
jìnɡ hé
  • concurrence;coincidence;coincidental
  1. 浅论医疗民事责任的竞合

    Some Ideas about the Concurrence of Civil Liabilities in Medical Treatment

  2. 从苏丹红案看惩罚性赔偿与责任竞合

    Punitive Compensation and Liability Concurrence from " Sudan Red " Case

  3. WTO规则与自由贸易区制度竞合研究

    A Study on the Coopetition between WTO Rules and FTA Institutions

  4. 集群环境下基于竞合机制的多Agent供应链管理系统架构

    The Multi-Agent System Architecture of Supply Chain Management Based on Competitive - Cooperative Mechanism under Industrial Cluster

  5. 事实上当IMF和WTO出现管辖权竞合时,WTO同样享有实质管辖权。

    The fact is that IMF and WTO have jurisdiction overlap , WTO also has the substantive jurisdiction .

  6. 这有助于基于多Agent系统和竞合机制效益的理论表达,也对企业实施基于多Agent的系统起到支持作用。

    This should contribute to theory formulation about the benefits of agent - based systems and competitive - cooperative mechanisms and also support practitioners to decide whether or not to implement agent - based systems .

  7. 利用多阶段动态博弈方法来探讨不同竞合模式的联盟形式选择问题,得出如下结论:从产业产量最大化角度,政府部门愿意让企业选择只在RD阶段合作的RD联盟形式;

    The problem of choice of strategic alliance forms under different co-competition modes is explored using an approach of more-stage game in this paper . We show that only cooperation in the R & D stage is enterprise 's choice from the view of maximum output of industry .

  8. 利用种群生态学中的LV模型从收益方面来探讨竞合型战略联盟,在稳定点时,形成联盟的企业之间收益最大。

    In the six chapter , use the LV model in ecology community to discuss the stability of Competition-collaboration type strategic alliance in the benefit part . When on the stable point , those logistics enterprises formed Competition-collaboration type strategic alliance can get the best benefits .

  9. 想象竞合犯处罚原则的重构

    Reconstruction of the Principle of Punishment for Imaginative Jointer of Offenses

  10. 想象竞合犯的本质是实质的一罪。

    The essence of the imaginative joinder offenses is one crime .

  11. 我国物流市场竞合动因与竞合效应分析

    Analysis on Competitive Cooperation Motives and Effect of China Logistics Market

  12. 论跨国公司内部竞合中的子公司类型划分

    On the Type Classification of Subsidiaries in the Coopetition Within TNCs

  13. 环渤海港口物流竞合态势与区域整合研究

    Study on Logistics Co-Operation and Regional Integration in Bohai Sea Port

  14. 论抵押权与其他担保物权竞合的效力

    The Effect of Mortgage Concurrent with Other Real Rights of Security

  15. 论禁止重复评价原则与刑法竞合

    On Principles of Prohibiting Repeatable Evaluation and Concurrence in Criminal Law

  16. 最后,讨论了优先购买权的竞合问题。

    Finally , we discuss the concurrence of preemptive rights forpurchase .

  17. 民事责任竞合是民事责任法领域中的一类重要的法律现象。

    The coincidence of civil liability is significant issue of civil law .

  18. 旅游营销互联是广西与东盟旅游市场的竞合核心;

    The network linking of tourist marketing is its core ;

  19. 国家赔偿责任与民事侵权责任间竞合之探讨&从人民权益之保障为中心

    On Concurrence of State Compensation and Civil Liability for Tort

  20. 论盗窃罪的想像竞合犯

    The Imaginative Jointer of Offence of the Crime of Theft

  21. 基于博弈论的合作促销竞合策略问题研究

    Coopetition Strategies for Cooperative Promotion Based on a Game Theory

  22. 在有些法律、法规或规章中还存在交叉和竞合。

    In some laws , rules or regulations are overlaps and competing .

  23. 中国周边地区经济竞合新趋势与我国的对策

    The New Trends of Economic Cooperation & Competition and Countermeasures of China

  24. 想象竞合犯构成特征探析

    Analysis on the Structural Features of Imagined Joint Offence

  25. 国内三大都市圈体育产业协同竞合发展范式研究

    On the Competition Development of Sport Industry in Three Urban Circles in China

  26. 正文第三部分对高校法律责任的归责原则、构成要件和责任竞合进行分析。

    The third part analyzes the principle between attribution and responsibility and universities .

  27. 论想象竞合犯的行为本质及处断原则

    The Essence of Action and Principle of Punishment in Imaginative Jointer of Offenses

  28. 区域旅游产业竞争力模型及区域旅游产业竞合模式研究

    A Study of Competition model and the Coopetition Pattern on Regional Tourism Industry

  29. 区域产业生态系统组织成员间的竞合协同进化研究

    Research on the Competitive and Cooperative Co-evolution of Members of Regional Industrial Ecosystem

  30. 竞合环境中知识源开放知识的动力研究

    On the Driving Force of Knowledge Source Opening Its Knowledge in Competition-cooperation Environment