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lí bié
  • part;leave;bid farewell;be away from;part from;disperse;separate
离别 [lí bié]
  • (1) [leave;be away from;part from]∶暂时或永久离开

  • 我离别故乡已经两年了

  • (2) [disperse;separate]∶分手,分开

离别[lí bié]
  1. 旧社会我不得不和妻子离别。

    In the past I had to part with my wife .

  2. 我们离别时我如何忍得住眼泪呢?

    How shall I withhold from tears when we part ?

  3. 他们离别20多年后重又聚首。

    They were reunited after a separation of more than 20 years .

  4. 我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念。

    My friend gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away .

  5. 一股怀念非洲的离别情意油然而生。

    He had a sudden nostalgia for africa .

  6. 我们即将离别。

    Our departure is imminent .

  7. 歌曲最后道出了离别的哀怨

    The last note of the song rang out plaintively .

  8. 我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念品。

    My friend gave me his picture as a memento before going away .

  9. 今天的世界,许多地方早已离别了水车和耕牛,甚至正在离别轰鸣的机器时代。

    Today 's world , a lot of places left already sprinkler and farm cattle , leaving even plangent machine times

  10. 我尽快离开了。那天下午,我在离别三年之后踏上了回家的路。

    I got away as quick as I could . That afternoon I was on my way home after three years of absence .

  11. 它被转移到sd-6的半离别实验室。

    It was moved to the sd-6off-site lab.

  12. 不要离别不要给我风雪。

    Don 't depart , don 't give me the disaster .

  13. 那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。

    The absence of grief and despair , has no voice .

  14. 离别多年后又见到她实在令我吃惊了。

    Meeting her after so many years really blew my mind .

  15. 离别,离别,离别,不舍,不舍,不舍的心情;

    In the mood of parting and being reluctant to leave ;

  16. 离别虽短暂,难舍又难分!

    But yet for a while do I leave thee now !

  17. 我会让他们因为我们刚刚的离别而微笑。

    I'will cause them for smile at our late going away .

  18. 天总会黑。人总要离别。

    Sky will always turn dark , people will always separate .

  19. 哦。孩子,我不会就这么的离别。

    Oh . Children , I will not be so farewell .

  20. 离别三年后,我们又在一起了。

    We are together again after a separation of three years .

  21. 离别不是甜美的忧伤,而是乾涸的恐慌。

    Parting is not sweet sorrow but a dry panic .

  22. 同自己的孩子离别,真是再难受不过的事。

    There 's nothing so bad as parting with one 's children .

  23. 我要成为你最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。

    I want to be your favorite encounter and your hardest goodbye .

  24. 飞机,离别,轮船以及旅途中的景象。

    Aeroplanes , departures , ships and scenes from journeys .

  25. 他坐得尽可能离别人远一些。

    He sat as far away , from the others as possible .

  26. 我们所有短暂的相见,仿佛只是为了长久的离别。

    Love is so short and forgetting is so long .

  27. 他2年前离别故土。

    He parted from his native shore two years ago .

  28. 她觉得难以忍受离别时的紧张。

    She felt unable to bear the strain of parting .

  29. 我总是会在离别的时刻感到不舍。

    I always feel weepy when time comes for leaving .

  30. 在每一首波尔卡中,我都能觉察到离别的意味。

    I cannot hear any polka without sensing a farewell .