
  1. 他们将根据你的赠予调整自己的遗产分配。

    They will adjust their bequests in the light of yours .

  2. 另外,信托与公司制度、遗产分配制度也有着密不可分的关系。

    Trust system has a close relationship with the company system and the heritage distribution system .

  3. 遗产分配是否公平适当直接关系到家庭的和睦以及社会的和谐。

    It is fair to involve the harmony and harmony of society of the family directly while being appropriate for legacy not to assign .

  4. 事实上,以盖茨的巨大财富和他的遗产分配来说,人们大多是愿意相信他的,同时也证明了盖茨的独特技能和才华。

    The fact that others are willing to trust Gates with their vast wealth and life 's legacy demonstrates that Gates is uniquely skilled and talented .

  5. 你的律师或第三方(调停者)会帮你推敲词句,包括为你的财产分配出谋划策——甚至是为你做遗产分配。

    Your lawyers or a neutral third party ( called a mediator ) can help you hammer out your terms , including how your assets will be divided in case of divorce - or even death .

  6. 无论是起草一份完备的并具有法律效应的遗嘱,计划遗产处理分配,还是建立一个可靠的信托,我们的优秀法律服务都可以帮您办到。

    Drafting a legally valid and comprehensive will and last testament , design a well thought estate planning or establish a reliable trust are all within reach with our top of the line legal services .

  7. 生前的富足导致人们在死后留下大笔财产,其中有不动产,也有各种贵重的动产及现金,这大笔的遗产如何分配就成为了一个重大而又复杂的问题。

    Before death rich to lead to the fact people sow a large sum of property behind death , among them there is real estate , have various valuable movable property and cash too , a large sum of legacy these how assign , become one great and complicated problem .

  8. 遗产得到了平均分配。

    The inheritance has been evenly divided out .

  9. 如果法官判决遗嘱订立人并不理解自己行为后果的全部情况,遗产就可以重新分配。

    If a judge determines the will maker had not understood the full extent of the consequences of his or her actions , inheritances can therefore be redistributed .

  10. 遗产清算程序包括遗产管理人的选任、公告权利人、制定遗产清册及遗产分配四个阶段。咸丰时期老人居住方式的考察&以《安祺佐领咸丰七年清查户口人丁清册》为据

    The procedure of liquidation in inheritance includes the empanelling of the supervisors , proclaiming the creditors , formulating the accounting bill of heritage and the assignment of heritage . Investigation of the Living Ways of the Aged in the Period of Emperor Xian Feng

  11. 按照遗产继承的正常顺序,可在步骤上划分为三大环节:遗产范围的确定,遗产的管理,遗产的分配。

    In accordance with the normal order of the legacy heritage , the procedure could be divided into 3 steps , namely , the specification of the legacy coverage , the management of the legacy , and the assignment of the legacy .