and Honesty and Credibility .

  24. 摘要市场经济活动所需的公平观包括生产领域里的公平分配原则和市场领域里的公平竞争原则。

    The principles of fairness demanded by market economy consist of two : one is equitable distribution in production ; the other is fair competition in market .

  25. 普通高考,是最能体现公平公正竞争原则的全国性考试,是我国最公平、百姓认可度最高的人才选拔制度。

    Common entrance examination system embodies the principles of fair competition perfectly among the national examinations and it is the most fair system that most Chinese can approve .

  26. 究其原因是中国科举制中公平竞争原则的完全丧失而文官制吸收了这一原则精华并使之制度化导致。

    The reason is that the principle of fair competition in the imperial examination system has disappeared completely while it is reserved and developed in the British civil-service system .

  27. 竞业禁止的正当性来源于诚实信用原则、代理成本理论和合理限制竞争原则。

    The justification of the restraint of competition lies in the principle of good faith and loyalty duty , the doctrine of agent cost and the reasonable restraint doctrine .

  28. 推导了在几种不同的竞争原则下的高、低优先级数据的丢包率.分析了高、低优先级数据的丢包率与输出光缓冲器之间的关系。

    The relationships of the PLR performance of both high and low priority data vs. the depth of optical output buffer are evaluated and discussed under different contention rules .

  29. 为下文阐述现代电信法首要原则&促进竞争原则打下基础;三、小灵通用户的权益保障问题。

    And it lays the foundation for the first principle & pro-competition principle of modern telecommunications law . Thirdly , the problem of right protection for the Chinese PHS users .

  30. 这种滥用权利的行为是与民法中的禁止权利滥用原则、利益平衡原则和公平竞争原则所追求的价值目标相悖的。

    The abuse of copyright is contrary to value goal of the No Abuse of Rights Doctrine , the Balance of Interests Doctrine and the Fair Competition Doctrine in civil law .