
  1. 但凭什么认为这些措施能战胜行业的反对?

    But why should we expect such measures to surmount industry opposition ?

  2. 简单易懂的诗歌但凭他编造;

    And the poetry he invented was easy to understand ;

  3. 但凭他的手艺和那些灰烬,宝石匠尽着最大的努力。

    With his hand and ashes he will try the best he can .

  4. 屋内漆黑一团,但凭我的第六感觉,我断定这屋子里一定有人。

    It was pitch black but some sixth sense told me that there was somebody in the room .

  5. “要是你但凭自己的高兴爱想什么就想什么,可就是闭着嘴毫不声张,那一切都会好得多了。”

    " If you 'd just think what you please but keep your mouth shut , everything would be so much nicer . "

  6. 她的母亲问她是否接受这个婚姻,她羞答答地回道一切但凭父母做主。

    When her mother asked her if she also agreed to the marriage proposal , she replied shyly that it was totally up to her parents .

  7. 虽然学习乐器是件苦差事,但凭著努力与热忱,她们仍用卓越的演出惊艳了大家。

    Though learning how to play an instrument is not an easy task , but with their hard work and enthusiasm , they still amaze everyone with their extraordinary performance .

  8. 今年1月,邹平镇工作了13年的公司一家在深圳设有业务的香港印刷公司为他提供了为期三年的合同,但凭他的工作年限,他是有资格签署无固定期限合同的。

    In January , Mr Zou 's employer of 13 years , a Hong Kong printing company with operations in Shenzhen , offered him a three-year contract , even though his long service entitled him to an open-ended one .

  9. 但仅凭哈斯廷斯在Facebook上披露了一份重大材料,就以为投资人们会自动去看,这显然是不应该的。

    But it should not allow Hastings to make a material disclosure via Facebook and then just assume that investors will know to look .

  10. 约旦国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)毫不费力就更换了一位总理,但仅凭新面孔并不能创造就业或繁荣。

    It costs King Abdullah little to replace one prime minister , but new faces alone will not create jobs or prosperity .

  11. 研究表明,长三角地区服务业的FDI对经济增长具有较强的促进作用,但仅凭经济总量的增加不足以进一步吸引服务业外商直接投资,制度的建设与完善才是吸引FDI的关键。

    The research indicates that the Yangtze River Delta FDI in the services sector has a strong push to the economical growth , but depending on the economic output increase is not sufficient enough to further attract foreign direct investment , the key is the system construction and perfection .

  12. 新加坡IT咨询公司IDC的马伯远(BryanMa)谈到该交易时表示:“这是一笔双赢交易,让一方积累专利数量,另一方打造其生态系统。但单凭该协议不会在一夜之间改变它们的命运。”

    Bryan Ma at IT consultancy IDC in Singapore said of the deal : " It 's a win-win , with one side building up its patent collection and the other building up its ecosystem . But this deal alone won 't change either of their fortunes overnight . "

  13. 但仅凭强劲的经济无法保证政治稳定。

    But a strong economy alone does not guarantee political stability .

  14. 但仅凭这些就能说是一个阴谋帮派吗?

    But can this be said to amount to a conspiracy ?

  15. 但光凭这些数据本身无法帮助患者。

    But these data will not , by themselves , help patients .

  16. 他虽然天赋不高,但全凭坚韧的毅力赢得了胜利。

    Although he 's less talented , he won by sheer dogged persistence .

  17. 但光凭我阻止不了他。

    But I cannot stop him by myself .

  18. 但单凭诚实很难有足够强的说服力。

    But honesty alone is rarely persuasive enough .

  19. 狐狸虽然狡猾,但仅凭狡猾是打败不了强大的对手的。

    Although the cunning fox , but the cunning alone will not defeat a powerful opponent .

  20. 诚然,20多岁正是体验的时候,但光凭哲思般的空想、度假和物质满足可不行。

    Sure the 20s are for experimenting , but not just with philosophies and vacations and substances .

  21. 我目睹了疾病的摧残,但只能凭感觉猜想她精神刚开始不稳定时的状况。

    The ravages of this condition I observed ; the onset of her mental instability I only felt .

  22. 但光凭自身,印度移动通讯业并不能合理改革:牌照发放与频谱配给可由国家控制着。

    But the industry cannot rationalise by itself : the state controls the supply of licences and spectrum .

  23. 不过,尽管核实可以防止倒霉事情发生,但不能凭简历上的一个谎言就歧视雇员。

    But while checks can prevent mishaps , discrimination cannot be justified by a lie on a CV .

  24. 卫生部门持赞同意见;教育部门也认为很有必要,但顾虑凭接种证入学可能会影响入学率。

    Though the education department thought the requirement was necessary , but they worried about the influences to entry rate .

  25. 中文意思是说:“这个华莱士连骑士都不是,但他凭热血作战,他激励了士气!”,据说。

    This Wallace , he doesn 't even have a knighthood , but he fights with passion and he inspires .

  26. 但单凭减去一笔10%的购置税,是否就能促进销量大幅上升?

    But is it really possible that lifting a 10 % tax could cause such a massive surge in sales ?

  27. 通过管子的煤气会瞬间燃烧起来,但我们凭开、关管道很容易控制它。

    Gas flowing through the pipes burns instantly but can be kept under control easily by opening or closing the pipes .

  28. 一些病例报告表明这种现象可能会发生,但仅凭少数病例报告还无法获足够信息来支持可能的因果关系。

    Case reports suggest that this phenomenon may occur , but few reports contain sufficient data to support the probable causal relationship .

  29. 但仅凭这些措施,还远远不足以形成一个全面且可协调,针对公司面临的全部碳和气候风险的披露机制。

    But this falls far short of a comprehensive and coordinated disclosure regime for companies ' overall exposure to carbon and climate risk .

  30. 抗鸟撞设计研究首先是从试验开始的,但仅凭常规的、全尺寸试验方法存在费时、费力、成本高昂的缺陷。

    The anti-bird impact design begins from experiments , but the regular and the full-size test will be time-consuming , laborious and costly .