
lí hūn sù sònɡ
  • divorce proceedings;divorce action
  1. 在他的离婚诉讼中正式提到的那位妇人。

    The woman who was cited in his divorce action .

  2. 在那起离婚诉讼中,孩子们归谁监护的问题交由法官决定。

    In that divorce action , the question of the custody of the children was put up to the judge .

  3. 她在离婚诉讼中被传唤。

    She was cited in the divorce proceedings .

  4. 今日已提起离婚诉讼。

    Divorce proceedings started today .

  5. 该事务所称在过去两年内因不合理行为提出的离婚诉讼中,含有Facebook一词的起诉书比例增加了50%。

    The firm said it had seen a 50 percent jump in the number of behaviour-based divorce petitions that contained the word " Facebook " in the past two years .

  6. 奥地利经济学家马丁哈拉(martinhalla)从他祖国的离婚诉讼中收集了一些数据,并从中发现了一个奇怪的现象。

    The Austrian economist Martin Halla has collected data from divorce proceedings in his home country , and he finds a curious pattern .

  7. 霍尔夫人宣布她正在提出离婚诉讼。

    Mrs hall announced that she was petitioning for a divorce .

  8. 其中一个会毁掉维多利亚的离婚诉讼

    One of them 's gonna blow up Victoria 's divorce .

  9. 论离婚诉讼中诉讼标的的认定

    On the Cognizance of Litigation Target in the Divorcement Suit

  10. 个性与婚姻质量&100对离婚诉讼者配对对照研究

    A control study on the personality of 100 couples in divorce proceedings

  11. 最后她只好提出离婚诉讼。

    Finally she had to file an action for divorce .

  12. 她愿意把离婚诉讼延缓六个月。

    She would delay starting divorce proceedings for six months .

  13. 论涉军人离婚诉讼中的军人否决权

    On the veto power of the army men in marriage

  14. 第三部分,离婚诉讼调解制度的改革与完善。

    The third part of divorce proceedings mediation system reform and improvement .

  15. 于是妻子被迫提出离婚诉讼。

    The wife is then forced into filing for divorce .

  16. 房产的分割是离婚诉讼要解决的重要问题。

    The division of estate is an important problem in suit for divorce .

  17. 他极力克制自己,不提出离婚诉讼。

    He showed / exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce .

  18. 他是个专打离婚诉讼的律师。

    He is a lawyer who specializes in divorce .

  19. 埃里克把他们俩拆散,在他们的离婚诉讼中他受到传讯。

    Eric split them up , and is cited in the divorce proceedings .

  20. 她说,一个毫无争议的离婚诉讼现在需要大约半年时间才能审结。

    An uncontested divorce now takes about half a year , she says .

  21. 离婚诉讼中的临时措施制度

    On the Interim Injunctions in the Divorce Proceeding

  22. 不过仅仅过了72天,她就提出了离婚诉讼。

    She filed for divorce after 72 days .

  23. 现在离婚诉讼程序已经启动,我们将进行财产分割。

    Now divorce proceedings have started and we will be dividing up our assets .

  24. 丑闻的披露引发了夫妇提出离婚诉讼,请求结束25年的婚姻。

    The revelations led the couple to start divorce proceedings ending their 25-year marriage .

  25. 第一部分,介绍了离婚诉讼调解制度的基本理论。

    The first part describes the basic theory of the divorce proceedings mediation system .

  26. 每个季度,民政部门都会公布居民离婚诉讼案的统计数据。

    Every quarter , civil affairs authorities release statistics about residents ' divorce filings .

  27. 做离婚诉讼律师是你自己的选择。

    You decided to practice divorce law .

  28. 探析离婚诉讼中的反诉

    On the Countercharge against the Divorcement Suit

  29. 事情发展到最痛苦的场面就是提出不愉快的离婚诉讼。

    The whole miserable scene was to set the proceedings for an ugly divorce in motion .

  30. 第三部分主要论述国外离婚诉讼中房产分割的立法规定及其对我国的借鉴意义。

    Chapter thress : discussion on the foreign divorce proceedings in the legislation of property division .