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yí xùn
  • teachings of the deceased;behest of the deceased
遗训 [yí xùn]
  • [behest of the deceased] 前人留下或死者生前所说的有教育意义的话

遗训[yí xùn]
  1. 这是谁的遗训

    The pendulum ticks callously , heartlessly .

  2. 这是她留给我的遗训

    It 's the legacy she left for me .

  3. 吉尔伯特家族遗训我忘了那有多神圣了

    Hmm. The Gilbert family legacy . I forgot how sacred it was .

  4. 看看他下面说什么:他说吾主的遗训祈祷,这个大部分现代人应该很熟悉了。

    Notice what he says : he gives the Lord 's Prayer , which is familiar to most modern people .

  5. 这遗训寄托着郑老先生对儿子的一腔关爱。我们由此可以看出他目光远大,见识深远。

    It is full of his boundless love for his son and we can see from it Zheng 's cleverest insight .

  6. 这是郑板桥在生命垂危时给儿子留下的遗训。

    It is a teaching of Zheng Banqiao to his son , which was written on the paper just before his death .

  7. 我们在伊格那丢的书信看到了发展,在《十二使徒遗训》中看到后来的发展的开端,这个开端后来变成一个更成熟的基督教。

    We see developing in the letters of Ignatius and in the Didache the beginnings of this later development and to what will become a more mature Christianity .

  8. 我们整天摇头晃脑地把古人的遗训背得滚瓜烂熟,有几个能真正领悟其中的真意呢?

    We read the ancients'teachings and rules all day long until we can recite them fluently , but how many of us have understood what they really mean ?

  9. 在伊格那丢的书信和《十二使徒遗训》中,耶稣这个天启论先知,这个被称为拿撒勒的耶稣的人他的一小撮追随者,已经取得长足发展。

    So , with Ignatius and with the Didache , we have moved a long way from this tiny little band of followers of a Jewish apocalyptic prophet named Jesus of Nazareth .

  10. 我们还能从另一个角度看到发展,这种发展在《十二使徒遗训》中更明显,我布置大家把这篇也读了的,教会已经不再试图去控制礼仪这样的东西了。

    The other thing that we can see developing too is , and we see this more from the Didache , the other document I asked you to read today , the shift toward trying to control things like liturgy .

  11. 因此,每当苹果有手写笔专利获批(比如今年4月的一项专利)或是申请另一项专利(比如上周这项专利,这也是今年为止第10件了)时,人们经常会引用乔帮主的这两句遗训来烘托讽刺效果。

    So when an Apple stylus patent gets approved ( as one did in April ) , or another gets filed ( as one did last week , the 10th so far this year ) , one of these quotes is usually trotted out for ironic effect .