
  • 网络Switching transistor;Pass Transistors;RSD
  1. 双极型开关晶体管延时模型和带负载能力研究

    Study on the time delay model of the bipolar switching transistor and its loading capability

  2. 在本文中,我们研究了掺氮直拉硅单晶中工艺诱生缺陷的特点以及它们对功率二极管和开关晶体管性能的影响。

    In this paper , process-induced defects in nitrogen doped CZ silicon ( NCZ-Si ) and their influence on power diode and switching transistor characteristics are investigated .

  3. Si开关晶体管电荷存贮效应的模拟

    Simulation of Charge Storage in Silicon Switching Transistor

  4. 高电流密度GAT型功率开关晶体管的结构设计优化

    Structure Design Optimization of GAT Type Power Switching Transistors

  5. 反向开关晶体管RSD(ReverselySwitchedDynistor)是20世纪80年代由俄罗斯的科学家基于可控等离子层换流原理率先提出的一种专门应用于脉冲功率领域的新型半导体开关。

    Proposed by Russian scientists in 1980s based on the controllable plasma layer commutation principle , RSD ( reversely switched dynistor ) is a kind of new semiconductor switches specially applied to pulsed power area .

  6. 即在对数像素中增加一个开关晶体管并结合双采样电路,该技术的实施使得对数像素的读出显著的降低了FPN水平。

    This is a significantly high reduction in the FPN levels and it suggests that the double sampling technique with additional switch transistor is an efficient method for FPN reduction in the logarithmic mode of pixel output .

  7. 另一个电路,通过两个普通硅外延平面开关晶体管在雪崩区的串联运用,很容易得到输出脉冲幅度大于60V、上升时间短于ins的大幅度近似阶跃脉冲。

    The other circuit , by connecting two normal sillcon epitaxial planar transistors operated in avalanche mode in series , can easily achieve large-amplitude step like pulses with amplitude more than 60V into 50 Ω load and rise time less than Ins .

  8. 本文设计了一种新颖的电压模式非晶硅薄膜晶体管(a-SiTFT)AMOLED的像素驱动电路,该电路包含五个开关晶体管、一个驱动晶体管和一个存储电容。

    In this paper a new amorphous silicon thin-film transistor ( a-Si TFT ) pixel circuit for an active matrix organic light-emitting diode ( AMOLED ) employing a voltage programming has been proposed which consists of five switching TFTs , one driving TFT , and one capacitor .

  9. 采用高能电子束辐照技术制造高反压大功率开关晶体管

    Production of high-tension high-power switch transistors by high energy electron irradiation

  10. 应用电子辐照技术控制功率开关晶体管少子寿命的研究

    Minority Carrier Lifetime Control by Electron Irradiation for Power Switching Transistors

  11. 节能灯用功率开关晶体管的设计思路

    The Design of Power Switch Transister for Energy Saving Lamp

  12. 半桥式脉宽调制变换器高压开关晶体管集电极尖峰电压分析

    Analysis of collector voltage spikes of high-voltage switching used in half bridge converter with pulse-width modulation

  13. 文摘:本文通过对节能灯中电子镇流器关键线路的分析,介绍了节能灯电子镇流器用功率开关晶体管的选择和设计思路。

    Abstract : in this paper , by analyzing the key circuits of electronical rectification in an energy-saving lamp , the choie and design of power-switch transistor for energy-saring lamp and electronical rectification are put forward .

  14. 开关型晶体管弧焊电源浅析

    Brief analysis of the switching thyristor arc welding power source

  15. 开关型晶体管弧焊电源的研究&主电路工作过程的数学分析

    STUDY OF SWITCH-TYPE TRANSISTOR ARC WELDING POWER SOURCE & Mathematical analysis of work process of main circuit

  16. 本文就分析恒流模拟型晶体管弧焊电源效率问题着手,提出了开发开关型晶体管弧焊电源的必要性与合理性。

    Starting from analysing the efficiency of constant current analogue-type transistor arc welding power source , the authors found that it is necessary and rational to develop a switch-type transistor arc welding power source .

  17. 目前正在开展用分子器件作为开关整流器、晶体管、非线性元件、电介质、光电器件以及存储器等诸多电子学方面的研究。

    For example , current research is using molecules in such electronics applications as interconnects , switches , rectifiers , transistors , nonlinear components , dielectrics , photovoltaics , memories and so forth .

  18. 采用吉尔伯特单元为核心的混频器,前级增加输入缓冲级对本振信号进行放大,使得工作在开关状态的晶体管具有更好的开关特性,优化了混频器的线性度。

    Gilbert unit is used as the core circuit of mixer and output signal of the locate oscillator is amplified by adding an input buffer , which makes the MOSFET work on a better switching state , then the linearity performance of mixer can be improved .

  19. 与传统CDS电路相比较,所提出的CDS电路的输出采用对称列选通开关和源跟随晶体管,减少了两个电流源晶体管和一个偏置电源,有效地降低了功耗;

    Unlike conventional CDS , symmetrical transistors of both column switches and the source-follower are chosen for the output stage of the proposed CDS . In this way , two-column-load transistors and one bias power supply can be saved as to reduce the power dissipation effectively .

  20. GB/T6218-1996开关用双极型晶体管空白详细规范

    Blank detail specification for bipolar transistors for switching applications

  21. 在硬开关里场效应晶体管的开启波形拐点并不和漏源极电压值同步。

    In a hard switching mode the turning on of the MOSFET is not synchronized with the drain-source voltage value .

  22. 前阵子荷兰科学家成功创造出依靠单个电子进行开关的碳纳米管晶体管。

    A while back Dutch scientists managed to create a nanotube activated transistor that could toggle on and off with the flow of a single electron .

  23. 通常由一个电阻器或者电流源,电容器和一个“阀门”装置,如氖灯、两端交流开关、单结晶体管或者耿式效应二极管来实现。

    It is usually implemented with a resistor or current source , a capacitor , and a " threshold " device such as a neon lamp , diac unijunction transistor , or Gunn diode .

  24. 当折衷性能和总耐量与电压和电流额定值无关时,低压器件的开关特性与高压晶体管(VBr>2kV)的处理方法不同。

    Is independent of voltage and current ratings the switching characteristics of the lower voltage parts ( blocking voltage VBr < 2 kV ) is different in handling to the high-voltage transistors ( VBr > 2 kV ) .

  25. 开关电源是通过控制开关晶体管的开通与关断时间比来精确控制输出电压的一种可靠高效的电源。

    Switching Mode Power Supply ( SMPS ) is a high efficiency power supply by controlling the open and off time accurately .