
  • 网络executors;executorship
  1. 在我去世时,如果我拥有加州以外的房产,或者享有加州以外房产的收益需要做附加遗产监管,我指定我的遗嘱执行人(domiciliaryExecutor)作为这些财产的附加遗产监管人(ancillaryExecutor)。

    If at the time of my death I own or have an interest in property located outside of the State of California requiring ancillary administration , I appoint my domiciliary Executors as ancillary Executors for such property .

  2. 第四章,我国遗嘱执行人制度的立法构想。

    Chapter ⅳ, we introduced the legislation of the executors in China .

  3. 他们让一个值得信任的朋友当遗嘱执行人

    They ask a trustworthy friend of theirs to be the executor

  4. 他被提名做他兄弟的遗嘱执行人。

    He was named executor of his brother 's will .

  5. 你必须将你的要求告诉遗嘱执行人。

    You must present your demands to the executor .

  6. 那人指定他的律师做他的遗嘱执行人。

    The man named his lawyer as his executor .

  7. 他们提供保险箱、信用卡、支票卡、遗嘱执行服务。

    They provide safe deposit , credit and cheque cards , executorship service .

  8. 银行没有被指定为是那项财产的遗嘱执行人。

    No bank was named executor of that estate .

  9. 将来的一切都用不着遗嘱执行人和税收人过问了。

    There is no business of any executor or tax collector in the future .

  10. 其次介绍了遗嘱执行人制度的起源与历史沿革。

    Second , we introduced the origin and the history of the executor system .

  11. 作为她的遗嘱执行人,检查她的全部个人文件是我的责任。

    It was my duty as her executor to go through her personal papers .

  12. 遗嘱执行人把遗产分给各个人。

    The executor snored out the estate .

  13. 我还想着的一个重大的决定是谁应该成为我的遗嘱执行人。

    One big decision I 'm still thinking about is who should be my executor .

  14. 遗嘱执行人制度就是一种很好的能使遗嘱继承得以充分顺利实现的制度。

    Executor system is one system that can make the will be fully an quickly implemented .

  15. 我指定约翰-布朗卡、约翰-麦克莱恩和巴里-斯里格尔为我的遗嘱执行人。

    I appoint JOHN BRANCA , JOHN McCLAIN and BARRY SlliGEL as co-Executors of this Will .

  16. 小额遗产的遗嘱执行人

    Executor of small estates

  17. 如果被任命为房产共同遗嘱执行人,凯瑟琳·杰克逊还将获得相应的执行人酬劳。

    If named a co-executor of the estate , Katherine Jackson would also be entitled to a sizeable executor 's fee .

  18. 《继承法》对遗嘱执行只是略有提及而无实质规定。

    There is only a little recite on testament execution in Inherit Law , but has not essential prescript about it .

  19. 步骤四:描绘并分配遗嘱执行者、受益者,以及为你的死而复仇的人的角色。

    STEP 4 : Delineate and assign roles for executor , beneficiaries , and the person responsible for avenging your death .

  20. 第四部分是完善我国遗嘱执行人制度的思考,本部分首先通过对我国遗嘱执行人的现行规定和状况做了介绍,讲解了完善我国遗嘱执行人制度的必要性。

    The status and the regulation about the executor system in our country are introduced . It is necessary to perfect it .

  21. 建议包括:遗嘱执行人的产生方式、资格设定、权利义务、承担的责任等。

    Those proposals include the ways to generate , qualifications setting , rights and obligations and responsibilities as a executor and so on .

  22. 检验遗嘱执行人的证明,遗嘱是真的正式文件。这样做是为了让招待人按遗嘱的条款行动

    Official document prove that a will be genuine , give to the executor so that they can act on the term of the will

  23. 首先介绍的是遗嘱执行人的概念以及学者们不同的表述,然后总结出自己对遗嘱执行人的概念的认定。

    First , this paper introduced the concept and the statements of the executor that the scholars give , then summarized the identification of a executor .

  24. 当死者的亲属发现她的遗嘱执行者已将劳斯莱斯名贵轿车据为己有时,都非常愤怒。小额遗产的遗嘱执行人

    The relatives of the dead were very angry when they discovered that her executor had appropriated the Rolls Royce to himself . executor of small estates

  25. 作为遗产计划的一部分,你需要指定某个人成为你的持续全权受托人,并选定一位遗嘱执行人。

    As part of your estate planning , you 'll want to assign durable general power of attorney to someone and select an executor for your estate .

  26. 第二十三条继承开始后,知道被继承人死亡的继承人应当及时通知其他继承人和遗嘱执行人。

    Article 23 After the opening of succession , a successor who has knowledge of the death should promptly notify the other successors and the testamentary executor .

  27. 最后对遗嘱执行人制度的作用和关于遗嘱执行人制度法律地位的不同学说作出评价。

    At last , we gave the evaluation on the effect of the executor system and the different theories of the executor system on the legal status .

  28. 分析我国现行相关立法机制,它设立的遗产保管人制度和遗嘱执行人制度既有其积极的意义,又有其消极的一面。

    In accordance with the existing concerned legislative system in China , the legacy custodian system and the legacy executor system have both positive and negative significance .

  29. 认为权利义务在特殊身份下履行其职责时是相辅相成的统一体,遗嘱执行更多的体现为一种义务。

    I think the rights and obligations are the complementary unity when performing theirs duties under the special status . Performing will is reflected more as an obligation .

  30. 遗嘱执行人应承担起工作并应向有关州或地区的最高法院申请授予经过检验的遗嘱。

    An executor has the job of accepting office and is required to apply to the Supreme Court of the relevant state or territory for a grant of probate .