
kāi záo
  • excavate;cut;cut (a canal,tunnel,etc.);dig
开凿 [kāi záo]
  • [cut (a canal,tunnel,etc.)] 挖掘河道、隧道等

开凿[kāi záo]
  1. 中国工人夜以继日地开凿

    Chinese laborers dig day and night .

  2. 佛教徒们从公元4世纪开始,在岩边或山壁开凿洞窟,称作石窟。

    Buddhists began to dig shallow caves ( called grottoes ) into cliffs or hillside during the 4th century .

  3. 工程师须要在坚实的岩石中开凿隧道。

    The engineers had to tunnel through solid rock .

  4. 矿工们开凿了一条地道,以排出矿井里的水。

    Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines

  5. 很多运河是按照地图上的坐标线开凿的。

    Many canals were built along map grid lines .

  6. 运河开凿于1793到1797年间。

    The canal was built between 1793 and 1797

  7. 那座偏远小岛上的居民一直梦想着开凿海底隧道。

    The villagers on the remote island have been dreaming of tunnelling under the sea .

  8. 玉石匠开凿、磨光或雕刻''。'玉石'。''的人

    One who cuts , polishes , or engraves gems .

  9. 水道;灌溉水渠vt.在…开凿运河开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。

    canal Canals have been built to take water to the desert .

  10. 文中讨论了如何利用网络分层设计、地址设计与路由选择来设计企业骨干网;如何利用配置VPN相关协议、开凿VPN隧道来规划虚拟专用网;

    Many methods , such as network layering design , address design and routing are introduced to design Enterprise Backbone Network VPN 's interrelation protocol is disposed and VPN tunnel is cut to establish virtual private network .

  11. 立井冻结深度435m的开凿

    Freezing Shaft Sinking with Freezing Depth of 435m

  12. 为了建筑物的根基或而开凿挖掘的工人。

    A worker who excavates for foundations of buildings or for .

  13. 这个半岛被开凿运河来准许船只进入东方的水域。

    The peninsula was canalled to allow eastward passage for ships .

  14. 流水在冰面上开凿出条条水道

    The spill water then carves its way through the ice .

  15. 这个半岛被开凿运河,以节省船只的旅行时间。

    The peninsula was canalized to save ships traveling time .

  16. 这渠是靠红旗渠精神开凿出来的?

    The Red Flag Canal was dug by a spirit ?

  17. 纵墙门连窗墙体开凿对抗震性能的影响

    Effect of anti-earthquake of vertical walls with linking a door and window

  18. 一条新的运河正在该省开凿。

    A new canal is being dug in that province .

  19. 由于地下水位很深,开凿更多水井需要一定的时间。

    Drilling more takes time as the water table here is deep .

  20. 它是我国早期开凿的石窟之一。

    It is also among the earliest excavated Chinese grottoes .

  21. 在城市中开凿一条运河。

    Provide with a canal , as of a city .

  22. 他们从邻近的采石场开凿出石头供建造那栋房子用。

    They hewed out the stones for the building from nearby quarries .

  23. 开凿一眼泉,就是教师要终身学习。

    Cut a spring , is that teachers should be lifelong learning .

  24. 除了开凿时死去的劳工。

    Except for the workers killed while building it .

  25. 他们在为新铁路开凿一条通山隧道。

    They are digging a tunnel through the mountain for the new railway .

  26. 早在1809年,克林顿就看到了开凿这条运河的必要性。

    As early as eighteen-oh-nine , Clinton saw the need for the canal .

  27. 开凿了一条穿山隧道。

    A tunnel has been bored through the mountain .

  28. 这条运河是一百年前开凿的。

    This canal was cut out a century ago .

  29. 隧洞开凿经纬仪导线测量方法的改进

    Improvement of polygonal method by theodolite in tunnel excavation

  30. 深立井开凿实用钻爆新技术研究和应用

    Research Applying of New Useful Technology of Drilling and Explosing Deep Vertical Shaft