
  1. 起初,我们设想的是,参加ArtPrize艺术展的观众应该都是在20到30岁之间,智能手机不离手的年青一代。

    We expected 20 to 30-year olds to show up with their smartphones .

  2. 这位烟不离手的企业家坐在一扇巨大的中式画屏前,讲起自己第一次听说HouseofFraser,是5个月前从一个银行家那儿听说它正在出售。

    Sitting in front of an enormous Chinese screen painting , the chain-smoking entrepreneur says he first heard of House of Fraser five months ago when a banker told him that it was on the block .

  3. 买定离手,看看里面有多少口烟?

    Confirm , see how many cigarettes are inside the can ?

  4. 老美?发动战争污染环境挥霍无度枪炮不离手的美国人?

    Americans ? War-starting , planet-polluting , over-consuming , arms-bearing Americans ?

  5. 我在与乌克兰人交谈时,他们大多烟不离手。

    Most Ukrainians I spoke to smoked throughout the conversation .

  6. 话出口,石离手,返回机会不再有。

    Never more come back the throw stone or the speak word .

  7. 你真是书不离手

    You always have a book in your hands .

  8. 成为一个写作好手需要坚持笔不离手。

    Becoming a good writer also takes practice .

  9. 你应该拳不离手。

    You need to keep your hand in .

  10. 拳不离手,曲不离口。

    No day without a line .

  11. 这是个烟不离手的马克思主义者,结过多次婚,精通所有事物。”乔布斯回忆。

    who was a chain-smoking Marxist who had been through many marriages and was an expert on everything , " Jobs recalled .

  12. 但我没有像一般小女生那样迷恋上学校足球队队长,或是痴情于那个一无是处、烟不离手的未来诗人。

    Not for the silly schoolgirl infatuation with the football team captain or the fascination with the good for nothing , pot-smoking aspiring poet .

  13. 违例后的掷球入界,在球离手前,掷球入界队员延边线向不同的两个方向移动是违犯规则的?

    After a violation , is it illegal for the thrower-in to move in both directions along the boundary line before releasing the ball ?

  14. 这是属于害羞、顺从的一类人。他们保护性地拿酒杯,往往不会轻易让酒杯离手,似乎担心其他人会把酒杯夺走。

    Usually a shy , person who holds the glass protectively , not letting go , as though afraid somebody will take it away .

  15. 正确的滑步位置球员首先要确定的一件事是,他们的身体角度是否在正确的位置上。多数球员在离手时,球会。

    GET THE SLIDING FOOT RIGHT ! The main thing a player must do first is make sure they are lining up the correct way .

  16. 从8岁到20岁,我一直斧不离手,这就是美国拓荒者一代又一代的生活。

    I had an ax in my hand from my eighth to my 20t h year . This is the life of American settler stock .

  17. 玛丽贝尔的外国口音、烟不离手的习惯、写诗天赋与摄影才华让她成为伦敦上流社会中格格不入的异类。

    Her exotic accent , chain-smoking and talent for poetry and photography mark her as a scarlet sheep among the white flock of London society .

  18. 过去的一年,这位烟不离手的69岁老人在上海南边的杭州市开设了一家豪华购物中心,扩大了他的帝国。

    In the past year , the 69-year-old chain smoker has expanded his empire by opening a luxury shopping mall in Hangzhou , a Chinese city south of Shanghai .

  19. 协助研发这种商店的韩国第一企划公司发言人艾琳妮·拉姆说:“在首尔,每个人都机不离手”。

    Irene Lam , spokeswoman for Cheil Worldwide , the global marketing agency that helped develop the store , said : 'In Seoul , everyone is glued to their smartphones .

  20. 而它带来的颠覆性变革,不是说让大家终于拥有了一部出色的手机,而是说,不管好坏,我们现在终于可以永远电脑不离手,互联网不离身了

    The disruption was not that we now finally had a nice phone ; it was that , for better or for worse , we would now never again be without a computer or the Internet

  21. 增加对球的作用时间则延长工作过程,最后在球离手时更为精确地感知球和控制出手动作,从而提高命中率。

    Increase ball action time extend the working process , the last in the ball from the hand more accurately perceive the ball and control of hand movement , thereby improving the rate of shooting . 4 .

  22. 从理论上说手指柔韧度好则会增加或者延长球出手时的用力时间,增加用力过程对球的作用时间及球离手瞬间的角速度,这对于提高投篮命中率的是必不可少的因素。

    Theoretically speaking , finger flexibility will increase or prolong the ball out hard time increased force on the ball time ball in hands isolated instantaneous angular velocity , which is an essential factor to improve the hit rate .

  23. 库拉纳承认自己也是智能手机从不离手,某天晚上,他试着和妻子仅用一只眼睛来看手机,可二人发现,这种做法的难度很大。

    Khurana , who acknowledged that he 's an avid cellphone user , said that he and his wife tried to recreate the scenario on a recent evening , but had difficulty checking their phones with only one eye .

  24. 这家其貌不扬的小店离JR山手线(Yamanote)的巢鸭站(Sugamo)很近。它也不好进,原因却是不同:这家店不接受预订,采用取票制。

    The small , unassuming space , close to the Sugamo station on the JR Yamanote line , is difficult to get into for different reasons : They take no reservations and operate on a ticket system .

  25. 风筝线飞离了它的手。

    The string of the kite flew out of his hands .

  26. 备具争议的博主韩寒也许离成为全职赛车手又近了一步。因为他创建的《合唱团》杂志团队于上周日正式解散,这让他有更多的时间在赛车场上挥洒青春。

    Controversial blogger Han Han may have moved one step closer to becoming a full-time racecar driver again after staff at his magazine , Party , were let go Sunday , allowing him more time on the track .