
  1. 他们无所愿求,但望家人安全。

    Little do they hope but that their family should be safe .

  2. 他们的眼睛都已老花多年了,但望这红白的花,却还能明白看见。花也不很多,圆圆的排成一个圈,不很精神,倒也整齐。

    Their eyes had suffered from presbyopia from long , but they could still see the flowers on the tomb that were arranged in a ring in order , though not many .

  3. 但我望着田垄,土墙上的瓜,

    I look onto a farmland And then at the squashes over the earth wall ,

  4. 但仍然望着窗外。

    Still looking out the window .

  5. 父亲到达海滩时,巴尔勋爵已经出海,但还望得见。

    The Lord Bar was already at sea when Father reached the coast , but not out of sight .

  6. 我们翻阅画册,但眼睛望着窗外,望着墙上新完成和未完成的作品;

    While leafing through albums of paintings , we might look out of the window or examine the completed and to-be-completed works on the wall .

  7. 实践证明,这些办法对维持现收现付制的运转发挥了一定作用,但无望从根本上化解未来危机。

    However , the fact demonstrates that these methods have certain effects on sustain the operation of pay-as-you-go system , but cannot solve the fundamental issues .

  8. 但却老望着后视镜。

    But he keeps looking into the rearview mirror .

  9. 我还要续写我未来,虽然平凡,但尽闪光望。

    I will continue my future , although ordinary , but try flash look .

  10. 你有在你熟人的怀里抓住你女朋友的特权。注:但你诚望没有机会使用这种特权。

    You have the privilege of catching your girlfriend in the arms of your acquaintances .

  11. 但从天空望下去,柏林仍然灯火辉煌,与和平时期一样。

    But from the air , Berlin still blazed with allelectric lights , as in peacetime .

  12. 他礼貌地点点头,但眼睛却望向站在他后面的父亲。

    He gave a polite tip of the head , but his eyes sought his father behind him .

  13. 这老家伙视力非常差。但却老望着后视镜。

    The old guy is as Blind as a Bat . But he keeps looking into the rearview mirror .

  14. 举个例子来说,我毕业于科罗拉多学院,这个小型的文科学院尽管还算受人青睐,但绝对不能望斯坦福大学的项背。

    For example , I graduated from Colorado College , a small liberal arts institution that is admired but , needless to say , is no Stanford .

  15. 她经过门口但没有往内望。

    She went past the door but didn 't look in .

  16. 没有人开口说话,但有几个女生望向我的方向。

    No one said anything , but several of the girls looked at me .

  17. 尽管尼日利亚和南非可能提供高额回报,但达不到期望值的可能性也同样大。

    While Nigeria and South Africa could offer big returns , equally , they could fail to live up to expectations .

  18. 哈利观察了史纳皮很久,但史纳皮再没望他一眼。

    Harry watched Snape for a while , but Snape didn 't look at him again . Bit of a nasty shock for him .

  19. 望向历史,有历史原因,不可责备,但可辨析;望向现实,有现实原因,不可否认,但可明晰;望向自己,有自身原因,不可无视,但可认知。

    Look at the history and historical reasons , not blame , but to differentiate ; Hope to reality , have practical reasons , admittedly , but can be clear ; Hope to oneself , have their own reasons , cannot be ignored , but cognitive .