
  1. 但国内户表相关技术尚未过关,难以有效的在末端进行调节。

    However , the relevant technology has not yet succeeded in domestic household meter , so it is difficult to effectively regulate in the end .

  2. 确切的文本使复选框清楚明确,但也使用户不得不放慢速度阅读,而且占据了数量可观的屏幕空间。

    Well-written text can make check boxes unambiguous . However , this exacting text forces users to slow down to read it , and takes a considerable amount of real estate .

  3. 黑龙江省木材加工业具有一定的资源基础和经济效益,但就16户森工直属木材加工企业而言,面对产业结构的不断调整和市场竞争的日趋激烈,其生存和发展仍存在诸多问题。

    Wood-processing industry of Heilongjiang province has certain resourceful base and economic benefits . But as far as its sixteen wood-processing corporations are concerned , facing the gradual adjustment of industry structure and the increasingly drastic market competition , their survival and development also has many problems .

  4. 但的儿子是户伸。

    And the sons of dan ; hushim .

  5. 但对那些小农户们来说,改善土质的成本往往超过了他们种植农作物的所得。

    But for many small farmers , the cost of treating the soil is more than they earn from their crops .

  6. 折银率与加耗均低,但其减轻纳税户压力的作用没有完全达到。

    Although the silver discount rate and the increase consumption were both very low , they did not reduce the press of the taxpayer .

  7. 加拿大一户人家将家庭成员的尸体搁置在他们住所楼上的卧室长达6个月,因为他们认为只要祈祷就能让逝去的人重生,但尸体因这户人家无钱支付抵押贷款遭驱逐而被公之于众。

    A Canadian family lived with a corpse intheir upstairs bedroom for six months because they believed the deceased manwould be resurrected if they prayed , but the body was discovered when the family was evicted for not paying the mortgage .