
kāi tuò zhě
  • pioneer;pathfinder;godfather
开拓者[kāi tuò zhě]
  1. 这一唱段抒发了一个开拓者的壮志豪情。

    This aria expresses ( or conveys ) the resolve and aspiration ideals of a pioneer .

  2. 介绍我去露营的朋友们认为这意味着要成为一个开拓者。

    The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer .

  3. 苹果是早期殖民地开拓者来的时候带过来的。

    The apple was brought over here by the colonists when they came .

  4. 该公司是计算机技术的开拓者。

    The company is a pathfinder in computer technology .

  5. 开拓者在黄金欲的诱惑下,继续奋力向前。

    Lured by the lust of gold , the pioneers pushed forward .

  6. 开拓者在一百多年前就开发了这块土地。

    The pioneers opened up this land over a hundred years ago .

  7. 头几年里,殖民地开拓者觉得生活艰难。

    In the first few year , the colonizer find life difficult .

  8. 开拓者在黄金的诱惑下,继续奋力向前

    Lured by the lust of gold , the pioneers pushed onward .

  9. 他的专业领域包括基于web的系统软件体系结构、分析、设计和开发,而且他已经成为新兴技术的前沿开拓者。

    His areas of expertise include web based system software architecture , analysis , design , and development , and he has been a frontier exploiter of emerging technologies .

  10. 汉森是DVD行业的开拓者,并仍在生产DVD和CD。

    Hansen was a pioneer in the DVD business , and still produces DVDs and compact disks .

  11. n.苦难饥饿,寒冷,病育是开拓者生活中苦难的一部分。……

    tribulation Hunger , cold , and sickness were among the tribulations of pioneer life .......

  12. 作为“中国公司”(ChinaInc)史上最大对外投资的发起者,这家企业将希望避免中国一些早期开拓者的不愉快经历。

    The company behind China Inc 's biggest outward investment bid will be hoping to avoid the unhappy experiences suffered by some of the country 's earlier trailblazers .

  13. 很多SOA开拓者们停止了他们的脚步,因为IT组织没有管理服务开发,导致了没有发布或不可维护的服务的增殖。

    Many SOA initiatives have stopped in their tracks because IT organizations are not governing service development , which results in a proliferation of services that are not publishable or maintainable .

  14. CJ·麦科勒姆的迅速成长,为他打下了明星的声望,也帮他拿到了开拓者1.06亿的续约。

    CJ McCollum 's rapid rise to stardom earned him a $ 106 million contract extension with the Portland Trail Blazers .

  15. 通过无线数据卡,一些开拓者将笔记本电脑与3G技术成功挂钩,但第一代3G手机的多媒体功能少之又少。

    Some road warriors procured wireless data cards to hook their laptops up to the new network , but the first wave of 3G phones didn 't offer much of a multimedia experience .

  16. MITOCW是开放教育资源运动的开拓者和带动者,其成功经验值得我国国家精品课程借鉴。

    MIT OCW Project is the pioneer of Open Educational Resources Movement , from which our Chinese Quality Open Courseware can learn the successful experience .

  17. 你们都听说了莫·易卜拉欣博士(Dr.MoIbrahim)的故事。他是一个有远见的人,一个开拓者,在其他人不愿问津的情况下,他却愿意投资开发非洲的潜能。原因何在?

    You all know the story of Dr. Mo Ibrahim , a visionary and a pioneer willing to invest in the untapped potential of Africa when others were not . Why ?

  18. 我们是开拓者的球迷,所以最终感到有点不真实,但是让我们激发Dame心中的,相信没有人能阻止开拓者。

    We 're blazers fans so ultimately this feels a little unreal , but let 's channel some inner Dame and believe nobody can stop this team .

  19. 周一晚上在西部决赛第四场比赛中,金州勇士队在加时赛以119-117击败波特兰开拓者队,连续第五次进入NBA总决赛。

    The Golden State Warriors have earned their fifth straight trip to the NBA Finals after beating the Portland Trail Blazers 119-117 in overtime of Game 4 of the Western Conference finals on Monday night .

  20. 波特兰开拓者在防守上轮换转位实在太差防不住Aguirre和Blackman

    Well , I know that the Portland defense is way too weak in transition to stop Aguirre and Blackman .

  21. 跳投和不断攻击篮筐,这是选秀日球队将未来的全明星球员布兰登-罗伊(BrandonRoy)交易到开拓者换来弗耶和一些现金时想要的球员类型。

    Shooting and attacking the rim from the jump , this is the kind of player the team envisioned when it traded future All-Star Brandon Roy to Portland on draft night for Foye and cash .

  22. 雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官梅里莎•梅尔(MarissaMayer)最初被称赞为一位开拓者,能够挽救这家科技和传媒集团。

    Marissa Mayer , chief executive of Yahoo , which last week revealed it had suffered the biggest-known data breach to date , was initially hailed as a trailblazer who could rescue the technology and media company .

  23. 周三雄鹿队以43分的优势战胜了开拓者队(公平地说,这是纽约尼克斯VS密尔沃基雄鹿背靠背之后的第二场比赛,也是雄鹿队连续六场客场之旅中的第五场比赛)。

    It was certainly in the air after the Bucks chewed them up in a 43-point win on Wednesday ( which , to be fair , was the second game of a New York-Milwaukee back-to-back and the fifth of six straight games on the road . )

  24. SAAS模式的出现,使得网络信息就像人们用电一样,采用租赁方式来获取,客户信息和客户的经验策略也将会象租赁一样来应用,CRM也成为这个业务的开拓者。

    SAAS model emerged ; making network information like the people to " power ", as used to obtain the lease , customer information and customer experience strategy will also be the same as the lease to apply . CRM has become a pioneer in this business .

  25. 我们正在与开拓者谁不这样做的电影通常只商品,但他们相信如此热情的TRON的机会,他们在帮助我们做出伟大的产品跳下。

    We 're working exclusively with trailblazers who normally do not do movie merchandise , but they believed so passionately in TRON that they jumped at the chance to help us make great products .

  26. 在这个优先级反转场景中,低优先级的任务占有着高优先级任务需要的资源(这个问题出现在使用风河公司VxWorks系统的火星开拓者探测器上)。

    In this priority inversion scenario , a lower-priority task holds a resource that a higher-priority task requires . ( This problem occurred on Mars in the Pathfinder probe using Wind River 's VxWorks . )

  27. 这就是我对那些否定我的人的回应。这一预测比上赛季开拓者的41胜多了三场,但是如果事情完全像RPM预测那样发展(显然他们并不会),波特兰这赛季就无法进入季后赛。

    I respond to all dms . This projection is for nearly three more wins than the 41 the Blazers actually had last season , but if things play out exactly as RPM forecasts ( they won 't ) , that wouldn 't be enough to get Portland to the playoffs .

  28. 上周,备受争议的火箭前锋发表了对科比的批评,话语中暗示他甚至不如开拓者的领军人物布兰登-罗伊或者“一个从Queensbridge(位于纽约)来的家伙”出色。

    Last week , the controversial Houston forward appeared to diss Bryant , suggesting that he wasn 't even as good as Portland standout Brandon Roy , or " a guy from my hood from Queensbridge " .

  29. 作为女性她在自己的领域一直是位开拓者。

    She 's been a trailblazer for women in her field .

  30. 美国的早期开拓者只能在原始的条件下生活。

    America 's early settlers had to live in primitive conditions .