
  • 网络tire valve
  1. Tim从车上拿出一条管子并把它插在轮胎气门嘴上。

    Tim takes a tube out of the car and sticks it on the tire valve .

  2. 轮胎气门嘴是汽车行业的重要组成部件,在工业生产中具有广阔的市场需求。

    Tyre valves are important constituent elements and have wide market requirements in industry production .

  3. GB/T12839-1997轮胎气门嘴术语及其定义

    Tyre valves & Terms and definitions

  4. GB/T9766-1994轮胎气门嘴试验方法

    Test method for tyre valve

  5. 轮胎气门嘴孔位置不正

    Tyre valve hole misalignment

  6. 本实用新型可直接装于机动车轮胎气门嘴上,结构简单,安装方便,造价低。

    The alarm air valve can be directly installed on the inflating valve of an automobile tyre , and has simple structure , convenient installation and low cost .