
  • 网络Free City of Danzig;Freie Stadt Danzig
  1. 本文即选取但泽自由市为案例探讨魏玛政府时期领土修约主义政策形成、发展及破产的全过程。

    This thesis , taking the Free city of Danzig for example , discusses the whole process of formation , development and bankruptcy of territorial revisionism during the Weimar government period .

  2. 格拉斯1927年10月16日生于但泽自由市。但泽是波罗的海一个国际化港口城市,以讲德语的人居多,波兰对该市拥有一些有限的权利。

    Grass was born on October 16 1927 , in the free city of Danzig , a cosmopolitan Baltic port with a German-speaking majority and over which the Polish state had some limited rights .